Wow look at this game! called: MedioEvo Universalis

  • Update logo…


    Possibility to divide the map in 15 Parts and create up to 35 combinations playable from 3 to 10 players:

    More info and images:

  • This looks really interesting. #Following!

  • THX IWillNeverGrowUp  :-D






  • At “PISA GIOCA 2010” I knew Rhodry that she is helping me with some drawings of the game … After the ANGEL (for more information on this click here:, I asked her to help me with coins … I thought using the florin ( as the currency exchange in the game because in the second half of the thirteenth century. it was widely used.

    Here the original florin:

    Here are some initial drafts and some steps of work:

    And here a first draft of the final idea of coins:

    The first two coins are respectively the white “cross” and “head” … I put the value on the cross… being forced to manage exorbitant amount of money I can’t use the money system of that historical period:

    1 gold florin = 20 “popolino” (big silver florin) = 40 “soldi”; also there was a little florin = 1/12 “soldo”.

    Instead of the original texts on the “cross” I have replaced the “FLORENTIA” with the value (1-5-10-50-100-500-1000) and on “head” I have replaced “S. IOHANNES B.” " with the name of the game (MEDIO EVO UNIVERSALIS). The coins will also be different colors to differentiate the materials:

    value 1 = copper
    value 5-10 = iron
    value 50-100 = silver
    value 500-1000 = gold

    I think they will be the same size if I will make the metal coins because I must pay for every different dimension of mold… 4 different dimensions + 7 different “cross” = 11 different molds.
    If they have the same size I must pay only 1 “head” + 7 “cross”.
    Some examples:

    If I will make the plastic or cardboard coins I will surely make 4 different dimensions.
    Current coins:

    Here below tests about new money for this prototype:

    1° test

    2° test

    … and even coins are finished … Despite some hitches, now I have coins PERFECTLY EQUAL to Rhodry’s draw:

    Here is one of the molds:

    More info:

  • These coins are very attractive designs.  Regarding your value table (1 = copper, 5-10 = iron, 50-100 = silver, 500-1000 = gold), there’s something I’m wondering about.  I don’t have any expertise in numismatics, but I’m just wondering if iron was commonly used for coinage in the ancient world.  Plain iron rusts easily.  Even steel rusts unless it’s stainless steel, and I don’t think stainless steel existed in the ancient world.  In any case, iron is more difficult to use than the other metals that were known in ancient times because it usually has to be hot-worked, which would have complicated the process for minting coins.

  • @CWO:

    These coins are very attractive designs.  Regarding your value table (1 = copper, 5-10 = iron, 50-100 = silver, 500-1000 = gold), there’s something I’m wondering about.  I don’t have any expertise in numismatics, but I’m just wondering if iron was commonly used for coinage in the ancient world.  Plain iron rusts easily.  Even steel rusts unless it’s stainless steel, and I don’t think stainless steel existed in the ancient world.  In any case, iron is more difficult to use than the other metals that were known in ancient times because it usually has to be hot-worked, which would have complicated the process for minting coins.

    I make this money only for my boardgame, I decide a decimal system and different materials for each value only for the boardgame, but it’s an unhistorical version… the true florin is made of gold 24 carat.

    The Very high purchasing power of money requires the use of various submultiples, such as the silver florin (also called “grosso” or “popolino”, the first variable value equal to 1/20 of the gold florin, but later devalued to touch during the second half of the sixteenth century., the 1/150 of the gold coin value) and copper florin, also called “black florin” for the color that took over time, the value (at least initially) of 1/240 of its golden florin, ie 1/12 of the silver florin.

  • Convention PLAY 2016: this is the deluxe version of my prototype with the 3D map:






    As soon as possible I will add more photos  ;)

  • It does look incredible! Tell us when and where we can buy it.

  • @Private:

    It does look incredible! Tell us when and where we can buy it.

    THX Private Panic  :-D

    The crowdfunding campaign on and will start in november 2016 by GiochiX.

    More info:

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Wow, I just saw this for the first time. This game is a work of art. I will be on the look out for this one in November.

    Please make this game with miniatures. I’m so glad, I’m came across this thread. :-D

  • '17 '16

    Everything in the pics looks awesome… the miniatures, the 3D map, even the unit trays (with the little swords… how do I grab a piece without slicing my finger off?!?).

    Having said that…

    If/when this game goes commercial, its either going to be super-crazy expensive (the miniatures, the 3D map and unit trays with little swords), or what we’re seeing in the pictures is not what we’d be getting (a much cheaper board, cardboard counters instead of miniatures, much simpler unit trays or ziplock bags?).

    What’s in the pictures is TRUELY a work of art and a lot of love… but works of art and a lot of love is hard to mass produce at cost effectiveness… So will the final version indeed be what we see in the pictures (if so, this must be very expensive), or will there be cost cutting measures put in to make it more affordable to the marketplace?

    How will the final product compare with what we’re seeing in the above pictures?

  • John Brown and Wolfschanze thank you for the compliments  :-D

    The deluxe version of the boardgame with 3D map is my personal idea for my house… also I use it during conventions.

    The base set for 3-5 players that will be marketed will cost about 100 Euros, it will have miniatures, but it will not have the deluxe components (3D map, metal coins, little swords)… only “standard” components.

    More information about the prototype version similar to the commercial version (in italian, sorry):

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    John Brown and Wolfschanze thank you for the compliments  :-D

    The deluxe version of the boardgame with 3D map is my personal idea for my house… also I use it during conventions.

    The base set for 3-5 players that will be marketed will cost about 100 Euros, it will have miniatures, but it will not have the deluxe components (3D map, metal coins, little swords)… only “standard” components.

    More information about the prototype version similar to the commercial version (in italian, sorry):

    Thank you Veldriss for the info. :-)

  • I’m starting a big project …;)
    And if I could produce the 3D map in series with the costs, but above all of the times “reduced”?  :-D :-D :-D

    I made a simulation with a CNC machine for woodworking (and similar such as MDF, OSB, particleboard, plywood, etc.) and I have tried to simulate the working of a MDF panel of 30 mm. thickness, 3-axis machining with the various tools … here is a first result applies to England:


  • '17 '16 '15 '12

    hopefully this is still going on, I cant imagine not having this game at home!

  • @alexgreat:

    hopefully this is still going on, I cant imagine not having this game at home!

    Giochix should launch crowdfunding campaign on and at the end of 2016.
    I am preparing a list of miniateres in 3 different versions: minimal, medium and full…

    This is the first draft, but I still think a couple of days:

  • I started the long process of re-reading of all the historical information gathered so far to extract the greatest number of ideas that will then, after having been revised and supplemented with possession of TECHNOLOGIES, the creation of the largest possible number of CARDS EVENTS historicized.

    In this first phase will put a link to a thread to which I refer in order to quickly access the full text in case I had doubts, under the text extrapolated from the discussion itself and under the idea that will help me in the second phase to create the drafts of the new CARDS EVENTS historicized.

    More info here:

  • It is not a video much, but I upload the same for those who had never seen the 3D map Live :)

  • #crowdfunding #boardgame #medioevouniversalis


    it is with great pleasure that I can finally announce the start of the crowdfunding campaign on and !!!

    23/11/2016 !!! SPREAD THE WORD !!!

  • I’ll be there on day one!

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