• Hi there Guys

    I have a question that I hope somebody can answer, The question is hows the best way to start for each country I know that this is a difficult question but maybe somebody can give a brief explanation on what is the best move for each country.

    Thanks for any advice, If it’s too much to explain don’t worry about it.

    Thanks again everybody


  • Well i recently started a PBEM against Hurkyl and he as russians play Russia Restricted moved 16 infantry, 2 fighters, and 3 tanks to karelia; leaving caucasus empty and only two infantry on Russia. If i took Russia, my front lines would have been weak enough for him to take germany quickly, so i attacked Karelia instead and lost all but a bomber and five infantry of the german army.

    That was just an interesting thing for you to think about….

    Generally, the axis need to play visciously and try to inflict heavy losses to the allies early on while taking land.

    As germany, aviod ending up in a stalemate with Russia. Most strategies say to either go after africa with all your might or do something crazy like attack america.

    As Japan, try to aviod engaging The pacific fleet directly. Capture alaska and take as much land in Asia as you can to get more IPC’s per turn. Simply Dueling in the Pacific, Japan will fall to America’s Economic Power.

    Most american strategies say to either take Africa or concentrate on The pacific front. Use you economic power to build a massive and overwhelming army.

    The Uk needs to own the high seas to keep Germany from doing anything crazy, I.E. invading great britain or the US. It’s also a popular idea to build a Industrial complex in either South Africa or India. Of the two, i recommend south africa, because japan could possibly take india on turn 1.

    Russia should try to keep a bit of pressure on Japan to keep it from getting too much land in Asia, while having a slow moving curtain of death slowly strangle Germany.

    Ok… While i’m sorta new at this, these are the general idea’s i’ve heard from everyone… i hope they helped.

  • @Darrigaaz:

    Well i recently started a PBEM against Hurkyl and he as russians play Russia Restricted moved 16 infantry, 2 fighters, and 3 tanks to karelia; leaving caucasus empty and only two infantry on Russia. If i took Russia, my front lines would have been weak enough for him to take germany quickly, so i attacked Karelia instead and lost all but a bomber and five infantry of the german army.

    Actualy, I moved 15 Inf on Kar and left 1 Inf on Cau.
    So basicaly, it’s impossible for Germany to lauch an invasion on Moscow or… blitzing through Cau. ;)

    As for the oppening strategy of each country, I suggest you read Don Rae’s exellent essays. you can find them here

  • When I play Germany,I go after Karelia,and take as much of Africa as possible,also go after British fleet.

  • That was me btw.

  • That was me btw.

  • Wow,that was weird.

  • Moderator

    heck, too much to explain! That’s what were here for!


    Russia starts the Game in a tight wad position… you have probably
    heard us talk that if Russia falls the game is over for the allies…
    This is very true in several senses… 1. if it falls usually the axis
    is well on it’s way to Economic Victory (achieved at a combined total
    84 IPC’s I think…) 2. Russia is The Only European Land ownership
    that the allies can use to Invade Germany on the turn after landing
    (Gibraltar being the other ownership, but with Spain in the way…)
    so it needs to acomplish 2 goals…

    1. Survival, and
    2. Asian Support

    To survive is very simple for Russia… Build Infantry! Most of the
    Experienced player’s (you could call me Intermediate 8) ) would tell
    you to do the same… as far as asian support, You need to use
    Ssainking as a funnel to pump troops to the front(or hold Ssainking
    if thatus is he Frontus!) So I’ll Give you a standard(or most used)
    Strategy that the Pro’s use (either that or shed tears :cry: over
    when they are the axis 8) )

    Russia RR(Russia Restricted: Russia cannot deploy troops in a zone
    wether Sea or land that would result in combat… most games have
    this rule so that the axis get a advantage as a way to balance the

    No Weapon/Development

    Purchases: 8 Infantry

    Combat Move: None

    Combat: None

    Non-Combat Move:

    3 Inf., 2 Arm, and 1 Fight. to Ker. from Rus.
    4 Inf. from Cauc. to Ker.
    1 Inf from Russia to Nov.
    1 Inf from Eve. to Nov.
    1 Inf from Eve. to Yak.
    1 Arm. from SFE to Nov.
    2 Inf. from SFE to Yak.

    Placement: 8 Inf. in Russia

    Russia Non-RR

    No Weapons/Development

    Purchase’s: 8 Infantry

    Combat Move:

    -Now you have three land options… one you could hit Norway… it’s
    advantage is that in the case of german counterattack your tanks are
    protected… not much else is really given to it…
    Then there is Eastern Europe… It’s advantage is that it immediately
    prevents Germany from hitting Keraila with German and S. Europe tanks
    also it splits the empire up forcing it to counter to open up the
    front wasting there time… it is probably the most used one…
    but the “Pro’s” will tell you (and I concure) hit Ukraine! it’s open
    hit from Caucusus and it allows you to put 5 Infantry that otherwise
    wouldn’t had the chance to do so. also it has one extra juicy tank that can
    be ground up 8) .

    As far as navy, send a Fighter to hit the German Baltic navy. only the
    Transport can hit back at a 1, so it becomes a massacre if you can
    destroy it.

    Ukraine: 3 Inf 2 Arm and 1 Fight vs. 5 Inf.-Cauc. 2 Inf. 1 Arm-Keraila
    2 Arm 1 fight.-Rus.

    Baltic: 1 Transport, 1 Sub vs. 1 Fight.- Rus.



    Ukraine: Taken, 3 Inf. 3 Arm. 1 Fight
    Baltic: Sub Submerged, Transport Sunk (this one is iffy…sometimes the
    Sub will go down sometimes not…)

    Non-Combat Movement:
    1 Fight. Baltic to Keraila
    1 Fight. Ukraine to Keraila
    3 Inf. to Ker. from Rus.
    1 Inf from Russia to Nov.
    1 Inf from Eve. to Nov.
    1 Inf from Eve. to Yak.
    1 Arm. from SFE to Nov.
    2 Inf. from SFE to Yak.

    8 Inf. to Keraila

    There is a normal Russia 1st Turn…

    The Key is Keraila, if you can keep it for however long then the allies
    can resupply you with men… if Germany takes it then your in deep

    as Japan takes over mainland asia (usually taking Chi. turn 1 and
    Ssainking turn 3 if you haven’t resupplied it.) it’s eyes are probably
    on your back door… so if you have the west (eastern front) covered
    good, now it becomes a race… can Japan take over Russia before the US
    Takes over Germany… if you as the Russian player have paved a way for
    the Allies to sucessfully tie up Germany and can get support to Asia,
    then my friend you have sucessfully triumphed for the motherland,
    enjoy the Honor of Lenin star that is in the mail :roll: …

    As far as the other Nations, I’ll give them to you when I can write it
    in full…

    Good Luck!


  • Russia (with RR): Strengthen both borders. Japan can hurt you more than most people think. hit Germany before they get to strong enough to fight.

    Germany: Strike Russia Quick, take Karelia and hold it long enough to start pumping out units. control the North Sea to keep brit trannies away from France. this allows you to concentrate on Russia. take as much of Africa as quickly as possible

    UK: Keep the North Sea in Allied hands, a german blockade can be devastating to your war effort. can buy trannies/INF to later invade europe.

    Japan: get as many units to the mainland as fast as possible. Keep the US at bay at sea, you dont necessarily have to do Pearl Harbor, but make sure you dont let them get a huge fleet.

    US: start massing trannies/INF in the Pacific. American Industry can make or break the allied war effort. keep a carrier or 2 with fighters in the pacific, you can use the possible Brit carrier in the North Sea for trannie defense in the atlantic, since the Germany navy is pretty much Kaput after the first turn or so. keep your capital ships in the pacific against japan. and be sure to help liberate africa from German control

  • M-4, how’d you get the “maybe the equivalent of pond scum” under your name there?

  • i have no idea, i hadn’t even noticed it. it’s probably a joke from one of the administrators about a reply i posted in a thread about revising the names for # of posts, the last one i suggested was funny.
    check it out here:


  • btw, thanks to whoever made it. :roll: :wink:

  • @Darrigaaz:

    leaving caucasus empty and only two infantry on Russia.

    Why would anyone leave Causasus (or any other buffer zone) 100% empty and allow a blitz to Russia? Even ONE IF will cause ANY German advance to stop in Caucasus (sp?)…

    EDIT: Didn’t see Hurkly’s reply further down in the thread… :lol:

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