Russia collect money question RE: Manchuria?

  • If Russia takes Manchuria, who gets the money for it? Russia or China?

  • Meaning, if Manchuria an originally controlled Jap hex or is Manchuria considered part of China?

  • '18 '17 '16

    China. It has the Chinese flag on it.

  • Thats why you should take Korea. If you can hold it for 1 turn because the Japs are out of range you can land a few Anzac fighters there from the Carolines and build an IC, drop some subs in SZ6

  • If Russia has spare money enough to build ics in korea, than Germany did it wrong…

  • This could happen even before Germany declares war on Russia. If Japan leaves Korea unprotected on J1 or 2 and you take it with the 18 inf, the AA and land some ANZAC or UK planes there, you’d be crazy not to build an IC there, could be a gamechanger

  • Expensive joke, i think, and Japan will take it away. And maybe Australia as well.

    For USA later in the game, Korea could be an okay place to place a US IC, if you can get there, that is.

  • If the USA built an IC there, it is because it already smashed any Japanese fleet in SZ6 and the game is already over.

  • I don’t think UK ftrs can land in russian territories until they are both at war with Japan. So if Japan didn’t attack the allies J1, then….not sure how this could work out.  I suppose UK could declare war on Japan UK2 if Japan didnt…so I guess it is quite possible.  Still I don’t think I would be committing that many russian ipcs to the east, I prefer to march most of those inf back to moscow.

  • Official Q&A


    I don’t think UK ftrs can land in russian territories until they are both at war with Japan.

    Not exactly.  USSR is under the restrictions of a neutral power on the Europe map when not at war with Germany/Italy, and on the Pacific map when not at war with Japan.  UK, being at war with Germany and Italy and having no treaty with Japan, is not under the restrictions of a neutral power at all.  As a result, UK units can move into Soviet territories on the Europe map when USSR is at war with Germany and/or Italy, and they can move into Soviet territories on the Pacific map when USSR is at war with Japan.

  • Krieg,

    This applies even if the USSR declared war on Japan?

  • Piet Hein,

    If the Russian players leaves his inf on the coast for Japan to attack, then Japan should kill all those infantry. I’ve seen Russian players move their 18 Inf to the coast, in hopes of taking Korea and Manchuria. Will all that Japan can get there, they destroy the Russian infantry on Turn 1 and just start moving west unimpeded. Not good for the Russians. Then, they focus their efforts on the UK/Anzac and China and it’s not good for the Allies.

  • @Commando:


    This applies even if the USSR declared war on Japan?

    why wouldnt it?

  • @Commando:

    Piet Hein,

    If the Russian players leaves his inf on the coast for Japan to attack, then Japan should kill all those infantry. I’ve seen Russian players move their 18 Inf to the coast, in hopes of taking Korea and Manchuria. Will all that Japan can get there, they destroy the Russian infantry on Turn 1 and just start moving west unimpeded. Not good for the Russians. Then, they focus their efforts on the UK/Anzac and China and it’s not good for the Allies.

    I know, I’ve seen that happen. I usually spread them out on R1 over 3 territories, say Sakha, Buryatia and Amur, and fly 2 planes over to Yakutsk. If the Japs see what I’m doing and reinforce - I do nothing and fly the planes back. If they don’t realise the threat and start moving all their land units out of range, which they often do cause they need them badly in China, and sail south with their fleet, I move the whole bunch in R2 to Amur and if he has even left Manchuria relatively open, because he didnt think you’d risk it with the 10 IPC bonus and all, you can already attack that with the 6 guys in Amur and the 2 planes, that can land in AMur as well.

    Now he starts getting annoyed, having to pull troops back that are hopelessly out of range, and if you’re lucky, you can take Korea on G3 with 18 inf and an AA, and the only thing he has in range are planes, which he does not want to lose against your inf and AA, so he waits a turn to gather some meat from Japan, and then you surprise him again with landing planes there from Kwangtung (may have already been captured though) in addition to you Russian planes. If not possible, you can move some US/Anzac planes to Hawaii/Wake on ANZ3 when the US is already at war and they can reach it on US/AZ4

    Now its starting to become a problem, Japan’s logistics are getting screwed up, you build an IC and so on

    I’m not saying this is a must-use strategy it’s got a whole lot of IFs and if one of those assumptions is incorrect, dont do it. Still, if it works, could be a gamechanger

  • With all this going on, if Russia rolls a couple tanks and mech infantry through the North of China too, China will have the coastal territories liberated by turn 4 and Japan will be sunk by turn 7. I like it.

  • @MacNaughton:

    With all this going on, if Russia rolls a couple tanks and mech infantry through the North of China too, China will have the coastal territories liberated by turn 4 and Japan will be sunk by turn 7. I like it.

    All this implies sleeping Axis…

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