Hi just wondering if there are any Axis and Allies players in Atlantic Canada out there?
Looking for Kansas City area players
I live in northeast KC (just outside Liberty) and am looking to find someone to play with. I’m up for traveling as far as Independence/Blue Springs, Saint Joe and Overland Park/Olathe. Might be willing to go as far as Lawrence. Anybody interested in getting a game going? Ideally I’d like a recurring game of some kind (schedule to be flexible), but will take anything I can get.
I’m north of Salina, KS. Too far I know, but hope you find someone
Recently found this post. Live in Kearney. Typically play custome global game or HBG’s global. What type of games you looking to play Toffels?
Just registered. I live in Olathe and own 1942 2nd edition. Would definitely be down for a game, send me a PM or reply. Global would be awesome as well, my schedule is pretty open.
Hello, I would prefer to use the Triple A Axis and Allies software and play online, instead of the boardgame. I have built a huge 10 vs 10 player map for a diehard like me. I would also prefer to use Teamspeak or Mumble and some kind of headset setup so can talk while playing. Not really interested in playing the board game and I live in south KC area, go chiefs!!
New to this forum and just discovered 1940 Global a couple months ago. Not new to AA, been playing the original version since it came out. Live just south of Blue Springs about 15-20 minutes from KC.
Can travel or host. Will play any version. I have global, which has been setup & played since purchased. It’s not quite the Cliffside Bunker, but its become a permanent feature in our game room.
1942 version looks interesting as I’m finding out there are tournaments for that and Global.
We had a club for a while based out of Table Top Wargame and Hobby based in Overland Park Kansas. It recently moved to 9156 Metcalf Ave Overland Park KS 66212
We are still active in the Kansas City area and we got a consistent group together for about 4 months. Map and I are headed to Gencon and Kantcon but feel free to PM me to coordinate an in town game.
Tripple A is like playing a game based on an Excel spreadsheet. Play live or die.
Awesome tag line “Play live or die”!
PM is on its way.
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