• Pictures of the unit identification pages should be coming shortly. The Britsh land units disguised as ANZACS are British.



  • Here are the unit tables, in four different views.  Shot 1 of 4:


  • Shot 2 of 4:


  • Shot 3 of 4:


  • Shot 4 of 4:


  • Can I say it for all of us: why not have used this excellent opportunity to give France its own sculpts?
    Am so happy for Italy’s of course.

  • I agree I’m rolling my eyes that we still have blue russians.

    Thank you for posting the pics I asked for it’s much appericated.

  • Thumbs down on the French tank and Mig fighter, but at least they got an AA gun (also borrowed from the Soviets).
    I would prefer the old french artillery instead of the new blue Russian one.

    I also propose a switcheroo of UK/ANZAC pieces:
    the old ANZAC M3 halftrack mech shall remain as the ANZAC mech (obtained under lend lease from USA or something)
    the new ANZAC “Ram Kangaroo” mech becomes a Canadian unit (and proud of it)
    the old ANZAC infantry, artillery etc also become Canadian
    the old UK M3 halftrack shall remain as the mech for UK
    the UK new “priest” kangaroo mech shall go directly into the garbage can. It is just too awful to place on the board.

    After sealion, Canada fights on with their $7 a turn and capitol moved to Ottawa.  Minimal effect on the game but vastly more correct and fun to play as Britain.

  • I really want to try the Canadian capital option, but do not play enough and have as yet not had a successful Sealion.

  • I have set up the 2nd Edition next to the first edition and here are some observations:

    1. USA has no bombers on the map.
    2. Japan has 8 less air on the map.
    3. UK has 2 less air on the map.
    4. Japan attack on UK on turn 1 is less lucrative.
    5. USA and ANZAC navy’s are bolstered to some degree.
    6. There are more land units of Japan and China in Asia.

    I believe that with the new setup the balance of play is much better. I played the first edition against a guy named “Jake” previously and anyone knowing Jake will understand why I never played again. He could take Japan and destroy anything the Allies did, even with giving the Allies many additional units. Hint: Jake would lose air units before ground units in Asia. With 8 less planes I do not believe that will be happening as much.


  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Yea Carl, EVERYONE including my dog could dominate the pacific in OOB.

    That’s why the Alpha rules came in - which ARE Second Edition.

  • I must say I am happy with all the new sculpts but I really wish they would change the US fighter from the P-38 to the P-51 or the Corsair…:(

  • @munchie19:

    I must say I am happy with all the new sculpts but I really wish they would change the US fighter from the P-38 to the P-51 or the Corsair…:(

    or hellcat seeing as they already have the mold

  • Agreed. I think it is too big and can not always balance on a carrier!
    I would also love if A&A got really anal and had 2 Fighters of which,the more expensive, could only land on Carriers.
    Learning to land on a Carrier was not the same as using a runway. Experienced pilots could not be replaced.
    I also hate that a Fighter can fly 4 and fight and land on Carrier it did not start from, replacing the one that did.

  • @wittmann:

    Can I say it for all of us: why not have used this excellent opportunity to give France its own sculpts?
    Am so happy for Italy’s of course.

    Because they will probably save this ‘opportunity’ as a selling point for future games…

    Imagine the draw of having unique French sculpts appearing in a Mediterranean theater-scale game!

    You’ll buy it. I’ll buy it. Wizards (wisely) isn’t putting all of its available eggs in the Global '40 basket.

  • @Make_It_Round:


    Can I say it for all of us: why not have used this excellent opportunity to give France its own sculpts?
    Am so happy for Italy’s of course.

    Because they will probably save this ‘opportunity’ as a selling point for future games…

    Imagine the draw of having unique French sculpts appearing in a Mediterranean theater-scale game!

    You’ll buy it. I’ll buy it. Wizards (wisely) isn’t putting all of its available eggs in the Global '40 basket.

    You are absolutely correct. I’ve bought every edition of Axis and Allies, regardless of any flaws or setup issues. I know Larry has mentioned before he won’t be doing an African theater map, but maybe he will if Wizards is holding out on new French sculpts (correct me if I’m wrong about any major battles in NA involving the French).

  • @munchie19:



    Can I say it for all of us: why not have used this excellent opportunity to give France its own sculpts?
    Am so happy for Italy’s of course.

    Because they will probably save this ‘opportunity’ as a selling point for future games…

    Imagine the draw of having unique French sculpts appearing in a Mediterranean theater-scale game!

    You’ll buy it. I’ll buy it. Wizards (wisely) isn’t putting all of its available eggs in the Global '40 basket.

    You are absolutely correct. I’ve bought every edition of Axis and Allies, regardless of any flaws or setup issues. I know Larry has mentioned before he won’t be doing an African theater map, but maybe he will if Wizards is holding out on new French sculpts (correct me if I’m wrong about any major battles in NA involving the French).

    And who knows…perhaps in a later edition they’ll even have designated units for the Dutch and the Canadians, who as a starting point already have their own roundels printed on the game map.

  • We would like that, but remember Krieg denied that when we last asked about it.

  • '20 '18 '16 '13 '12

    French sculpts = stupid. I’m not paying for a unit that I put on the board once, then remove on the FIRST turn of the FIRST round and then never use again. It’s bad enough I have Blue Aircraft carriers sitting in that box.

    Canadian sculpts… maybe for AA D-day but that’s long gone. We are not even a playable power in the game! I got over that long ago. To be honest even ANZAC sculpts are borderline. Be happy the French got their own infantry, complete with smoking jacket.

    I’m glad almost everyone has their own full set now, especially Italy. But I’m not going to cry over the fact that France doesn’t get it’s own Bomber which will never EVER be used.

    However I am still bumbed the setup got rid of that Awesome-looking Russian Battleship…  :x

  • It wouldn’t have cost them anything more to make the French tank a Matilda or Sherman instead of a T34.  I suppose if a guy was really bugged by it you could get some blue paint and make a less inappropriate french tank.

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