NEW- Official Global 1942 version of the game- by Larry Harris

  • Official Q&A

    He said nothing about a 2nd edition.  He did mention a potential second print run, which would hopefully occur should the first one sell out.  The exact quote was:

    There are no plans to make any of this “official” or even suggest that it become part of the 2nd print run, but it is something that is worthy of investigation, and it might just be fun.

  • It will sell out because the number they print is not like the other games, which all went to second print.

    Since all these other games got 2nd print, and since this version is totally unique i predict a 2nd print. Of course my record with prediction is second to none, anything is possible.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    And to think I had hoped people had grown up after last year….oh well - there is still time.

    Miami, have you grown up from last year? or are you still giving away your capitals by J2? :P

    And before we hear any resurgent crap from anyone that “online gamers are weaker than the Gen Con FTF crowd” like last year, lets quickly review the record.

    (Official record of the massacre below)

    In moving forward, I am curious, is the “Smorey setup” going to see a tournament setting?  And what “Genetic Modifications” is the game going to see to meet the gen con game standards?

    I didn’t go to last years Gen Con because the rules for anniversary were so modified and gutted, that when I tested them with my friends, it became evident that we were playing Axis and Allies Abortion Edition.  :(

    I’m hoping this will change… “there is still time” as you say.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    And has anyone actually played this setup through yet?!?!

    I’ll post a $5 Donation to TripleA, and a $5 to A& in someone’s name if they can produce  me one or two after action reports… C’mon!  It’s the weekend - you got time!

  • I am desperate to Garg. We played two turns, then read Germany was moved up the turn order, so gave up. Cannot play again for 10 days.
    Germany coming before the UK means they can sink the Scapa fleet(as usual) forcing the UK to build a navy from scratch(as usual). In the original set up UK coming before Germany meant they could bring over the Canadian DD and TT, build 2 more ships, join the BB and TT already off the UK, then on T2 land in Normandy and Belgium.
    That mess up up Germany’s trying to fend off the Russian hordes.(Russia had 40 to spend on T2 and had blown away 18 German units, for the loss of 15 and still held all but two of their 1940 starting Tts, whilst Germany could only watch powerless.
    If the turn order could be corrected on line, I would play someone to see.

  • I am starting a game now
    I should post my report tonight or tomorrow

  • Here are the first 4 turn of my game
    Follow this link for pictures of the board at the end of each turn: 42 Game 1?sort=2&page=1

    Turn 1

    1 picture to check : Setup eastern Front

    29 to 35 ipc + 5 NO = 40
    Retakes most of the lost territories

    1 picture to check : Eastern Front After the USSR counterattack

    48 to 52 ipc
    Capture land on mainland plus builds 2 ic there in Kwangtung and in Kiangsu. Moves fleet to prepare a strike at Pearl Harbor and moves transports to take the last money island.
    50IPC + 20  NO
    Builds fleet in the atlantic to protect the transports from Germans U-Boats and to prepare for Operation Torch
    8 ipc
    Assemble in Szechwan. Waiting for UK troops to re open Burma Road
    48 ipc + 5 NO
    Build ic in Romania and wipes uk fleet in Northen England. But atlantic subs get destroyed in the atlantic. Troops in the eastern front pull back to avoid getting annihilated by the red army. Captures Gibraltar for Italian NO
    Europe: 31 � 1 convoy raiding: builds ic in Egypt, merges fleet and the RAF wipes the remains of the Kriegsmarine
    Pac:  10 ipc: assembles in Burma. Fleet stays off the coast of India knowing from intelligence that the Imperial Navy is too far away to strike.
    10 ipc + 10 in NO
    Clears the med, bombs the ic in Egypt inflicting 6 dmg and captures Syria to open the road to Irak and meet the pro axis troops there
    10 IPC
    Trains home guards because an Imperial Navy task force is within range of the northern coast of AussieLand Fleets merges in Sydney Harbor
    Moves fighter to Africa and ships too. African troops moves to Algeria

    2 pictures to check: Pacific End of Turn 1 and Europe End of Turn 1


    Turn 2
    35 IPC to  37 IPC + 5 NO
    No major offensive action.  Troops movement in the far east. Red Army forces enter China.Build 6 inf and 4 tanks.
    52 to 59 +5 no
    Takes the last money island move to attack Burma and clear the road to India Fleet moves and should reach India next turn. Japan declares war to Russia , to help Germany, and invades 1 territory. Mongolia joins the war on the side of the USSR. Japan s army moves into China. The Aussie fleet is sunk!
    50 ipc + 20 no
    Move 2 bomber to London. Seeing the emergency in the Pacific, all the war effort is put there. Liberates Gibraltar and destroys the Kriegsmarine in the med.
    China prays
    46 to 48 IPc + 5 NO
    Bombs Leningrad inflicting 3 dmg. Moves  troops east . Retakes 2 soviet territories. Moves sub to sz 125 to deny Soviet NO
    Euro: 31 ipc  to 32
    Trains troops  in Egypt and builds transport on home island. Retakes Syria, denying access to Irak to the Italians
    Pac:  6 Ipc
    Build troops and prays for Uncle Sam help. Move its fleet toward Egypt so it won�t be sunk by the Japanese
    10 IPC to 11 + 5 NO
    Build 1 CV and 2 transports. Invades trans-Jordan to deny access to the med to the Indian fleet.
    10 IPC � 3 (convoy raiding)
    Trains more Home Guard divisions
    Moves Cruiser in the Med. Attacks Tunis but fails to take it.

    2 pictures to check: Pacific End of Turn 2 and Europe End of Turn 2


    Turn 3
    34 IPC
    Buys motorized inf for far east. Moves tanks east to meet with the Mongolians. Falls back to Leningrad and Sevastopol. Mongolians invade Jehol. Cutting off some Japanese divisions in China from Manchuria
    58IPC to 64 + 5 no
    Pushes into China and Russia. Takes Burma. Large Imperial Army are at the gates of India. Imperial Fleets moves Back to home island because of the threat the Americans pose.
    50 + 20 NO
    American Bombers deal 11 dmg to Western Germany�s IC. Atlantic fleet enters the med with amphibious force. Still unknown where they will land. Pacific fleet moves to Hawaii. Transport and Troops are mobilized in the west.
    China does nothing
    48 to 49 IPc + 5 NO
    Finnish troops take Karelia. Huge German Army gathers at the gates of Leningrad. Bomber is shot down on his way to bomb Leningrad.
    Euro: 31 IPC: to  32 + 5NO : Retakes trans-Jordan. Bomber is shot down on its way to bomb Paris.UK home fleet is getting bigger and transport are boarded for invasion of Europe.
    Pac:  5 IPC : All planes within range are sent to protect India. But it doesn�t look like it will be able to hold.
    10 IPC
    Fleet is too small to attack US Navy. All unit fall back to Rome.
    10 IPC
    Does nothing.
    Happy because the Allies are about the land in France

    2 pictures to check: Pacific End of Turn 3 and Europe End of Turn 3


    Turn 4
    31 IPC to  32
    Retake east Poland and destroys the German Army in Bessarabia. The red Army prepares the heroic defense of Leningrad.
    64 ic to  69 + 10 NO
    Invades western Australia. Regroups in Russia and digs a defensive line in China. Attacks India and despite heroic defense from the Indians, Calcutta falls!
    5o to 54 IPC + 20 NO
    US troops lands in northern Italy. In the pacific, the troops transports arrive at Pearl Harbor. The 8th Air force Bomb Paris causing total destruction (6 dmg)
    Tries an attack but fails and pulls back. With the fall of India, future doesn�t look bright.
    48IPC to 51 IPC + 10 NO
    Mobilises troops in western Germany and in France to defend against possible UK landings. Captures Leningrad in an epic battle that leaves the northern Army with only 3 tanks division. Luckily the Luftwaffe had only 1 casualty to AA fire
    Euro: 32 to 37 ipc + 5NO
    Lands in Normandy and Norway. Assembles in Africa to destroy the remaining Italians
    6 IPC to 10
    Clears Northern Italy of US troops.
    Build a transport and a cv to reclaims island lost to the Japanese.
    Ships merge with UK in the med

    2 pictures to check: Pacific End of Turn 4 and Europe End of Turn 4

  • Exciting Texasranger.
    Enjoyed that, thank you.

  • This game was fun
    Still looking to find where the mistakes were made

    Last 2 turn coming soon (already completed, just need to upload pics and correct the report)

    Can you guess who won from the first 4 turns?

  • Here are the last 2 turns 42 Game 1?sort=2&page=1

    Turn 5

    28IPC to 29
    Takes Karelia and falls back to Sevastopol. The Army in China liberates 1 territory. Moves inf division to retake Leningrad Next turn.
    68 to  71 + 10 no
    Assembling  the Imperial Navy at the Philippine base. Advance into USSR continue. West India is captured.
    50 ipc + 20 NO
    Fleet moves near Australia on its way to the Money Island and India. 8th air force bomb Paris and western Germany.
    7 IPC
    Liberates 1 territory
    44 to 50IPC + 5 NO
    Takes a lot of soviet territories but fails to recapture Normandy
    36 IPC + 5 NO
    Destroys the remaining Italian forces in North Africa. Builds a fleet in Egypt and loads the transports that are in the English channel.
    Moves troops to southern France
    9 to 10 IPC
    Liberates Western Australia
    Does Nothing

    2 pictures to check: Pacific End of Turn 5 and Europe End of Turn 5

    Turn 6

    24 to 25
    Recaptures Archangel and liberates a Chinese territory. Recruit more troops in Sevastopol
    67 to  77IPC + 10NO
    Wipes the remaining soviet far east force. Road to Moscow is open. Continue its advance in China. Attack the US Navy  off the coast of Australia and annihilates it. Imperial marines land in Queensland. Enters Irak. Imperial troops are joined by 3 division of Iraqis soldiers.

    2 pictures to check: Battle USN vs IJN and What is left

    50 + 20 NO
    Transports move toward Italy. The remaining ships of the US navy Attack and sinks the 4 dmg BB of the Japanese Navy off the coast of Australia. 3 transport are also sunk.
    5 IPC
    49 to 53 IPC + 5no
    Takes Sevastopol and Normandy. Road to Caucasus and Stalingrad is open.
    33 to 37 + 5 NO
    Takes Libya and Tunisia. Lands in Greece. Recruits soldiers in Egypt because the Japanese are coming. Lands reinforcement in Norway to help USSR recapture Leningrad. Clears Germans U boat from SZ 125 to enable USSR to get his NO
    8 IPC
    Buys Infantries divisions to defend the European Mediterranean coast.
    Buys troops to defend Sydney. Send transport to Solomon to ferry some US marines to Sydney.
    Can’t do nothing

    2 pictures to check: Pacific End of Turn 6 and Europe End of Turn 6

    Allies surrender

    Japan makes nearly 90 IPC with his NO and is still pushing into Russia and China. India has fallen and Sydney is next.
    In Europe, Germany broke through Soviet defenses. Nothing is in the way of the German Army and  the Caucasus/Stalingrad. Leningrad is secured. Italy is still alive and serves as a coastal defense force. Uk can’t handle both of them since US as to focus all resources into the Pacific. Russia his weak and makes under 25 IPC.

  • TripleA

    You guys can guinea pig this one out.

    Honestly, not having to worry so much about Russia early on opens up more variation for allies gameplay. Testing may take some time, but I do not feel it to be even.

  • I think Japan is OP. India and China have no chance to survive even if US go all in the pacific. Japan gets the money island way too easily. That is 15ipc + 5 NO bonus +the gains in China and Russia. In my game Japan was making 62 IPC at turn 3. India was about to fall and Germany and Italy were holding at 50 and 10 ipc

  • TripleA

    You know Russia can send mech to Asia right? KJF is possible. Plus you start at war so your first buy with USA should be mostly pacific, because round 1 you get hit and you hit back,  if he hits you back on round 2 you got a counter. So usually it stops right there, because Japan needs to grow his income and not lose all his stuff fighting America. So you should be able to contest islands to slow Japan’s roll.

    The allies in this game has plenty of boats and oceans in the atlantic… Did it do anything other than take Norway? Because if that is all you are aiming for, you do not need that many naval pieces to just sit there for that.

  • @Uncrustable:

    Turn order is the same but Russia goes first , which makes Germany last
    Everyone is at war except japs and ussr , so Mongols are still a factor

    where is the setup?

  • @GoSanchez6:

    Set it up last night. I agree Germany a little understrengthed on the Eastern front. Otherwise I like it. USA has Solomons and a fight brewing in the South Pacific. Like it.

    where is the setup?

  • @Global-commander:

    where is the setup?

    Same thread page 4


    Here is the corrected game setup as provided on Larry’s site:

  • @P@nther:


    where is the setup?

    Same thread page 4


    Here is the corrected game setup as provided on Larry’s site:

    found it, thanks!

  • Post-Game report

    Played live this weekend, we called it after 5 rounds because it was late.


    • Axis is much stronger than it looks. The fact that Germany has a presence in the Med and that the allies don’t really have much is huge. The med is impossible to dominate for the allies without US assistance.

    • Japan on paper looks weak, fleet is comparable to US. Big difference is that it starts with a very high income, it doesn’t need to chase money islands. This version also sees Japan crush India AND China easily, China starts with less and Japan starts with more land units. You can be in Russia in 4 rounds no problem, and still threaten India, which only has an income of 10. With a couple transports on J1, it’s strong again. The Amur stack being gone makes a HUGE difference.

    • Russia isn’t as strong as it looks, it’s income is already low to start. Yes Germany has to consolidate forces for a round or 2 but it can still damage Russia, especially with the help of Japan from the other side.

    • Anzac isn’t much of a factor, it has 10 income and it’s hard for it to increase it.

    • Italy is much weaker but unless UK puts all it’s income on Egypt and the middle east (which we did in our game) it can threaten the middle-east and then Russia has a 3rd front.

    Could talk about it a lot more, but I found that this version doesn’t play much faster than G402e, even with less units. Also it seems to have a minimum of balance, contrary to what people have been suggesting. I can’t say which is favored, but it’s not the landslide people predicted, at least not in the game I played.


  • Thanks atease.
    We started playing when I saw it announced here, but stopped as the Turn Order was changed.
    Not sure when I will get to play it again, so thank you for your time.

  • I forgot to mention that Germany pulled off a G5 sealion after buying 5 transports on G4. Countered by 6 USA bombers purchase on US4 to sink the entire fleet but the damage was done.

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