Mm. I think you lucked out, Hobbes. I can’t say for sure what the CORRECT counter to your G1 carrier/transport was, but it certainly wasn’t sending Russian forces to India and/or Anglo-Egypt Sudan and/or the Pacific coast.
Hm, hm . . . . how to counter . . .
My strat would be to buy tons of inf with Rus and march them toward Ger. Maybe you wouldn’t take Berlin but you’d have a really good chance taking Italy or Norway. First few rounds you’d be making over 30 and Germany would be in the poor house or breaking even if Africa went great.
Although I agree with the mass ground unit buy (perhaps I’d do some tanks), I don’t actually think an all infantry buy with Russia threatens Norway or, for goodness sakes, Italy.
Germany can cut any attack against Norway off at Karelia - more importantly, the two transports in the Baltic combined with the fighters on the carrier mean a threat BOTH to London AND to Norway AND to Karelia. True, if the German fleet moves off Western Europe, German fighters on carriers there can’t reach the front. But at that doesn’t happen until G3. G1 and G2 can still see German infantry and/or tank buys.
My best guess is that Russia will have more infantry to throw at the German front, but that the German front isn’t really “threatened” - it’s inconvenienced, true, and Germany’s pushed back, but there is no REAL threat to Germany, particularly with UK/US staved off in the Atlantic. (edit) - since units otherwise needed in Western Europe can be sent east. Early can see 2 infantry and tanks in W. Europe, with later German infantry builds shuttled in to W Europe and tanks sent east. Using tanks for defense in W Europe early allows German infantry to start marching east immediately. What I think happens is - Russia does push forward for some early gains, but CANNOT take and hold Balkans and/or Eastern Europe; minmal G1/G2 ground buys plus Germany’s starting forces should be enough to force Russia to only trade territories there. If Russia COMMITS all its ground units to holding a forward territory, I think Germany can hit back hard with air, tanks, its surviving starting units, and any G1 and G2 builds (at the least).
Japan uses these first few turns to set up its transport fleet, then Germany starts pushing back against the Russian front. With all the German air power, Germany can trade territory with Russia without having to commit its ground units. Russia isn’t in the same boat. True, Russia could BUILD an air force, but every air unit is awfully expensive, especially considering that both Germany and Japan should start pressing in.
As far as Africa goes - well, that’s open to question. My inclination if doing G1 carrier/transport would be to probably take Gibraltar with battleship/transport, build an additional destroyer at Southern Europe to stop UK1 destroyer/bomber attack on battleship, kill UK units at Anglo-Egypt Sudan with 2 air units. MAYBE even add an additional transport at Southern Europe, which is awfully expensive, but it should be done on G1, I think, or not at all. Anyways, I would not ignore Africa.
I’ve seen successful Axis play that does ignore Africa, though. Even if the Allies have a huge income, it doesn’t matter if they can’t make that income count. Imagine having to use 10 IPC fighters to attack a stack of three 3 IPC infantry (infantry are cheaper and will still win), or 10 IPC fighters to defend against 5 IPC tanks (tanks are cheaper and will still win). If Germany CAN control the Atlantic while Japan presses in from the east, it may be that the Axis will conquer Moscow before the Allies can bring their wealth to bear.
Bleeding strength off to Africa was a problem in Revised too. The German player was always best advised not to over-commit to Africa.
So what’s best in this case? I can’t say I know, but I think carrier/transport is very promising. Then again, so are subs IMHO.