I’ve noticed one response to a common variation of a J2. Situation:
SZ36/20 have 2-3 transports and/or marines on board BB/Cruiser (if you are playing Balanced Mod)
There are no Japanese naval bases usable in those SZs.
USA DD to SZ43 (Off Borneo)
UK DD to SZ37
UK land on Sumatra
Anzac land on Java
Allies are secure on Sumatra and Java through turn 2. Some possibility of convoying off income but unlikely to get it all and some of the fleet might be exposed if they try to convoy both. Every bit as important: Japan doesn’t get the money on turn 2 which slows them down a fair bit.
Just tried this against one player and he avoided the DOW J2.
Downside: Losing two DDs. Doesn’t seem like a big problem. The UK one can be replaced turn 3 with the one starting off South Africa.