• Forewarning, i’m bored and do not yet have the game.

    I had an idea though for a broad tactic using Japan that may work well.  The premise is to stick a navel and airbase on the island of, i’m guessing is, Hainin, right off the coast of FIC.  Not all at once, one at a time, possibly with an IC on FIC as well.  This will allow you to quickly drop 4 units a turn into FIC and 6 into china from Japan using only 5 transports.  With the airbase there your defensive fleet will have fighter protection, and with the navel base you can soak hits onto your carriers without fear (esp since the planes can land on the airbase to still protect your fleet).  You are also within striking distance of India to help keep the UK honest while you push.  Obviously your goal would be to push and take India and all of china while keeping the US off your back as long as possible, then turning to Australia.  Your main fleet defensive would consist of fighters on navel bases.  Only downside is you will probably take a beating in trying to keep control of your money islands.  Anyone else board out there with thoughts?

  • Problem with this strategy
    Minor Industrial Complexes cant be built on islands, or on territories with no IPC value, such as Hainin
    A naval and air base toghether would cost 30 IPC, so thats a little expensive

  • According to the A&A.org previews, naval and air bases can be built anywhere.

    I think Hainin is a fine choice because, like you said, it’s midway between Japan and India (if one uses naval bases). Also, I think using an island airbase as a “super carrier” will be a very popular tactic because it makes a sea zone nearly impregnable.

    I was looking at Java as a base that could be used to pressure both India and Australia (with multiple sea routes to each) but the Hainan setup also allows or landings in Northern Territory. The downside to Hainan is that the Allies can put down blockers to prevent rushes into India/Australia, but I think the plan will be to take the Dutch islands and then push toward a city. Maybe a Java AB and/or NB would be of use at that point.

  • IC goes in FIC, same SZ

  • sorry, misread your first post

  • Yea that’s a good observation Vareel, about putting AB & NB on Hainam. You would get the benefit of the FIC IC (need to build one) to drop in ships, and the air support of the island (Hainam) off the coast for your navy. Its just 3 spaces to assault India, I also noticed it is 3 spaces from Western Australia (possible invasion) keep them guessing. It will give you a two prong attack on China/India by land (via Manchuria also). It could also serve as a base to protect your money islands. Being only 3 spaces from Japan allows you to combine your navies or give you another base later in the game if Japan itself is under siege. Lots of options. The only drawback is the cost would be rather high, but you could hold off on building the air base until later rounds when you might need it for defensive reasons.

    On another note the Caroline islands (comes with AB & NB) might be hard pressed to keep in later rounds as it will have a big bulls-eye on it.

  • The reason I thought of it was in AA50 when Japan is contested in the sea, she tends to stick close to the asian coast.  It is atleast 2, probably 3, turns away from the US and only 1 from Japan.  As far as cost, just look at it as 15 ipc a turn for 3 turns, turn 1 navel base, turn 2 IC in fic, turn 3 air base.  I can really see a declare war turn 2 or 3 working well with this and a smash china/india tactic.  Once your back is safe, then japan could start moving in on Australia. I just know as the US i’d hate to attack a jap fleet with 2 or 3 carriers, a battleboat, and say, 10ish planes that can hit me if i’m within 3 squares of it.

  • Yea I think that having a base of operations off the coast of FIC will prove to be very strategic for Japan. Especially because it can move in without declaring war round 1. Its a nice staging point to hit China, India or Australia, and it will take a while for the US to get there to help.

    rd #1 build NB on Hainin, invade FIC
    rd #2 build minor IC on FIC (could also build AB on Hainin or wait til later )
    rd #3 build according to your needs (reaction from enemy etc) very flexible.

  • I guess you could build both the IC and AB rd #2 ($28), your income should be on the rise.

    IC-$12, NB-$15, AB-$15, new base of operations priceless.

    Ok maybe I’m a little slap happy only 2 days left.

  • Very cool Idea Vareel, I will have to try this out when i get the copy of my game. +1

  • @WILD:

    Yea I think that having a base of operations off the coast of FIC will prove to be very strategic for Japan. Especially because it can move in without declaring war round 1. Its a nice staging point to hit China, India or Australia, and it will take a while for the US to get there to help. By the way you won’t be able to build there rd #1, you have to take it first.  rd #1 take FIC
    rd #2 build minor IC (so you can use it right away)
    rd #3 build NB and what ever else you think you might need. (ships, air or ground)
    rd #4 maybe AB etc…

    he’s not actually building the AB and NB on FIC, he’s building it on Hainan which Japan starts off with, so he can build an AB there on the first turn as he takes FIC.

  • Only big downside to this that I can see is caroline islands will be taken by the allies quickly and is 3 away from both japan and hainin.  This is good if they cannot block you, but i’m sure the US could station there while one of the others puts a pair of DDs in your way so that you cannot retake it.  On the otherhand, you can hang out at caronline for turns 2-4ish, then retreat when it gets too hot as i’m sure with the airbase on hainin it will not take much to defend it in the early turns.  Welp in a few more days with any luck I can see how it goes lol.

  • oops your right bennyboy my bad. The worst part is I knew what he meant and still screwed it up. I will edit my post so someone doesn’t get confused.

  • I was considering (without studying the map and setups) setting up a forward base that the US could not ignore in someplace like the carolina’s or iwo. With a stack of infantry to protect fighters and a NB/AB and a large portion of the Japanese fleet, in such a location, it might set up a couple dead zones that the US might not be so quick to rush through.

    Add to this a build up on Hainin and you may keep a good position for a couple extra turns.

  • @Todd7912:

    I was considering (without studying the map and setups) setting up a forward base that the US could not ignore in someplace like the carolina’s or iwo. With a stack of infantry to protect fighters and a NB/AB and a large portion of the Japanese fleet, in such a location, it might set up a couple dead zones that the US might not be so quick to rush through.

    Add to this a build up on Hainin and you may keep a good position for a couple extra turns.

    It seems like it would be tough to do all of this as well as keep China, India and ANZAC occupied. Japan doesn’t have too many resources starting out.

  • Todd,
    You get an AB & NB on the Caroline islands at set up along with a ton of ships in the area. All you need to do is transport more ground units in, and you’ll get your wish.

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