Looking to find any players in the greater Cleveland area. Long time player, any version, own them all. I have a tremendous place to play with tons of room. Thank you to whoever responds…
Omaha, NE / Nebraska / PBEM? – Candidates PLEASE apply!
Hi. Looking for players in the Nebraska/western Iowa area to play Axis and Allies (and all variants), specifically in the Omaha metro area if possible. Would prefer to play face-to-face, but will settle for PBEM against anybody anywhere as long as they can help me out with how to do such. Looking to learn and have fun in addition to trying to win. Will cheerfully trade strategies and/or shoptalk with anybody. Starved for some decent players, so PLEASE feel free to drop a line and I’ll be glad to respond. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks.
C.J. (Omaha, NE, USA)
Phone: (402) 334-8969 (answering machine available; please limit calls to 9AM-9PM Central Time, thanks!)
E-mail: Roger_Clemens_12@yahoo.com -
I am interested in weekend games.
Kevin Hanson, 4022018744