Well, I did not expect this game to occur.
I thought S.F would win, got the other game wrong, thought for sure N.E would find a way to win.
I’m rooting for a meteor strike. :lol: I dislike both of these teams.
I was thoroughly disappointed that Atlanta didn’t pull off a win for Tony G. That man has deserved multiple superbowl rings, and it’s a shame he’s leaving the NFL with none of them.
I’m rooting for a meteor strike. :lol: I dislike both of these teams.
A product of man made global warming I’m sure?
I’m sure the “science” show’s we have increased the magnitivity of the earth to attract wanton meteor’s and Gomorrah sized strikes of fire from the sky.
Lewis is the Kevin Garnett of football, what a drama queen. I’m rooting for the San Francisco 49ers.