• Did we do something wrong?
    I love this dice calc.  I am getting an error message:


    AACalc is temporarily down due to excessively large calculations.

    Will our beloved dice calc soon be active again?

    If not, are there suggested alternatives?

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    The problem is that the calculations are done on the server. The php process typically not pegged on CPU but in this case it was.

    So we need a new AACalc. It really needs to be javascript based so that it runs in your browser and not on my server. Who wants to work on this?

  • I stumbled across this thread today after trying to use AACalc online.  Since I love the tool so much, I decided to try and make it work offline.

    After some tinkering, I managed to put together a little app that runs AACalc on the client, rather than requiring a server; you can download it here: www25.zippyshare.com/v/58450275/file.html

    Basically, I took the AACalc source files that djensen posted, paired them with an open-source “run PHP offline” solution called php-desktop, and voila!  It seems to work well for me anyway.  Just run aacalc.exe.

    To djensen: I had to change one line of code in index.php, which was trying to include a file called load.php–but that file isn’t on GitHub.  I’m assuming it’s not super important, since the tool seems to still work even though I removed the include.  (if load.php really is important though, perhaps you could send me that file so I can properly include it in this release?)

    To everyone: Enjoy!  ZippyShare isn’t the best place to host something like this, so if someone wants to put the file in a better place feel free to take on the hosting part of this solution.

  • '12

    I look forward to trying it.  Nice work!

  • please report any progress.  Nothing against the toast man,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHptn_3RyYE but a poster with one post  :| tells you to D/L an executable onto your computer  :?

  • :-D  Now I have two posts.  haha

    But in all seriousness, axis_roll is right–random .exes on the web can be pretty dangerous.  I can’t blame him for being concerned.

    If you don’t trust my file (I do promise it’s completely safe & clean, but obviously that promise might not be worth much coming from a rookie poster), then here are some simple instructions to create your own offline AACalc project.  It wasn’t rocket science.

    Step 1)  Download & extract php-desktop (this is a well-known Google code open source project; see various internet forums)
    Step 2)  Delete everything in the www folder of php-desktop.
    Step 3)  Copy djensen’s aacalc files into the www folder of php-desktop.
    Step 4)  Edit index.php, and delete this line:  include(‘load.php’);  Then, save & close the file.
    Step 5)  [optional] Rename php-desktop.exe to aacalc.exe  (I did this just for fun, but it isn’t necessary)

    That’s it.  No need to even use my download at all, for folks who are security conscious.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    I have a better idea. I can host aacalc on another server so it doesn’t interfere with this one. I’ll have it up by the end of the week.

  • @djensen:

    I have a better idea. I can host aacalc on another server so it doesn’t interfere with this one. I’ll have it up by the end of the week.


    Thank you!

  • @the_toast_man:

    then here are some simple instructions to create your own offline AACalc project.  It wasn’t rocket science.

    Step 1)  Download & extract php-desktop (this is a well-known Google code open source project; see various internet forums)
    Step 2)  Delete everything in the www folder of php-desktop.
    Step 3)  Copy djensen’s aacalc files into the www folder of php-desktop.
    Step 4)  Edit index.php, and delete this line:  include(‘load.php’);   Then, save & close the file.
    Step 5)  [optional] Rename php-desktop.exe to aacalc.exe  (I did this just for fun, but it isn’t necessary)

    That’s it.  No need to even use my download at all, for folks who are security conscious.

    I appreciate this info.  It would be nice to have a client side based die roller when I don’t have access to the internet.

    BTW, did you watch the youtube video of Haywood Banks singing the Toast song?
    I think it should make you giggle.

  • @axis_roll:

    I appreciate this info.  It would be nice to have a client side based die roller when I don’t have access to the internet.

    BTW, did you watch the youtube video of Haywood Banks singing the Toast song?
    I think it should make you giggle.

    :-)  Yep, I watched the video–I’ve actually heard an MP3 of this song before, but hadn’t seen it performed.  The toaster-drum was icing on the cake!

  • @djensen:

    I have a better idea. I can host aacalc on another server so it doesn’t interfere with this one. I’ll have it up by the end of the week.

    Great!  Thanks a ton for writing/maintaining this roller by the way–it’s really awesome.

    Question: What’s the deal with load.php?  Is it important to the functionality of AACalc?  I successfully played a game last night with the offline program which doesn’t have load.php, and the program worked great.  But if you think the file is important, let me know–I’d like to keep using the offline program for the same situations as axis_roll (when playing a game in a non-connected location)

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    I’m not entirely sure how AACalc works end to end. Nothing against the original developers but it’s a little messy.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    The new AACalc location is up and running:


    Be nice to it.

  • Thanks.

    Note:  The CSS styling is a bit messed up; is this running some kind of lightweight web server?  (I ran into this same problem when I was hacking away trying to get it to work offline)

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