Naval Base represents advanced ship facilities that allow a ship to travel farther before it runs out of fuel and has to be refueled by invisible oil tankers. Air base uses the same rationelle. IL says that ships in ports should be protected from naval attack. Why? Ships can hit other ships from a mile away(literally), so they don’t have to actually enter the port
I don’t know about getting an extra move though… I mean, a full tank of gas is a full tank of gas, whether you are at sea or coming out of port. Same for Air Bases. Wherever you would land has an airfield, and therefore fuel and supplies. Why does having an Air Base give you an extra move? Does a more major airfield mean you can get more out of your gas tank? I don’t know, it seems kinda unrealistic in that way. And it just allows even faster movement across the board… which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but sometimes the movement can get rather long. Especially with long range aircraft … if that will be available in Global.
I agree wholeheartedly with the repair rule for ships. I think that is a great idea. As for protected Naval Bases… I don’t think it is a bad idea. It gives them more reason for use and purchase, plus it was historically accurate for nations to hole their ships up in port for protection. Other than at Mers-el-Kabir I know of no direct naval assault on a major port facility. And Mers-el-Kabir doesn’t really count since the ships were technically friendly with regards to each other. The Italians kept their ships at Taranto, knowing the British wouldn’t send their fleet there… so they (the Brits) ended up putting together an airstrike to do the job. The Japanes didn’t use their ships at Pearl Harbor, only planes. The Tirpiz was never directly attacked by sea forces while He was in berth (as far as I know), Truk was not raided by naval units, only by American carrier aircraft… I am sure there are other examples. I am saying that there is obviously some reason why nobody did it in the war, and I think that is where the deterrant of a Naval Base should come into play.