TripleA Stable has been released

  • Customizer

    TripleA Stable has been released, download it here,

    The Developers for TripleA Veqryn

    Main Updates:
    - Automated Game Host Server:
    TripleA now includes a fully automated server which can run from a terminal with no ui, or optionally a small ui.
    People can setup multiple of these, allow anyone who can not host themselves to join the game room and set which map they want to play, and then play without port forwarding.

    - Fixed Issue with not being able to Join or Host games:
    Some user’s Java jvm’s were only allowing a max of 1g memory for TripleA, while TripleA was requiring 1.2g for Join/Host online, causing it to fail or not start at all. � has a max limit of under 1g, and also allows customizable max memory in the ‘engine preferences’ button and also in its ‘system.ini’ file.

    - Some Bug Fixes:
    Territory Effects were not being applied, National Objectives for multiple territories were not working properly, Paratroopers hit by AA were not dying, Notifications were not localized for clients online, and several other bugs.
    - New Games:
    ‘Chess’, ‘Checkers’ (English Draughts), ‘GO’ (also called Igo), and a major overhaul of ‘Great War’ (a World War 1 game).
    - New features for the Battle Calculator:
    More information is shown such as starting power, TUV swing, total hp, avg units left when winning.
    Can now specify to retreat after X rounds, retreat when Y units left, and/or retreat when losing.
    Default Casualty selection now takes Territory Effects into account, and you can also specify an Order Of Losses for casualties.

    - New User Interface features:
    New Keyboard Shortcut: press “F” for ‘Find Units’, which will highlight all units you have with movement left.
    When selecting units for moving, their movement left is shown in Blue by your mouse.
    New report given at end of turn detailing income collected, any national objectives, and any blockade actions.
    Can now change the font size and color of map text such as unit counters.
    - New Edit Mode Options:
    Can now use edit mode to change political relations between players, move units around, add units that nations can’t normally produce, add land units to sea zones, remove units belonging to multiple nations.

    - Sounds now play for Clients in online games

    - Many new features for future maps:
    Image files for game notes can now be included with the map zip, allowing faster loading and offline loading.
    New Phase: User Actions, which is similar to politics except that it is specifically to allow a nation to activate triggers of their choosing.
    New Phase: Random Start, which allows players to choose territories one by one, similar to Risk, or have them allocated randomly.
    Air battles can now occur before normal battles, and can now scramble into an air battle, and retreat from air battles.
    Normal and air battles can have custom number of rounds set.
    Anti-Air type units can now fire offensively, can fire multiple rounds, can damage or kill, and can have custom sounds.
    Support Attachments can now affect rolls or strength, and can affect enemy or allied units.
    New condition for ‘gameProperty’ allows custom game options, and new options for condition ‘chance’ allow incrementing if failed and decrementing if successful.
    A ton more new features for map and game makers!

    - Lots of Bug Fixes:
    Some small fixes for movement validation.
    Some fixes for rare crashes.

    - Others:
    When in History Mode, you can Right Click on any history node and make a savegame at that point in this history.
    TripleA now checks if it is out of date, or if your maps are out of date, once per month.
    Maximum memory bumped up to 1gb, meaning that you need at least 1.5gb of free unused ram (or you could crash).
    New AI, “Does Nothing AI”, for use with multiplayer Free-For-All games.
    Other keyboard shortcuts: “N” will cycle through territories highlighting units with movement left. “I” shows a popup containing unit/territory information. WASD/ArrowKeys will move the map around (can also right click and drag your mouse).

    Detailed List:
    Major Bug fixes since

    • Fixed bug where having a tech token but not having enough money to buy a new one, would cause you to skip rolling for the existing token. (veqryn)
    • Fixed bug where units being transported or otherwise dependent were being counted towards unit presence and unit exclusion objectives. (veqryn)
    • Fixed movement validation bug that prevent loading of land units onto a transport during noncombat if the transport was in an enemy ‘owned’ sea zone. (veqryn)
    • Possibly fixing bug where the game host process does not end, even though all windows close. (veqryn)
    • Fixed serious bug with process runner util that prevented a new classpath from being used, most notably preventing the ‘old jars’ from getting run. (veqryn)
    • Fixing several memory leaks related to game notes staying in memory multiple times. (veqryn)
    • Fixing bug in air movement validation for complex movement cases. (veqryn)
    • Fixed bug where you could move a destroyer after it had killed a sub, during noncombat move. (veqryn)
    • Fixed bug where having sea units begin the turn on top of an enemy sub, and then not moving them but also not attacking, caused them to lose their movement anyway. (veqryn)
    • Fixed bug where AA shots on 2 hitpoint units with Choose AA Casualties on was resulting in no damage or killed unit. Also changed battle display to show “typeAA” for each AA Fire phase, instead of a generic identifier. (veqryn)
    • Fixed bug that caused a rare skipping of a battle involving transports and air vs undefended transports. (veqryn)
    • Fixed battle screen null pointer errors caused by maps with artillery units but no supportable units. Also fixed bug where maps without notes could not be closed. (veqryn)
    • Changing defending submarines to fire after all attacking units under classic rules, where property Defending Subs Sneak Attack is false. (veqryn)
    • Fixed null pointer error in Strong AI (Moore AI) purchase method. (veqryn)
    • Fixed issue with Marine amphibious attackers showing a bonus on the battle screen even when attacking via land. (veqryn)
    • Minor adjustment to retain capital produce number methods to allow a value of zero. (flaaargle)
    • Fixed null pointer error in signalGameOver when called by a trigger for a game that has never reached the end round step. (veqryn)
    • Fixed problem where territory names that were parseable integers could not allow any territory based conditions. I still recommend territories have a non integer character in them though. (veqryn)
    • Fixing fuelCost to not be charged for units in transports. (veqryn)

    Major Bug fixes since

    • Fixed possible null pointer in color chooser for color property, which occurred when chosing the color for map text. (veqryn)
    • Fixed bug causing paratrooping land units who’s air transports were hit by AA fire to not be removed from the battle. (veqryn)
    • Fixed bug causing national objectives which rewarded players on a per-territory basis using the “each” modifier to not work. (veqryn)
    • Fixed bug causing Territory Effects to not be applied at all, ever. Also fixed possible issue with ‘choose best roll’ in low luck. (veqryn)
    • Not allowing scrambling question when only and SBR raid is in a territory and scramble to SBR is turned off. (veqryn)
    • Fixed bug causing triggered notifications to not use local images when shown on a client computer. (veqryn)
    • Figuring out some user’s Java jvm’s and/or the JRE included with triplea, only allow up to xmx 1024mb of memory maximum, and that the program completely fails when going over this limit, often causing the user to be unable to join or host games online. (veqryn & diaz)
    • Reducing maximum memory to 896mb, down from 1024mb, in order to stop these errors from happening, and not allowing engine to add 20% to this when joining online games or hosting. (veqryn)
    • Fixed bug causing Random Territory Start delegate to fail in online games due to requesting dice too quickly. (veqryn)
    • Preventing AA units with maxRoundsAA from getting removed early from battle. (veqryn)

    Major New Engine Features:

    • Added ability to Right Click on any node in the History panel, and save a game at that point in history [could still be buggy, do not use for tournament games]. (veqryn)
    • Added the default map downloader xml web link to the download maps feature, if the user does not already have any. (veqryn)
    • Created a notification to the user when they click “list games” that will alert them to which maps they already have which may be out of date and need updating. (veqryn)
    • Created a notification to the user when they start TripleA that checks once per day if their TripleA is the latest version, and if not asks them to update it. (veqryn)
    • Created a notification to the user when they start a version of TripleA for the first time, showing the new features of this version. (veqryn)
    • Creating a new monthly check to see if all maps are up to date, and if not then asking the user to update their maps. (veqryn)
    • Created Chess for TripleA, including all logic and rules. (veqryn)
    • Created new user interface elements for Chess and an abstraction of such for other grid based games. (veqryn)
    • Created a very very simple AI for Chess, based on random moves plus capturing pieces when available. (veqryn)
    • Created Checkers (Draughts) for TripleA, including all logic and rules. (veqryn)
    • Created new user interface elements for Checkers. (veqryn)
    • Created GO (Igo) for TripleA, including all logic and rules. (veqryn)
    • Created new user interface elements for Go. (veqryn)
    • Added new checkboxes for the Play-By-Email/Forum poster for including savegame and for reposting the turn if it failed the first time. (veqryn)
    • Creating a mouse shadow image to go with the route image, showing how much movement you have left for any selected units, in blue font. (veqryn)
    • Creating simple message dialog report for end of turn collection of PUs and national objectives and any blockade action. (veqryn)
    • Forced all non-returning void dialogs to run in a separate process as to not block the game from moving forward.
    • Creating a method in IDisplay to send messages to all player’s computers, but only once per computer. Also includes ability to send to certain players only. (veqryn)
    • Created option in game ‘View’ menu to change the font size and font colors of things like territory names, pu’s, unit count, and factory damage count. (veqryn)
    • Added new Edit option to change political relationships between players. (veqryn)
    • Added fields for average number of rounds, average attacking units left when attacker won, and average defending units left when defender won, to the battle calculator. (veqryn)
    • Adding ability to specify when the attacker should retreat after how many rounds, to the battle calculator. (veqryn)
    • Added more info to Battle Calc including total TUV swing, and allowing retreat after losing all air units or having only x units left. (veqryn)
    • Allowed Edit Add Units to check if artwork exists for units not in a production frontier, and if so allow them to be created. (veqryn)
    • Allowed Edit Mode to remove units owned by different players. (veqryn)
    • Allowed Edit Mode to add land units to a sea zone if there are either transports already there or transports also being added at the same time. (veqryn)
    • Adding a new Hot Key “F” for ‘Find Units’, which will highlight all units you own that have movement left, but only during a movement phase. (frigoref)
    • Adding text labels to the Battle Calculator for the number of hitpoints and the total attack or defense power of each side. (veqryn)
    • Increasing maximum memory to 1gb (1024mb), up from 768mb. (veqryn)
    • Expanded Unit tool tips to include unit support attachments, and also to detail more info for other abilities. (veqryn)
    • Adding scroll bar to chat panel for online game waiting host room before game launched. (veqryn)
    • Adding new PBEM feature, the ability to post to a custom triplea website. (weigo)
    • Set up battle delegate and tracker to allow air battles to be created for normal battles. (veqryn)
    • Allowed AA Gun type units to fire back in same round if killed by other AA Gun type units. (veqryn)
    • Allowing defense to ground their planes before an air battle (preceding a normal battle) if withdrawing is turned on, however if the territory is lost they die. (veqryn)
    • Updated default casualty selection to take territory effects into consideration. (veqryn)
    • Adding a visual log to AutoPlacementFinder and TileImageBreaker, and getting the AutoPlacementFinder to cut out at a max of about 50 placements per territory. (veqryn)
    • Created new image utility, TileImageReconstructor, which will recreate an image based on base tiles or relief tiles and/or draw a polygons file onto an image. (veqryn)
    • Added option to retreat in battle calculator when we are losing, which is approximated by seeing if our ‘meta-power’ is lower than the opponent’s. (veqryn)
    • Created new button, “Order of Losses”, in the battle calculator, which will all you to put in a text script of which casualties to select in what order. (veqryn)
    • Created new AI specially for multiplayer free-for-all games, “Does Nothing AI”, which will buy units the first round then destroy all money all subsequent rounds, along with doing nothing else. (veqryn)
    • Created new delegate, “UserActionDelegate”, which will allow nations to take any kind of condition/trigger based action. (veqryn)
    • Created user interface element for the User Action Delegate, based on the existing politics interface. (veqryn)
    • Created user interface element for RandomStartDelegate, so that players can pick which territory they want and what units they want in it. (veqryn)
    • Gave all AIs methods to pick territories, and they will attempt to focus on a single area of the board. (veqryn)
    • Created new channel broadcaster for use with playing sounds on both server machine and client machines. (veqryn)
    • Created new engine preference option to set the maximum memory used for triplea, for joining, hosting, and also an option to have triplea always restart with higher memory maximum. (veqryn)
    • Changed engine preference for max memory into a “system.ini” file, that way a user can delete or reinstall TripleA if they screw up. (veqryn)
    • Added an option to turn off the end of turn report, into the game menu bar. (veqryn)
    • Made fuelCost no longer charge for allied air dependants, paratroopers, and owned air on owned fighters not making an attack. (veqryn)
    • Created a headless game server that is completely automated. Clients can change the game, change to an autosave, send a save to the server, and get the save from the server. (veqryn)

    Major New Game XML or other Map Features:

    • Added feature to automatically parse HTML text in game notes and in notifications, and replace all image links with links to the map folder’s “doc/images/” directory, thereby allowing local image files to be used. (veqryn)
    • Created new territory effect attachment option, “unitsNotAllowed”, which is a list of units that will be prevented from moving into any territories with this effect. (crystalct)
    • Deleting game option property “Occupied Territories” since it does not do anything anymore. (veqryn)
    • Changing territory attachment “occupiedTerrOf” into “originalOwner”. (veqryn)
    • Changed territory attachment “victoryCity” to allow integers instead of boolean, thereby allowing victory cities with greater value, and also added a tooltip to tech purchase phase to show what techs are in each category. (eurofabio)
    • Created a new Unit Attachment option, “damageableAA”, which allows this AA gun type unit to cause damage to a two hitpoint unit instead of outright killing it. (veqryn)
    • Created new game option property, “Air Battle Rounds”, which will allow setting the number of rounds of combat for air battles. (veqryn)
    • Created new game option properties, “Air Battle Attackers Can Retreat” and “Air Battle Defenders Can Retreat”, which allow retreating from air battles. (veqryn)
    • Created new game option property, “Battles May Be Preceeded By Air Battles”, which will allow normal battles to have air battles first. (veqryn)
    • Created new game option property, “Can Scramble Into Air Battles”, which will allow a player to scramble air to neighboring territories in order to defend against air raids and air battles. (veqryn)
    • Created new game option property, “Battle Rounds”, which sets the maximum number of rounds of combat for normal battles, with -1 being infinite which is default. (veqryn)
    • Created new unit attachment property, “maxRoundsAA”, which sets the number of rounds an AA gun may fire in, with 1 being default. Only normal battles are affected, while flyover and strategic bombing are not affected. (veqryn)
    • Allowing custom AA hit and miss sounds for irregular AA types, with the folder being located at “battle_<typeaa>hit" and "battle<typeaa>_miss” (folder must be lowercase though), where <typeaa>is the unit attachment “typeAA” of that unit. (veqryn)
    • Created new unit attachment properties, “offensiveAttackAA” and “offensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides”, which will be used by offensive aa guns. (veqryn)
    • Created new unit attachment property, “canAirBattle”, which determines if a unit participates in a normal battle’s air battle. (veqryn)
    • Changed unit attachment “isMarine” to allow for integers instead of boolean. (veqryn)
    • Getting the UnitSupportAttachment dice option to handle both strength and roll, thereby allowing giving extra rolls to units. (veqryn)
    • Getting the UnitSupportAttachment faction option to handle both allied and enemy, thereby allowing giving positive or negative support to enemy units. (veqryn)
    • New Condition Attachment property option, “gameProperty”, which can be set equal to the exact string of any boolean game property option, including custom made up ones. (veqryn)
    • Created new attachment, “UserActionAttachment”, which holds actions that can be taken by a player, based on an abstraction of the political action attachment. (veqryn)
    • Added properties for conditions, conditionType, invert, chance, costPU, text, actionAccept, and attemptsPerTurn to the User Action Attachment. (veqryn)
    • Added new property, “activateTrigger”, to UserActionAttachment, which will fire a trigger when the nation takes this action. (veqryn)
    • Created new text file, “”, which contains action text for the user interface for taking user actions, similar to (veqryn)
    • Created new delegate, “RandomStartDelegate”, which will allow for randomly assigned territories or territories chosen in turn order. (veqryn)
    • Created new game option property, “Territories Are Assigned Randomly”, which determines if territories are randomly assigned or picked by players during RandomStartDelegate. (veqryn)
    • New attachment properties for Triggers, Politics, and User Actions: “chanceIncrementOnFailure” and “chanceDecrementOnSuccess” which will modify the “chance” value. (veqryn)

    Major Map/Game changes:

    • New game: Chess
    • New game: Checkers (American/English Draughts)
    • New game: GO (Also called Igo)
    • Major changes to both the map and the placements and the rules for “Great War” world war one game. (veqryn)

    This is a really big update, hope you enjoy it!


  • Customizer

    This version is completely backwards compatible with savegames and savegames.  It will also run all savegames from onward.
    (You can install more than 1 version of TripleA at a time, and run them all at the same time.)

    For a full changelog see here:

    Please report any bugs encountered here:

    If you find bugs, I really can’t do much about them unless you upload an autosave.  It will save me tons of time if you give me an autosave / or save game made sometime before the bug occured.  Also mention what map the bug occurred on, and copy and paste the error if there is one.

    Your save games are in a folder right next to where the maps are:

    (Windows XP)  C:\Documents and Settings\userName\triplea
    (Windows 7)  C:\Users\userName\triplea
    (Mac)  /home/user/documents/triplea/
    (Linux)  /home/user/triplea/

    [They are NOT in program files.  They are in a folder in your user account.]

    When you are making a post, click the “More Options” button.  From there click “Upload a file”.
    Simply upload the autosave, or other save, to your post.

    I really really appreciate savegames, it makes my life a lot easier.

    Please also describe what happened before the bug occurred, and copy and paste the full error message, and of course say what map and what version of TripleA you were using!

    TripleA extra_maps/bundled version includes a bunch of extra maps, including:
    v3 (aa50)
    v4 (spring 1942)
    v5 (1942 se)
    v6 (1941)
    Pacific 1940
    Europe 1940
    Global 1940
    and the ABattleMap skin for Global 1940

    To see pictures of and how to use the ABattleMap skin, see this post:

    Also, please do not forget to help TripleA’s development by making a donation in our 2013 donation drive:


  • I thought it couldn’t be bundled with the official board games?

  • Customizer

    such things as game rules, how to play a game, game concepts, etc, can not be copyrighted or trademarked or patented

    the only things hasbro/avalon have are trademarks for the art and for the rulebook and for the name “Axis & Allies” (and the various names of their board game releases)

    triplea is 100% legal and 100% in the right
    (so long as we never use their art, or their text, or their logo, or their name)

  • Thank you Veqryn,

    btw what does AAWC mean - what is this bundle good for?

  • Customizer

    its for a different club, all it does is include some of their games (the “classic_variations” games)

  • I noticed that I have to allow java.exe to pass through the firewall when using the dice server.
    In versions prior to I had to allow javaw.exe instead of java.exe.
    What is behind this?

    I have to correct:
    It seems that it was only the very first dicing where java.exe had to pass the firewall.
    It has only been javaw.exe after that.

    2nd edit:
    I now proved from the firewall log that the very first contact to the dice server was via java.exe (IP Port 80).
    Once it had been allowed all other contacts to the dice server go via javaw.exe.
    From that moment on java.exe has never tried to access the web again.

  • Customizer

    i changed the default download for windows to be the: “without java” version

    it used to be the “with java” version

    so this means the new download requires you to have java installed on your computer (unless you specifically click and download the “with java” version)

    so instead of running the java that comes with triplea, the default one will run the java on your computer

    i did this because including a JRE with an application limits the max memory to 1gb.  If you still want the JRE included, make sure you download the ‘with java’ version.

  • I always download the “without java” version, as I have the latest JRE installed on my system.

    I only wondered because my firewall alerted me that on my first dicing with 1703 java.exe tried to access the internet.
    Normally, javaw.exe does that, as I described.

  • '13

    Is it possible to separate the aa gun fire when there are multiple bombing runs on different facilities?

  • Customizer

    its on the todo list

  • '13

    thank you sir

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Where would we be without Veqryn…

  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    It is awesome!

    On a side note, with the added versatility of being able to edit the political situation, I created a free for all global 1940 game, picked one country and went at it.  Quite fun seeing Germany attack Italy on the first turn.  My rules for winning include controlling EVERY territory and having ALL of the tech.  Fastest turn count wins!

    I guess the only thing I couldn’t was seperate the UK/India; they were still allies.  :lol:

  • '20 '18 '17 '15

    I forgot I made a few changes like change the French pieces in London to UK and vice versa, and I gave India Sumatra and Java and ANZAC Celebs to begin with.

  • Customizer

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