• Anyone had any success as the CP in Africa?  I’ve only seen Germany get corned by Italy, UK, and France and eventually eliminated, which is historically acurate I guess.  Except for German East Africa which I believe was never fully taken by the allies.

    The only potential objective I can identify is the Ottomans can contest and maybe even take Egypt.  However, India looks like it should be the first target.

  • Customizer

    The odd German can hold out because of the low odds attacks made in Africa. I had one left in contested Gold Coast at the end.

    Adding Askari recruitment completely changes the dynamic in Africa, with original tts worth defending.

  • @Flashman:

    Adding Askari recruitment completely changes the dynamic in Africa, with original tts worth defending.

    Is this a new rule in the works?

  • Customizer

    My house rule: any of the 4 powers with original African tts can build Askari units there, max 2 per turn, 1 per tt.

    Askaris cost 2, attack @1/2 defend @2

    They do not count as infantry for other purposes, hence you always have to have 1 “regular” infantry in a tt with Askaris.

  • Interesting…I’ll have to try that sometime to see how it works out

  • Customizer

    I meant 1 boosted to 2 by artillery, not there’s much of that in Africa.

  • Naw… just allow Germany to place 1 built land unit each turn in Africa, the Allies already got this with India

  • Customizer

    Unfair advantage - France and Britain had native armies as well.

    Next thing, you’ll be telling us that only Germany and Austria can “build” shock troops.

  • Perhaps a limit on how many IPC’s can be spent or units can be produced in India could make Africa more dynamic.

  • Unfair advantage - France and Britain had native armies as well.

    Uk can build unlimited units from India, Germany building one makes for more balance. Adding France just ruins it again.

    Next thing, you’ll be telling us that only Germany and Austria can “build” shock troops.

    They were the only ones that employed them in great quantities to win wars, while having strong veteran divisions is not “shock troops” Id like to see any instance where entire corps on the allied side even trained them.

  • Customizer

    No. I told you all that weeks ago.

    Italians had shock corps, Russia had shock divisions before Germany, UK in effect used Canadians and Anzacs as shock units; go back and look it up if you forgot.

    By all means allow Germany to recruit more shock troops than others if they want. Its up to the players how many they want to pay for.

    And as I also said before, by your logic Germany should be banned from building tanks since they only produced the insignificant number of 20 in the entire war. Heck, even America built more, even if they were too late to take part.

  • Germany should be banned from building tanks since they only produced the insignificant number of 20 in the entire war.

    Tanks are also armored cars for one. For two they captured and repurposed British and France tanks. All these things fall under tanks.

    Those elite divisions are just that. Not specially trained trench raiders with special weapons.

  • India is too busy dealing with ottomans, they cant afford to send units to Africa.

  • @Imperious:

    Those elite divisions are just that. Not specially trained trench raiders with special weapons.

    The Arditi actually were specially trained trench raiders with special weapons……so ummm…

  • In all, approximately 18,000 men

  • I fail to see how that changes that they were a special unit of soldiers trained specifically to storm trenches and equipped in a way to help them do that……and they were total bad asses.

  • @DarthShizNit:

    I fail to see how that changes that they were a special unit of soldiers trained specifically to storm trenches and equipped in a way to help them do that……and they were total bad asses.

    I’m also pretty sure the Russians had shock troops as well. During the Brusilov offensive, specially trained and equipped shock troops to spearhead the attacks…… now what that has to do with African strategies is a bit beyond me.

    When were talking about African strats though which side are we planning for, the allies or the Central powers? For the Allies it’s really just a matter of time. German forces will eventually run out as Germany has no way of sending reinforcement and there are more allied units in Africa the German. As the Germans I think they key is to concentrate your troops somewhere, ideally the Belgium Congo, and try to break through to the Turks, linking up in Egypt or the Sudan. I had some great success in my last game and really made the allies work for control of Africa. I nearly took out all the allied forces within Africa, attack their formations before they had a chance to concentrate their troops. It didn’t last though, after a bad attack (or strong defense from the allied point of view) in British east Africa against a joint UK-Italian force, the Germans were spent, and while I did manage to get to Egypt, my battered army was just 1 infantry, down from the 4 infantry and 1 arty I had bedeviled the allies with earlier. I had to high tail it out of Egypt next turn to avoid being wiped out by the Brits, and my one infantry didn’t do much good after that.

    In the end it’s all about concentrating you force and attacking your enemy before he can concentrate his. Also, I strongly suggest against trying to hold territories, but rather to keep your forces constantly on the move, make the allies chase you down, as long as your forces are keeping you in control of at least 4IPC worth of Africa, they are doing their job.

  • VZSTAL was asking about CP African strats. I would think he was talking about what could be done with-in the rules of the game (not a house rule). Then it turned into a page of house rues, and off topic bickering? I thought it was the job of the MOD to keep things on track, not to derail them further?

    Nice job Clyde85, of moving things back to center.

    As the Germans, being there really is noway to get reinforcements (through the currant rules), we try to move around swapping territories/colonies for as long as you can to continue to produce some income (make them attack you, because you def better). We have had the Germans in SW Africa (inf/art) attack the UK S African (inf/art) on G1 a couple times, but had mixed results. It generally just gets your art killed off, and makes it easier for them to get you. One game the Germans were able to consolidate (dice kept them alive), but the allies just kept funneling units in to keep the territory they were in contested, which keeps the Germans from moving anywhere (you have units, but don’t produce income).

    In the game I’m playing now (starting turn 4) the UK hasn’t built much in India, and most of what they have headed to a collapsing Russia in Sevastopol (went through Mesopotamia so I thought my Turks could be in trouble). I retook Trans Jordon in force T2, and now that my Turk capital isn’t in any immediate danger (only Italians have 1 transport with-in range), I decided to proceeded to move my Turk army to capture Egypt turn 3 (w/15 units), just to see if I can take a difference down there.

    The damned Russians killed off my Turk navy R2 though (1 Russian cruiser survived), and the Brits moved all their warships to the Med (probably going to hit my Austrian navy that I added a sub A2). The Brits left their 2 transports w/o escorts and are moving troops from India to Africa, but their transports are safe even though I hold Egypt. It is now Austria’s turn and I’m not sure if I should attempt a navy build (couple BB’s, maybe a sub fleet to slither around) to start a naval race (that I know I can’t win) to force a showdown? The Austrians need ground units though to keep their supply line going so IDK. I think I have a chance to take parts of Africa w/Turks, but unless I can figure out a way to stop the the Brits from reinforcing it they’ll just retake what I get, and will liberate Egypt as soon as I move out. The Turks in Africa is what I wanted as the game started though, so I’m very interested to see how it works out.

    BTW my Germans haven’t fair to well in Africa (like I said that G1 attack on S Africa didn’t go to well), and my last inf is making its last stand (but did just survive a 2 inf French attack, and killed a French unit LOL).

  • @WILD:

    The Austrians need ground units though to keep their supply line going so IDK. I think I have a chance to take parts of Africa w/Turks, but unless I can figure out a way to stop the the Brits from reinforcing it they’ll just retake what I get, and will liberate Egypt as soon as I move out. The Turks in Africa is what I wanted as the game started though, so I’m very interested to see how it works out.

    BTW my Germans haven’t fair to well in Africa (like I said that G1 attack on S Africa didn’t go to well), and my last inf is making its last stand (but did just survive a 2 inf French attack, and killed a French unit LOL).

    I think the Ottomans are the only CP that can have any lasting effect in Africa.  Through some creative movements and lucky dice rolls the Germans can be a thorn in the Allies’ side but they will fall sooner or later.  Keep us posted on how this turned out for you.

  • @VZSTAL:


    The Austrians need ground units though to keep their supply line going so IDK. I think I have a chance to take parts of Africa w/Turks, but unless I can figure out a way to stop the the Brits from reinforcing it they’ll just retake what I get, and will liberate Egypt as soon as I move out. The Turks in Africa is what I wanted as the game started though, so I’m very interested to see how it works out.

    BTW my Germans haven’t fair to well in Africa (like I said that G1 attack on S Africa didn’t go to well), and my last inf is making its last stand (but did just survive a 2 inf French attack, and killed a French unit LOL).

    I think the Ottomans are the only CP that can have any lasting effect in Africa.  Through some creative movements and lucky dice rolls the Germans can be a thorn in the Allies’ side but they will fall sooner or later.  Keep us posted on how this turned out for you.


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