Should Lord Curtmungus leave A&

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Get the knives out boys!  It’s Lamb for DINNER tonight!

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    Keep rolling ones, crushing beers, flipping tables and pulverizing dice!

  • AHhhh, yeah, I think that some of those “I’m a wolf” votes need to be corrected to “I am a hen” votes…

    Come on people!

    Learn from the Russians!

    Во́лка но́ги ко́рмят!

  • Also, just so you guys know I am not some monster, and that I have a home and friends, here is a family photo a typical day at the Mungus house.

    Rage and Honor

  • …ehmm…

  • A belated welcome to the forum Curtmungus ….

    All are welcome.

    No apology for objecting to the one instance of bad language though. Let’s keep this forum a place that everyone can enjoy.

  • '21 '20 '18 '17

    Anyone who has played that game now knows you ARE an inhuman monster…as no normal person could keep that game intact and the masts standing without inhuman powers.  Or a pirate hat, its the hat right?

  • '17 '16

    I have that game somewhere up in my attic… in an attic in Florida, it might have melted into some sort of blob… dunno, it’s been up there for over a decade.

  • Don’t leave A&A.

  • That picture only confirms what i figured somebody called Curtmiffins would look like

  • '17 '16


    That picture only confirms what i figured somebody called Curtmiffins would look like

    But I couldn’t figure out which one was Curt…

  • It doesn’t matter to me. the whole picture is so bizarre… its all the same

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

    Is that a Long John Silver’s hat?

    Does that chain even exist anymore?

    I’d say the other guy is drinking some Schlitz Malt?  Or is that Colt 45?

    What was this photo taken?  1978?

    Love the flower wallpaper and grape nuts, though.  You truly are a champion for that, Curthungus.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    This is fake news!!!

    I found this photo on board game geek!  Curtmungus has fooled us all!

  • Sponsor


    This is fake news!!!

    I found this photo on board game geek!  Curtmungus has fooled us all!

    Imposible, nobody would ever claim to be one of the guys in that photo if it were not true.

  • '19 '17 '16


    Curtmungus - The only openly LGBTQ member of the A& society - is constantly met with  hostility, Judgement, and beratement; At worse, his only crime has been the colourful use of language on ONE occasion.

    I don’t know where this has ever come up and who cares?

  • '17 '16


    Is that a Long John Silver’s hat?

    Does that chain even exist anymore?

    Yes, still around, over a thousand stores nation-wide… though that hat is dated… more on that…


    I’d say the other guy is drinking some Schlitz Malt? Or is that Colt 45?

    Irrelevant… but there’s a lot to date this picture on…


    What was this photo taken? 1978?

    You’re getting warmer, but Broadsides and Boarding Parties was first released in 1984, so no… too-soon…


    Love the flower wallpaper and grape nuts, though…

    Okay, now we’re talking… the flower wallpaper and wood paneling, the pastel stove… that’s clearly a trailer home by layout and design… and that’s a 1970s decorated trailer home…

    Things that date this picture besides the trailer home, the game… Broadsides and Boarding parties… was released in 1984, so that picture can be no sooner than that… the biggest clue? The Grape Nuts… cereal boxes have certain designs over the years, that make definitive changes as the years go on and aren’t repeated… that particular box was designed in 1982 and was replaced (if I’m not mistaken by my research), in 1985… so this picture was almost certainly taken between 1984 and 1985, unless someone is into collecting vintage cereal boxes from the 80s and keep them displayed in their kitchen in 2017. I’m sure if I blew up the 16-oz can, I can tell (by can design) what year it is from that as well.

    So this picture is at least a good 30 years or more old. If Curt is in this picture (debatable), its what he looked like 30 years ago.

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    Great Caesar’s ghost, that’s some darn fine detective work Batman!

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Well hold on a second there General Veers, and Wolfshanze.  Whilst I agree with the summation of the information and the natural appearance of the photo… I do have some questions of my own!

    Look at the size of the aluminium can he is drinking from.  It looks like a modern day energy drink - and I’m not convinced those can sizes existed in 1984!?

    Further, that water jug/milk jug in the background.   Whilst I believe they were invented in 1967, I don’t recall them being commonplace until the later 80’s/early 90’s.  I recall the Milk Bag being most common in the 80’s! (Perhaps a canadian Heritage thing?)

    Upon further research, Milk Jugs/Cartons are color coded worldwide.  That plastic milk jug, has a green lid, and was thus likely once filled with skimmed milk.

    Who invented the Color Coded Milk system? and more importantly… “when”?  Without these answers we can surely never know the truth.

  • '17 '16

    Gargantua… first, you’re not funny.

    Even though you KNOW it’s a dated picture, i’ll go ahead and debunk you.

    To start off, you have no answer for the most damning evidence, the fact he has a 1980s Post Grape Nuts cereal box in a clearly 1970s decorated trailer home, playing a game from 1984… I won’t even mention the feathered hair of the guy on the left.

    Next, gallon water jugs existed and were in-use in the 1980s, when this shot was taken. I had them myself back then.

    Finally, you need to get your eyes checked… there’s no energy drink on the market with that design… I will fill you in to finally put your idiotic defense to rest.

    Ladies and Gentleman of the court, I am pleased to announce we have magnified the can and have clearly identified make, design and year.

    That is the silver on the top, white on the bottom, blue bull in the middle, proudly named SCHLITZ logo on the top… and that design is the 1984 Schlitz Stout Malt Liquor 16oz can.

    1984 Gentlemen… I rest my case. Curt tried to pawn-off a 30 year old picture, which has been clearly identified and dated.


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