Destroyers delay the removal of sub casualties, allowing them to fire back in their normal step even if they are hit by a sub. However, both attacking and defending subs always fire in the Opening Fire step, so a defending sub will return fire even if it is hit, regardless of the presence of destroyers. This is because fire within a step is simultaneous. In effect, the presence of a destroyer only affects the ability of surface vessels to return fire when hit by subs.
Question about NA
For the Russian national advantage, can an IC still produce units on the turn it was moved?
Yes, but only there where it was moved and only the IPC amount of the place. So if you moved to 2ipc place, you could only get 2 units on that factory. I think you already know this, but no harm in repeating :)
I found the rule on Avalon’s site…so I’m set. Thanks for the reply. :-)
OK…a new question.
If UK and US BOTH take an original Axis territory with Joint Strike…who gets the territory? The US? Or can the two players choose which one gets the territory?
US turn = US gets it… That is how I have played it…