Hi, I live in Taunton with no one to play with live. I have a lake house in Plymouth too, but we might be renting it out this year so that won’t be on the table for long.
South Jersey?
@natopotato I’m still here
@BeetleDuck I’m trying to get a group going too. My issue is meeting at a strangers house. My mommy told me not to do that😆 Honestly, I’m sure we are all straight. A monthly group would be chill.
Yes, meeting in total strangers house is still sketchy.
@Justinrenna There is a place in Barclay pavilion on route 70 that seems to have a big space with a bunch of tables for board gamers… going to call them to see how much it would be for us to play there. I figure it would make sense to do that until we get to know one another. If my wife brought her book club weirdos to our house the first time without vetting them I would have a problem 😂😂
I am still of the opionion that we could set up our boards and do turn by turn on here. we just have to figure out something for the dice rolls and battles.
I think a good next step to start corralling everyone and taking some action towards our first game, is to organize a private group for players in our local area. Im usually good at organizing people to do fun things, and Facebook groups have always been a great tool for me. It puts a “face” to everyone and see who is ready to take action and sign on for a game. I’ve created a group… please join at the following link!
I will need to make a facebook for this then. I deleted social media about 8 years ago.
I just joined the group. I rarely do anything on Facebook other than look at stuff my wife and kids post.
@BeetleDuck That’s Facebook at its best!
@natopotato I think we are all looking for people to get together with. We could all play online. But I want to get together with people. A&A to me is not just the game it’s self. It’s getting together having a few beers, sharing a hobby.