1> Any attack on US units or territories by an Axis power will bring the US into the war against that power. The US may then declare war on any or all Axis powers.
2> If any Axis power takes control of any territory in North America, the US may declare war against any or all Axis powers.
3> If any Axis power takes control of London, the US may declare war against any or all Axis powers.
4> If Japan makes an unprovoked declaration of war against UK/India or ANZAC, the US may declare war on any or all Axis powers.
5> If the United States is not at war by the Collect Income phase of it’s third turn, the US may declare war on any or all Axis powers.
1> The Soviet Union may not declare war on Germany or Italy until the combat move phase of it’s 4th turn.
2> The Soviet Union may declare war on Japan during the combat move phase of any turn.
3> If Germany or Italy attacks the Soviet Union before turn 4, the Soviet Union may declare war on either one or both countries.
4> If any Axis power takes control of London, the USSR may declare war on Germany and/or Italy.
1> Any movements of ANY Allied units into or through China will be considered a declaration of war against Japan.
1a> In the case of UK/India and ANZAC, Japan may go to war with these powers without provoking the United States.
1> Attacks by Japan on Dutch possessions is considered an attack directly on UK/India.
1> Attacks by Japan on Dutch possessions is considered an attack directly on ANZAC.
NOTE: ANZAC and UK/India, although separate powers, act together. An attack on one is considered an attack on both.