• Customizer

    An idea which just might make it into a future official version. The big deal is that America gets to be in the war properly from the start.

    Start date May 1917

    The first Russian Revolution has occurred, but really makes little difference to the military situation. So continue using RR rules as normal.

    America is at war, so we’ll assume that Germany has already declared USW.

    Territorial changes are surprisingly few; I’d say they were:

    Assume all aligned neutrals have been activated.

    The only non-aligned neutrals violated are:

    Persia: contested Turkey & Russia/Britain

    Greece: contested Britain/France & Germany(Greeks)

    Other tts not under original control:

    Picardy & Lorraine: contested France & Germany (BEF in Picardy)

    Belgium: German occupied

    Poland: German occupied

    Livonia & Belarus: contested Russia & Germany

    Romania: contested Russia & Austria

    Serbia: Austrian occupied

    Albania: contested Italy & Austria

    Togoland & Kamerun: French occupied

    SW Africa: British occupied

    Galicia: contested Austria & Russia

    Mesopotamia & Trans-Jordan: contested Turkey & Britain (poss Russians in Armenia?)

    America gets its draft of X infantry, but only the regular 20 IPCs to spend.

    Tanks are available, probably only B & F have any just yet.

    Fighters should be up to 3-3 by this stage.

    Heavy bombers should just be coming on line for both sides.

    Edit: Or possibly consider July 1st 1917 as the start date: in something of an A&A tradition the game begins with a Russian great summer offensive:


  • I like it.  I may just do a 1917 scenario.  Would be an interesting dynamic with the CPs not having to deal with Russia (for the most part); the war would really be one long western front.

  • Customizer

    Russia is still in the war in Summer 1917; like I say the scenario could start with tehr big Russian summer offensive on July 1st.

    Spring 1918 would be after the Bolsheviks have pulled Russia out of the war.

  • @Flashman:

    Russia is still in the war in Summer 1917; like I say the scenario could start with tehr big Russian summer offensive on July 1st.

    Spring 1918 would be after the Bolsheviks have pulled Russia out of the war.

    Fair enough, don’t know WWI history that well yet.  I think it could be good though if you do a late war scenario with countries having access to better weapons.

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