• Want to introduce anyone new the wonderfull game of A&A?

    They can now start by playing the TripleA Tutorial!
    A campaign on the Europe map using revised rules explaining all game basics, units, rules and a bit of strategy.


  • Testplayers needed!

    Please play this tutorial and report any issues you might find or opinions about it.
    Feedback is greatly appreciated!
    Please, if possible upload a savegame when you’re done.

    Thx Zjelco

  • @Zjelco:

    Want to introduce anyone new the wonderfull game of A&A?

    They can now start by playing the TripleA Tutorial!
    A campaign on the Europe map using revised rules explaining all game basics, units, rules and a bit of strategy.

    First of all, I am sure that your tutorial deserves some more attention.  :-)

    But what is the reasoning behind using the outdated revised ruleset?

    If I wanted to introduce someone new to Axis and Allies I would use 1941 or 1942, 2nd. edition.

    Do you plan to let the player decide which ruleset to use?

  • Hi Panther,

    Well we have been debating which ruleset to use for this.
    Myself I’m no rule-expert and can’t tell one set from the other.

    However Revised seems the most popular in the online lobby,
    and the map itself is fairly basic.
    This seemed to offer the best starting-point for a newby.

    Unfortunately the ruleset cannot be changed and all gamenotes and popups would have to be altered.

  • @Zjelco:

    Hi Panther,

    Well we have been debating which ruleset to use for this.
    Myself I’m no rule-expert and can’t tell one set from the other.

    However Revised seems the most popular in the online lobby,
    and the map itself is fairly basic.
    This seemed to offer the best starting-point for a newby.

    Unfortunately the ruleset cannot be changed and all gamenotes and popups would have to be altered.

    I understand, thank you for answering.

    However, the vast majority of games played on this forum (“play by forum”) appear to be Global 1940 2nd ed., followed by 1942 2nd. ed.
    So on this platform an introduction to the latest ruleset (probably starting with 1941 for absolute beginners) would be perfect.

    Anyway, your tutorial looks great and it is really fun to go through it. Thank you  :-)

  • Well all the rulesets are pretty confusing to me as well.
    What I believe would help is one file (excel or website) that lists all the main Rulesets and their differences.
    New players can then easily see what is different for a specific map.

    I bet it is already out there. Anyone have any good resources or examples of this?
    Know this one: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/TripleA#Version_rules

    Not sure it is complete…
    Probably is very confusing and useless to a new player.

  • @Zjelco:

    I bet it is already out there. Anyone have any good resources or examples of this?

    The only one I know about is this one:


    I am not sure if new players would care about rules of older games, though.

  • Thx for that resource. It is exactly what I was looking for and offers good inspiration.

    Regularly run in to people asking question about rules, also of older games.
    Specifically also about map-specific rules.
    The plan is to make an interactive database where you can search on ruleset and on map-name.
    Would also include an explanation of all gameoptions.

    Fairly big project but could be of great use to TripleA players and beyond.
    Anyone willing to help out filling the database is welcome!

  • Hi Zjelco

    I thought it worth echoing P@nther’s suggestion that any tutorial be based on 1941 (or 1942.2). Revised is an old version that I have never played.

    I have now taught this game to 18 people (at a rough count) and always start with 1941 with the aim of moving from there to 1942.2 when/if requested - and hopefully 1940 Global after that. I believe that represents the usual progression: 1941 to 1942.2 to 1940. It is the path that I took.

    If asked to start with anything more complex that 1941 I will usually resist that call.

    A tutorial based on 1941 would be a really big help. Also 1942.2 as players move along the above path. No doubt too late with this message! :-(


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