Field Marshal Games - Notice to our Friends and Customers

  • '10

    Hello all,

    As we are moving into a NEW YEAR, I wanted to take this opportunity to bring you up-to-date on the situation here at FMG.  I also wanted to make a few announcements regarding our current projects and what to expect from us in 2013, and an apology for the HORRIBLE last half of 2012.


    The situation is very bleak for FMG at the current time.  After the Chinese company closed and ran off with our investment money, the company is now over 20K in debt.  All our moulds and products produced in 2012 have been lost and we have nothing to show for the hard work and expense.

    This is heartbreaking for us as we have invested over two years of profit into these projects as well as made personal investments in them.  Both Aaron and I are now faced with personal debt and a company that is massively in the RED.  At this time we can not give any ETA on future product releases as we need to recoup from the losses of 2012 and just try to keep the company from going under.


    There is really no excuse for the lack of communication and poor service we have given our customers over the past months.  Communication has been spotty - Shipping has been slow - community involvement has been non-existent.  I must take personal blame for this and take all flack that is due….   I have been so discouraged and depressed about the situation that at times I have avoided it.  This has not been fair to any of our long time customers and friends and for this I apologize.

    Having worked so hard for so long I am sure you know that this has not been the case over the many years that I have been part of this community.  Watching the near destruction of FMG and trying to crawl out of a financial �bomb crater� has taken it�s toll.  Please accept my personal apologies and commitment to reversing this recent trend.


    We would like to thank Coach from HBG for his support through this difficult period.  He and I have spoken several times and was the one person I could share the gory details of the crisis with.  Many thanks to Coach and HBG for continuing to carry the torch as FMG faces this difficult period.

    In late 2012 Coach approached me and suggested that he could help with the situation by filling all of the GERMANY pre-orders for us with HBG product.  As FMG can not give any firm release date on GERMANY at this time I would like to offer this to those of you that can no longer wait on a return of this investment.  I have provided HBG with a list of customer pre-orders and they will issue you a SITE CREDIT to purchase some of the awesome new products they have in exchange for your FMG pre-order.

    Please contact HBG via e-mail or PM to have your FMG pre-order turned into HBG site credit.


    We would also like to thank and DJENSEN for their continued support.  Without the support of our friends here on, FMG would never have happened in the first place.  So we would like to thank each one of YOU!


    As you can gather from the above, we will be regrouping in 2013 and trying to get FMG back on track.  This will be difficult given the debt and the lack of new product, but it will be our number one priority.  I will keep the community posted on progress as we pull out of this crisis.

    We will continue to ship orders and make every effort to bring the great customer service that FMG had been known for in the past.  Our products will also be available from the two official distributors and

    One way or another we will be hosting FMGC 2013 in the late summer.  We have been in talks with IWNGU to co-host this event as it has been so popular with the community in the North.  Once this is all sorted out there will be an announcement.


    We started the FMG project because we love the Hobby.  Like Coach and others, it is our passion for the game that we keeps us going.  We will make every effort to keep FMG alive and hope that by the end of the year things will return to normal.

    We apologize for the disruption that this crisis may have caused to our friends and customers.

    We thank those of you for your support through the years and your continued faith in us.

    Let�s hope 2013 is the turn around year, I would like to wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR

    Field Marshal Jeremy

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