@ponef The season 14 tournament already started several months back: https://forums.triplea-game.org/topic/1364/revised-tournament-of-champions-toc-14-st-nazaire-raiders. I think season 15 will be posted in the next few months as that one winds down.
Looking to purchase revised
Why does this version cost so much? $1000 an Amazon? Come on this is crazy. I would love to purchase a copy of this but not at this price. HELP
It is so expensive because it is out of print. Get the current 1942 Edition instead. It’s much more reasonably priced.
what are the major differences between the two?
A summary of the rules differences can be found here.
If you don’t go the 1942 route, I’d look through craigslist - that’s how I got my copy.
Meaningful differences are changes to Strategic Bombing, addition of units (cruisers), unit prices/combat abilities, and some slight map revisions. Also, the board is smaller, but shares the same base graphic with AA50/AA1940 - “realistic” texture map, vs the colorblocking of revised (I prefer the revised board, personally, and not just because it’s larger).
Uh, it shows $135 on Amazon… not bad for sealed out of print. But yeah, I would buy 1942 and print one of IL’s maps to play on. The 1942 map is too small.