I have been playing a game I bought form HBG (WWII Europe & Pac). They have changed how air units fight based more on what it rolls. Just a thought, but instead of adding in more combined arms, or a separate air to air step, maybe look at changing what an air unit hits based on what is rolled. This isn’t exactly what they did, but I hope you get the point (change it as you see fit).
Take a ftr, you want better air to air, but probably a little weaker against ground and navy.
Have ftrs attack/def values be the same at 4 or less (never really got why a ftr on def got a better roll). Rolls of 1-2 must be applied to opposing air unit (no opposing air then 1’s and 2’s are ignored so it is weaker vs ground/navy). Rolls of 3-4 can be applied to any unit def still chooses (including air). This makes the ftr primarily an air to air unit, and is weaker vs ground/navy. You could also stick with ftrs rolling at 1-2 in SBR as escorts/interceptors (rolls of 3-4 would be ignored).
Tacs should be better against navy and ground units (and choose targets to a point), but weaker vs other air units. Keeping the combined arms in place tacs stay a 3/3 unit and still get a +1 when attacking and paired w/a ftr or tank. Rolls of 1-2 def chooses causalities. Roll a 3 and hit is applied to ground or naval units only. Rolls of 4 are targeted (w/combined arms) and attacker chooses the ground or naval unit (keep in mind that rolls of 3-4 can’t hit other planes, so it is weaker vs air).
Nerf Srats down to say a 2/1 unit (maybe 3/1) in normal battles, but give them a bonus when doing SBR of up to 4 or less (like they should be).
I have also played games where defending carrier’s roll at 2 (every round), but hits are applied only to air units (AA def). This allows for some fleet AA w/o having to pair up ships etc……and I don’t think too many ships were sunk by carrier guns, they would be targeting enemy planes so it make more sense (to me anyway).
Could also do split rolls for other units: Give art anti tank ability. Rolls of 2 are normal, but rolls of 1 and tanks are chosen before other ground units.
I have already developed in an older version of HR units something nearer the OOB aircraft units.
Without restricting any specific number such as “1” or “2” against plane:
a specific roll hits planes first, it is still possible to take any other units as casualty if there is no plane available.
It is simpler than what you suggest (which is original and clearly a new idea on this forum).
The main drawback is about a given number means something for TcB and something else for Fighter.
Your idea has more details to remember about a given “1” “2” or “4” rolls.
Maybe this can be an interesting variation which provides a better incentive to put at risk some costlier Aircrafts against ground and other defending planes:
TANK A3-4 D3-4 M2 Cost 6
Can Blitz or allow Mechanized Infantry and Mechanized Artillery to blitz on 1:1 or 1:1:1 basis.
Gives +1A/D to Mechanized Artillery when paired 1:1 with
Gets A4 or D4 from Tactical Bomber when paired 1:1 with
Both bonus can work at the time.
FIGHTER A3 D4 M4 Cost 8
hits enemy’s planes on “1” or “2” roll, or even “3” roll for up to 3 Fg units if an operational Air Base is present.
Gives +1 Attack or +1 Defense to 1 Tactical Bomber if paired 1:1 with.
SBR/TcBR Attack @2, Defend @2, or even defend @3 for up to 3 Fgs if an operational Air Base is present.
Can hit submarines without ASV.
hits enemy’s planes on a “1” roll,
Gets A4 or D4 when paired 1:1 to a Fighter unit or when there is no enemy’s aircraft.
Gives +1 Attack/defense to any Tank unit paired 1:1
Both bonus can work same time.
SBR/TcBR attack @1,
Allowed to do escorting mission for StBs without doing TcBR on AB or NB,
Cannot do interception mission on defense,
TcBR damage: 1D6.
Can hit submarines without ASV.
This make for 8-9-10 IPCs Aircrafts.
The older idea suggested a lower cost because of the higher attrition rate amongst planes.
Do you think it can still be viable at G40 OOB cost: 10, 11, 12 IPCs (there is so much more money in Global, after all)?
However, from the number you picked in your examples, I can say that you really prefer 1 or 2 out of 6.
So do you think that a Fighter defending at 3 and targeting enemy’s aircrafts is way too much overpowered?
The top ceiling should be at most: attack or defense at 2 against enemy’s planes, right?
I think you have a good point about the axis air being over powering in G40, the game I’ve been playing has far fewer aircraft (and I’m just getting my feet wet). Maybe go with ftrs as a 3/3 unit (in attack/def). Only rolls of 1 are applied to enemy air units in regular battles (2-3 def choice). 1’s would still be ignored when enemy has no air units. That way you could still force Russian or UK air units into battle but attrition wouldn’t be as hard on them. It would still suck for China, but hopefully they have many inf w/flying tiger firing at those Japanese planes so an air sweep would hurt. Plus you could give China an AA gun at set-up to help (they should get one IMO regardless).
What do you mean here?
That way you could still force Russian or UK air units into battle but attrition wouldn’t be as hard on them.
According to the maths below (which is only for a single round of fire during SBR), I believe that such Defending Fighter @3 is doing too much damage on the attacking side, over multiple combat rounds, attacker with mostly bombers (attacking @4) will loose all his fleet against such Fighters.
The negative value is probably higher, since it doesn’t consider AAA firing @1 first against all incoming planes, not just StBs.
In addition, the positive value will be lower, since a bomber will probably inflict +3 IPCs (Inf) or +4 IPCs (Art) damage in a single round, on the first rounds of the battle, at least. It is lower than a 5.5 (1D6+2 avg) IPCs/rnd or even a +7 (2D6 avg) IPCs/rnd damage on IC.
A Bomber needs to hit on 2 successive rounds to be around the average damage on IC.
I wouldn’t have think about it without ShadowHAwk commentaries on the special Fighter unit which can directly hit other planes.
I basically used the OOB reverse value of Fg (A3 D4) and TcB (A4 D3) and I subtracted 1 Off/Def point.
An incentive was mandatory to risk more valuable planes into battle with grounds and aircrafts.
Also, with a high defense @3 for Fg, I believe it is necessary to have plenty rooms for air Fodder, hence the 3-planes Carrier and cheaper cost.
Also, it is a really big deterrent against SBR, that’s why Fg and TcB gets A2 when doing SBR escort.
I kept a low @1 for bomber, since their main function is to bombard ICs with D6+2 each.
The lower 10 IPCs StB cost can somehow slightly compensate but not entirely for riskier SBR raid.
For 6 StB you pay 60 IPCs instead of 72 IPCs.
On average, you lost 1/6 StB and make 5/6 D6+2 damage (5.5 IPCs).
5.5 x 5 = 27.5 IPCs minus 12 IPCs = + 15.5 IPCs net damage for 72 IPCs investment: 21.5% return on investment after 6 SBRs,
5.5 x 5 = 27.5 IPCs minus 10 IPCs = + 17.5 IPCs net damage for 60 IPCs investment. 29.2% return on investment after 6 SBRs.
However, this doesn’t consider the higher risk of even a single interceptor @3.
Here is the summary for this very special House Rule :
Global40 SBR HRules : 1 StB doing SBR without interceptor, damage 1D6+2 / damage 2D6
Sum: + 4.583 - 2 = +2.583 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: + 5.833 - 2 = +3.833 IPCs damage/SBR run
StB at 10 IPCs / Fg at 8 IPCs:
Sum: + 4.583 - 1.667 = +2.916 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: + 5.833 - 1.667 = +4.166 IPCs damage/SBR run
G40 SBR HRules :1 StB A1 vs 1 Fg D3
Sum: + 4.213 - 7 = - 2.787 IPC. damage/SBR run Sum: + 4.908 - 7 = - 2.092 IPC damage/SBR run
StB at 10 IPCs / Fg at 8 IPCs:
Sum: + 3.879 - 5.833 = - 1.954 IPC damage/SBR run Sum: + 4.574 - 5.833 = - 1.259 IPC damage/SBR run
G40 SBR HR: **1 StB A1 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D3
Sum: +2.813- 9.5 = - 6.687 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: +3.125 - 9.5 = - 6.375 IPCs damage/SBR run
StB at 10 IPCs / Fg at 8 IPCs:
Sum: +2.479 - 7.917 = - 5.438 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: +2.791 -7.917 = - 5.126 IPCs damage/SBR run
G40 SBR HR: 1 StB A1 & 1 Fg A2 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D3
Sum: + 8.438 - 12 = - 3.562 IPC damage/SBR run Sum: + 9.375 - 12 = - 2.625 IPC damage/SBR run
StB at 10 IPCs / Fg at 8 IPCs:
Sum: + 7.438 - 9.75 = - 2.312 IPC damage/SBR run Sum: + 8.375 - 9.75 = - 1.375 IPC damage/SBR run
G40 SBR HR: 2 StBs A1 doing SBR against 2 intercepting Fgs D3
Sum: +7.918 - 14 = - 6.082 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: +9.168 - 14 = - 4.832 IPCs damage/SBR run
StB at 10 IPCs / Fg at 8 IPCs:
Sum: +6.531 - 11.667 = - 5.136 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: +8.5 - 11.667 = - 3.167 IPCs damage/SBR run
G40 HR: 1 StB A1 & 1 Fg A2 doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fgs D3
Sum: + 9.027 - 7 = + 2.027 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: + 10.277 - 7 = + 3.277 IPCs damage/SBR run
StB at 10 IPCs / Fg at 8 IPCs:
Sum: + 8.139 - 5.666 = + 2.473 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: + 9.389 - 5.666 = + 3.723 IPCs damage/SBR run
G40 SBR HR: 2 StBs A1 doing SBR against 1 intercepting Fgs D3
Sum: +9.931 - 9 = + 0.931 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: +11.806 - 9 = + 2.806 IPCs damage/SBR run
StB at 10 IPCs / Fg at 8 IPCs:
Sum: +9.319 - 7.5 = + 1.819 IPCs damage/SBR run Sum: +11.194 - 7.5 = + 3.694 IPCs damage/SBR run