So I feel I should preface this post by saying I have been playing Axis and Allies 1940 Global 2nd edition for about two years now. I have also been perusing this forum looking at a few strategies for Germany, but most are too specific, I am looking for something more broad, perhaps tenets? I have also watched a lot of Young Grasshopper on YouTube, so I know about the devastating Taranto raid and the J1 attack. I am still a bit of a novice when it comes to exactly what to do with Germany though.
Below is just a brain dump of all my leanings towards what Germany should do. If you disagree with me, please correct me, for I am just looking for different opinions on these topics.
Germany starts out in a unique position at the start of the game, because, they start the game. Since you go first, you get to set the tone of the game, and the allies have to react to what you do.
I am a believer that Sea Lion should not be attempted by Germany, and that instead they should use all their resources to go after Russia. I understand the benefits of Sea Lion, or even the benefits of just threatening it (by buying a carrier, transports, etc.) but I feel that any money Germany spends on a navy is wasted because they will not be able to compete with America and Britain for naval superiority, and even if they do, then they won’t have enough money left to buy enough land units to deal with Russia. Germany simply cannot let Russia collect 37 IPCs turn after turn, as Russia will be buying infantry and tanks and artillery, they will outnumber the Germans and even if they don’t become aggressive, Moscow will be safe from the German army. Germany just does not have the resources to go after both Britain and Russia simultaneously. Now before everyone tells me that the reason to do Sea Lion is to force the US and UK to spend their income to counter Germany, and because they have to spend their money on Germany, Japan will be unchecked in the pacific, I know. But the point of this post is to achieve victory in Europe, not the Pacific.
So how should Germany go about attacking Russia? Well, they should start out turn one buy buying ten infantry, doing the usual moves of attacking France and the British fleet, pull that trick in Yugoslavia where you attack it with one man from Romania and the 6 from Bavaria and retreat into Romania to get those six troops closer to Russia turn one. Then you move that 11 infantry from Germany over to Poland, consolidate forces and just walk all those infantry from East Poland, to Belarus, passing Leningrad on the way which the Russians will probably abandon, and by turn 6 you should have Moscow. Every purchase you make up until that point should be focused on capturing Moscow, turn one is the only time you buy a slow unit like infantry. You want to have every unit available to you attacking Moscow, and if you have extra IPCs, you buy infantry to defend against possible landings because you have no fleet.
(can someone tell me how the Italian can opener works too?)
Now that is my basic plan for Germany, and I’ve had moderate success with it, although I will say a lot of times it comes down to the dice in the Moscow battle. So what suggestions do you all have to improve this plan? How bad is it? Is there anything redeemable about it? Please let me know, I can’t wait to read your responses, thanks.