• When I heard this, it made me even more pissed off at the ridiculousness of this stupid country. A man was on Wheel of Fortune, and won a considerable amount. Pat Sejak (sp?), excited for the man that he had won so much, gives him a bear hug on stage. The man is now suing Pat Sejak for 2 million dollars, saying he suffered back injuries, and had pain for 3 months (or something like that). This is one of the stupidest cases I have ever heard. It is clear this man is simply greedy, I hope the case is thrown out, and the man is shot for his profound ignorance and greed. Really, I lose what little respect I have for this country when I hear something like this. Do not even try to tell me that there is nothing wrong with our court system, when a case like this can be presented, and when the man is even able to sue for that amount.

  • Generally I try not to use sweeping generalizations as “the ridiculousness of this stupid country” but in this case I might forgive you. I have heard of too many cases where some idiot does some moronic thing and then sues for it, and gets away with it. (the McDonald’s coffee lawsuit comes to mind, and a more recent one where McDonalds is getting sued for making people fat.) On the one hand, I think these people should be shot, but on the other, I think they should stay alive so that everyone else can be entertained by their stupidity. (And their lawsuits thrown out of court)

  • I was slightly exaggerating about having them shot. But COME ON! EVEN IF he did suffer back injuries due to Pat Sejak’s bearhug (which I supremely doubt he did) there is no way in hell he deserves two million dollars for it. period. end of discussion. what precisely makes it worth 2 million dollars? because thats the amount the lawyer thinks they can get away with. its ludicrous.

  • Now the lawyers, on the other hand…we could probably get away with wasting them. :wink:

    Disclaimer: If you are a lawyer and I have offended you, sorry…unless you plan on getting rich from cases like this.

  • I do not quite understand the level of litigiousness of the States. Even physicians pay more for liability insurance there than residents make in Canada.
    Juries love to award tons of money. Is this related to the “american dream”?
    I know some people here who sue repeatedly, but these people are looked upon as useless, incompetant parasites.

  • I think it would help a lot and a quick-precedent would be set if the man who loses this rediculous lawsuit is forced to pay all expenses whatsoever for both sides of litigation.

  • I think that proposal could work if the losings side lawyer had to pay those.

  • Juries love to award tons of money. Is this related to the “american dream”?
    I know some people here who sue repeatedly, but these people are looked upon as useless, incompetant parasites.

    I wouldn’t say all juries love to award tons of money. I performed jury duty earlier this year where a 58 year old man was suing a trucking company because he got hit from behind from one of the company’s trucks on the highway. He was claiming that he was suffering severe neck injuries from the accident and that it knocked his discs out of alignment. The defense claimed he had retrolistesis (I don’t know if I spelled that right), a degenerative disc disease. To make a long story short, the procuting lawyer said “Big dollars is big justice and little dollars is little justice”. It made me sick. Anyway, they were asking for approximately $600,000 for medical bills and things like “loss of quality of life” and “pain and suffering”. We ended up giving him $80,000 and I didn’t even want to give him that much. But, we had to work everything out amongst all 12 jurors. Cystic, you seem to be very anti-American on a lot of your posts in the general discussion area. Why all the negativity against us? Don’t judge us all by the small percentage of people that you hear about in the media or by our politicians. Most people here are solid, hard-working people. However, we do have our share of useless parasites who seem to always be the ones in the news. The sad fact is that the negative and controversial means ratings & sells newspapers here, so the worst of our country are always in the spotlight.

  • I know some people here who sue repeatedly, but these people are looked upon as useless, incompetant parasites.

    Are you talking about the lawyers, or their clients?

    I performed jury duty earlier this year where a 58 year old man was suing a trucking company because he got hit from behind from one of the company’s trucks on the highway.

    In a case like this, I might see where some money should be awarded, if the trucking company was at fault.

  • Wardog42 wrote:

    The sad fact is that the negative and controversial means ratings & sells newspapers here, so the worst of our country are always in the spotlight.

    that is very true. its the main reason why everyone is so paranoid about somthing bad happening, and also why some foreigners think we’re all stupid and lazy.

    GI Wrote:

    Now the lawyers, on the other hand…we could probably get away with wasting them.

    Hell, William Shakespear (sp?) had it right all those years ago:

    “If we want a truly peaceful society, the first thing we should do is kill all the lawyers.”

  • @wardog42:

    Juries love to award tons of money. Is this related to the “american dream”?
    I know some people here who sue repeatedly, but these people are looked upon as useless, incompetant parasites.

    Cystic, you seem to be very anti-American on a lot of your posts in the general discussion area. Why all the negativity against us? Don’t judge us all by the small percentage of people that you hear about in the media or by our politicians. Most people here are solid, hard-working people. However, we do have our share of useless parasites who seem to always be the ones in the news. The sad fact is that the negative and controversial means ratings & sells newspapers here, so the worst of our country are always in the spotlight.

    my father too accuses me of anti-Americanism. This is unfair, and i would even say a paranoia that is a feature of Americans. Why is it that criticism of actions, activities, and policies is considered “anti-Americanism”? I am sharply critical of my own gov’t (which happens to be the party that i am in line with) - does this mean that i am "anti-my-own-views? For your sake, i will assume that this is less an American whining characterisitic, and more just yours.
    Please don’t consider my attitudes with regards to American foreign policies, pop/crap culture, gun-culture, war/violence culture, and lack-of-responsibility-taking/sue-sue-sue culture as my being anti-American. In fact, many of the Americans i have met are marvelous people. I have considered one day practicing in your country, and i have always enjoyed my visits there.
    so chill, my American neighbour.

  • “Neighbor”…… i like the way that was phrased…

  • Moderator

    agreed my Canadian Buddy… You guys are great too… :)


  • I wouldn’t mind making examples of some of these litigious losers. The problem is that the little old lady who sued Mickey D’s for $10 million got a chunk of change.

    The dumb old broad was driving with the HOT coffee between her legs and had to stop fast.

    Why not sue for lukewarm freedom fries?
    Why not sue for not enough toppings on the pizza?
    Why not sue for…(add your own ideas)

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