Questions I didnt see in any of these threads

  • I am new to the game and the forum, I read through 6 pages of threads looking for answers and only  about half were answered.

    Q 1.  can a bomber/s to a solo land attack on infantry/arty? (no AA gun present) and if so the strange thing is the land units cant fire back so the bomber in theory can just keep bombing till they are all gone or what?  how does this work? this also is true for planes in this case.

    2.  so subs only use is the attack with one die roll during the movement phase?  when sea battles come up they become fodder in a fight but have no attacking power in a fight?  so if all war ships are destroyed and only a sub remains what is the outcome?

    3. similar question,  in a sea battle all warships are destroyed and just transports/subs or carriers remain on one players side does the other player now just keep attaking till elimination?

    4. i read alot about units sharing islands at the determine ownership of island phase. if all forces sharing the zone/s must be resolved then how is it that there remain forces sharing islands by this. time?

    5 can planes attack subs? if so subs have no return fire correct? (which in reality of the war was not true)

    6 clirify order of combat for this scenario,  both opponents have ships and planes in the same zone:
    planes fight planes to eliminate one player? remaining planes attack opponents ships till planes are gone or ships whichever the case? then ships fight ships till one is destroyed?  if ships are damaged in the air phase do they hold over in that zone through the sea phase of ship to ship or are they removed?

    thank you

  • I get the impression that you are misunderstanding the combat system.  :|

    You have not found the answers to your questions because they are coming from an incorrect premise that a combat has to see one side destroyed or retreat.

    It is possible to complete all combats with both sides still having units in the sea zone or on the island.

    DO NOT try to apply combat rules/systems from other A&A games to GCNL.

    Combats are conducted in phases and do not go until one side ‘calls it off’/retreats or is destroyed. Casualties are determined with the battle box and in a random manner.

    Bombers over land units would have to withstand fire from ground units with an air attack value in the air attack phase and the ground units would have to face fire from surviving bombers.

    Each of those combats is just ‘one round’ or ‘one roll.’

    Combat phases end when both sides have rolled dice equal to their total attack values from participating units for the particular phase (air, sea, land.) While a combat phase may end with one side being eliminated, THIS IS NOT A REQUIREMENT.

  • ok, i see now,  yes it was only my 2nd time playing the game with my son, and having only played the original aa one hundred years ago i was confused.

    but #2 is still a fuzzy issue, about the subs being only of value during the movment phase? they do not contribute to the sea phase of combat do they? in terms of adding die.  also what is the outcome of a plane occupying a seazone with a sub in it?

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, Iron_Brigade!


    but #2 is still a fuzzy issue, about the subs being only of value during the movment phase? they do not contribute to the sea phase of combat do they? in terms of adding die.

    No.  They fire only in their own phase.


    also what is the outcome of a plane occupying a seazone with a sub in it?

    The plane fires once at the sub, as it would any other ship.  Subs don’t fire at planes.

  • Subs are only of attack value in their special section of the movement phase but they get to pick their specific target which IMO makes up for not shooting in the sea combat phase.

    But just being fodder isn’t bad in sea combat as they are ‘cheap’ to buy with your reinforcement points and can serve as escort for the far more valuable carriers and battleships as losing a sub doesn’t cost victory points.

    And moving and shooting subs one at a time means you aren’t committed to using all the subs on one target. If you only have two subs you can try for the BB with the first and if you miss go for a cruiser or destroyer with the second.

    I’m not really a big fan of subs but the sub rules in GCNL are alright. Maybe because I’ve had several battles that I was going to be ahead on attack power really become lopsided with lucky shots from subs.

    Killing an enemy BB before the big naval battle is huge.  :evil:

  • i have a question as to when units are removed.  if Jap is frist player, and does an air attack against US, are the US air casualties removed, THEN the US does its air attack in the same TT?  sorry if i worded it badly

  • @katfishkris:

    i have a question as to when units are removed.  if Jap is frist player, and does an air attack against US, are the US air casualties removed, THEN the US does its air attack in the same TT?  sorry if i worded it badly

    No, each combat phase is ‘simultaneous’ all the US units with an air attack value would get to add their dice to fighting the Japanese units present – then both sides casualties are removed.

  • combat sequence is giving me a hard time.  so far i really like the game, sure is different though.  damn combat sequence.  is there GC for abattlemap?

  • I think someone did a map  :| but my email playing days are behind me and I don’t think that GCNL would lend itself very well to forum play.

  • no, i guess it wouldnt really work pbf.  not with the combat sequence.

  • Since there is no airfield on the battle box pull out strip, how do you know if you hit an airfield? I have played this a few times but have not been able to figure it out.

  • Official Q&A

    In order to attack an island’s airfields, you must designate at least one air or sea unit as attacking them.  You roll this attack separately from your units that are attacking land units (if any), checking only for hits (1s or 2s) in the battle box and disregarding the unit types listed by them.  For every two hits scored, one airfield is damaged.

  • So it takes 2 hits to kill an air field?  :-o LOL i played with my dad with just one hit damaging the airfield :P hahaha

  • @Giggity:

    So it takes 2 hits to kill an air field?  :-o LOL i played with my dad with just one hit damaging the airfield :P hahaha

    Two hits to damage the airfield and make it unusable until repaired by spending one supply on the island with the airfield.

    To me ‘kill’ means gone/off the board which would be different than ‘damaged.’

  • @Krieghund:

    In order to attack an island’s airfields, you must designate at least one air or sea unit as attacking them.  You roll this attack separately from your units that are attacking land units (if any), checking only for hits (1s or 2s) in the battle box and disregarding the unit types listed by them.  For every two hits scored, one airfield is damaged.

    Thanks Krieghund.

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