• @Bjergmose:

    We decided to play ´41 with Nobs.


    Sorry couldnt help it.  :-P

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    We like to play with nobs  :wink:

    Makes it more interesting  :-o

  • your killing me stop it  :-D

  • @Bjergmose:

    We like to play with nobs  :wink:

    Makes it more interesting  :-o

    is that a dice tower or are you just happy to be allies?

  • OK maybe your not english so i’d like to inform you that NOB is an English colloquialism reffering to the male extremeties.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    Vacation is over  :-)

    Wednesday 4 players turned up.
    So 2 vs. 2. Ghostglider (GER/IT) and Brian (JAP) prevailed
    against the unlucky crowdpleasers Bjergmose (UK) and John (RUS).

    It was a good game. It wasn´t decided until very late in the game.
    In the beginning the Germans struggled, but they kept mainland europe secured, and was able to increase the Luftwaffe to a point where the allied fleet couldn´t operate the way they wanted. The Japanese took Moscow when the Russians failed to secure Novosibirsk leaving Moscow doomed under the Japanese long-range heavy bomber attack.

    I prefer to play one-on-one. The allies have to coordinate more then the axis, and in our game we might have compromised too much. And I hate to loose because of my partner and I also hate the feeling that I cost the victory. But none of the above was the case wednesday…sheer bad luck  :-D

    I am planning a danish tournament in AE50.
    The ifs…whys…whens and whats will be figured out when I know more.
    Any danes outthere reading this, write me if interested  8-)

    New rating updated 24th of July
    Name           Rating
    Ghostglider        2100
    Bjergmose          2027
    Svend Kristian    2016
    Smedman           2003
    Svend Kinch      2000
    Kenneth            1996
    Allan                1982
    Jens Christian    1980
    John                1971
    Jonas                1967
    Brian                1958

  • where in denmark you guys from? if its an open danish championship you might get a visitor or two from norway ;)

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    We play in Copenhagen.
    But the planned tournament would stretch several months
    with face-to-face and e-mail games when the distance requires it.

    I´ll take you into my planning…I am just thinking aloud  :-)

    If you live in Oslo we could play on the cruise-ships  :?

    In the weekend 9-11th of october there is the danish championsship
    at viking-con, but that is revised. That is an open tournament, so drop by.

  • i live in Oslo so yeah we can do it on a cruise ship, would be really cool. Not a big fan of Revised and im away hunting 11th of october anyway. But a weekend on a cruise ship with AA50 would be cool, and its not like plane to copenhagen is expensive anymore (like 300NOK if bought in time).

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    Ghostgliders reign has ended once more.
    After 5 wins in a row he had to surrender late wednesday evening :-)

    John played (GER/IT) teaming up with Bjergmose (JAP).
    Brian had (UK/US) and Ghostglider took (RUS/CHI).

    Seemed better to split US/China so there wouldn´t be any arguments over the 3rd major ally. Allthough Brian wouldn´t argue anyway…not his style  :-D

    Basically the japanese long-range aircraft saved the day for the axis.
    It was a roller-coaster game. Germany ruled 1st round. The allies was on top after the 2nd. And so forth.

    At the turning point of the game the axis held a warcouncil to decide between A or B.
    A:kamikaze attack on Moscow to soften up the defence, but destroying the japanese airforce doing so or
    B:take out either the Royal Navy or the USN.
    After some punching and screaming the axis settled for plan B.
    5 fighters and a bomber took of against 2 carriers, a destroyer and 2 fighters (+ 3-4 trn)
    1st round…japan ZERO hits…this was a mistake…US ZERO hits…what a gentleman giving the japanese another chance. This time no mistakes. The USN was sent to the bottom at the cost of 2 figthers.

    When the allies forgot or overlooked the gap towards Caucasus, giving the German panzers a quick kill the game was almost over. Everything else was just prolonging the pain.

    The allies had a good defence in France hitting 10 out of 12 against the germans, but the japanese fighters kamikazed into Paris to take out the last groundforces.

    We will be starting a tournament monday…The Scandinavian Open 09….stay tuned…

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    So the Danish tournament
    Scandinavian Open 09 has started.

    So far there is 1 group in Copenhagen. Hopefully Oslo and Aalborg will join us.

    1st game in the group was Brian vs. Ghostglider. Winner….Ghostglider, but Brian
    sure kept Ghostglider on his toes. 3 points Ghostglider.

    Bjergmose played a game vs. Jens (JAP) and John (GER/IT) and couldn´t hit s***  :-o
    Some games are like that, and the fact that I do not enjoy playing the allies doesn´t help my game. Not yesterday anyways. But things will change when I enter the tournament next monday. No doubt about it.  :-D

    Rules for the tournament, which will have it´s playoffs and finals last weekend of january in Copenhagen;

    _"Scandinavian Open 2009

    The winners from each group will proceed to the play-offs.
    Depending final number of groups and players there will be a
    number of play-off games and/or wild-card games.

    Set-up; 1941 w/ National objectives
    Everybody in a group will play each other twice.
    Once as Axis and another as Allied.
    The “home-team” will be Axis. No bidding.
    The home-team will decide if Tech will be available.
    The home-team will decide if optional rules will be used. Both will be used if chosen.
        Opt.1; Closed Dardanelles
        Opt.2; Fighter escorts/Interceptors

    All games 10 rounds maximum
    Win with 13 VictoryCities (End round)
    Winner will get 3 points…looser 0 points.
    If 10 rounds with no winner, then V.C will be counted and;
    a) Most V.C. will get 2 points
    b) Fewest V.C. will get 1 point
    If 10 rounds and 9 V.C´s each then each player will get 1 point.

    In addition to the points, each game will be worth 20 points. This is to act as a tie-breaker.
    If there is a clear winner a score will be given to the game.
      e.g; victory is achieved in round 7 the score will be 13-  7.
    If no winner is found before round 10 the score will be 10-10.

    Setup and so forth as in group-play.
    Knock tournament pending final number of players/groups.
    Bidding system. The bid will be written down. Bid on Axis.
    No rounds limit as there will have to be a winner.
    Seeding will be used. Again pending final number.

    Cups or dice-towers MUST be used for the play-offs."_

    Maybe loss of Capitol will end game 1 round after the aforementioned loss.

    Stay tuned…same axis time…same axis channel  :?

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    Scandinavian Open 09 continues  :-D

    Rules update;
    Loss of capitol will result in defeat 1 turn after loss
    (i.e Uk conquers Rome. If not retaken when next UK turn then allies win)

    Finals will be played in Copenhagen last weekend in January

    2 games last night.
    John vs. Brian and Jens vs. Bjergmose.

    John vs. Brian         3-0   (14-6)
        Moscow surrounded. No allies on the horizon. US Navy feeding the fishes around the
    Jens vs. Bjergmose 0-3  (7-13)
        Rome and Berlin left. Last Japanese ground troops thrown in the sea. Lady Luck
        secretly in love with the allies  :-P Yamato sunk JAP01.

    Standings:  G-  P-(Score)
    John……1  3  (14- 6)
    Bjergmose…1  3  (13-  7)
    Ghostglider.1  3  (10-10)
    Jens…1  0  ( 7-13)
    Brian…2  0  (16-24)

    5-man group equals 8 games.
    If more players will join us then there will be 2 groups with 3 each.
    2 3-man groups equals 7 games. 4 in-group and 3 against the other group.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    The results from yesterdays games just in…

    Scandinavian Open 09

    Jens vs. Ghostglider      0-3   (6-14)
        Axis bought a factory but no one wanted to work there. And Graf Zeppelin turned out
        to be useless. Mother Russia swept thru´ europe all alone.
        Q:"Wasn´t it a gamble to go naval against Ghostglider?"
        Jens:“You have to gamble against Ghostglider…plan A isn´t good enough against him
    Brian vs. Bjergmose      1-2    (10-10)
        A large axis navy and a factory in France kept Germany alive to the end. But the
        russians could throw back the japanese with Germany struggling. Japanese factory in
        India turned British and backfired. So Bjergmose pulled a minor victory. 11 VC vs. 7.

    Note to last week. The japanese thrown into the sea was in Asia…not Japan itself.

    **Standings:  G-  P-(Score)[/[/b]u]  
    Ghostglider.2   6  (24-16)
    Bjergmose…2   5  (23-17)
    John……1   3  (14- 6)
    Brian…3   1   (26-34)
    Jens…2   0  (13-27)

    More games wednesday?

    And a visit from Germany late september…maybe they´ll land in Copenhagen…maybe Aalborg 8-)

    Jonas can´t find the time.
    Von Smedman is rumored to be out for the season (von Smedman jr.  :-) congrats…)**

  • The results from the small session yesterday!

    Only Ghostglider and myself GrafZeppelin(Jens) were present, and decided to play our outstanding tournament match.

    Scandinavian Open 09

    Jens vs.Ghostglider    3-0  (12-8)

    While the scattered Japanese remnants were forced to send in their fleet to take back Italy from the Americans. Berlin was captured by the mighty panzer divisions of the Red army .

    Okay… luck wasn’t exactly evenly distibuted in this game. 6 Japanese fighter planes shot down over mainland China makes it a bit difficult to put sufficient pressure on Russia.

    Needless to say, I am however, rather pleased with the fact that I secured three points, and especially against Ghostglider.  :-D

    Standings:  G-  P-(Score)  
    Ghostglider.3  6  (32-28)
    Bjergmose…2  5  (23-17)
    John……1  3  (14- 6)
    Jens…3  3  (25-35)
    Brian…3  1  (26-34)


  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    Cool Graf Z  :lol:

    Ghostglider was the one to beat.  :-D but not anymore.

    See you in 14 days…work calls next week  :cry:

  • Monday = Axis&Allies  :-D

    John, Ghostglider and myself GrafZeppelin present.

    decided to play 2vs.1 41’ w/NO’s w/tech.

    I was first to choose and took Ger/It, Ghostglider aching for re-match from last week quickly chose allies, leaving the Japs for John.

    The game took no more than 2 hours, as Allies hit everything and Axis hit nothing  :-P

    Japs failed to destroy the UK trn in India, which allowed the allies to build a factory in India they could easily hold (building 3 super-subs R2) that combined with Americans hitting longe range aircraft also in R2, more or less sealed it for the Axis by R5. An interesting side-note in this game was that the Axis never hit any tech while the allies had 5 techs combined (Russia 2).

    That’s now 6 matches in a row with the Allies as the victor :?


  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    I thought I saw Ghostglider on his bike when my work was done…
    but couldn´t believe it at nine o´clock.
    Now I understand why he didn´t notice me…me was riding on a axis-coloured cloud :-D

    On a different note…I´ll buy ´42 tomorrow just to see what´s what.
    240,- kr. at Fantask.
    If we are an odd number of players next week we can give it a try  :-)

  • Count me in!

    I’m kinda hoping for an odd number now  :-D

    See you Monday


  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    Short update  :-D

    Thursday Brian played against Ghostglider and lost in another close game.
    Maybe it was the amount of beers that kept the game going  :-o

    Ghostglider vs. Brian  3-0 (10-10)

    Standings:  G-  P-(Score)   
    Ghostglider.4  9  (42-38)
    Bjergmose…2  5  (23-17)
    John……1  3  (14- 6)
    Jens…3  3  (25-35)
    Brian…4  1  (36-44)

    Monday night training camp  8-)
    3 guys present. Bjergmose got last choice = allies.
    Brian took control of GER/IT and Jens played JAPAN.
    Short game. The Germans tried to bottle up the med with a factory in France.
    But it left the Russians untamed and running wild. 2nd round the Red army had both NO´s and 4th round the Axis surrendered. To Brians defence he didn´t hit much…it is hard to win when you don´t kill any enemies  :roll:

    In the not so distant future we are playing Thursdays…from next week.
    Brian has to teach his wife-to-be some dance-moves  :-)

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 '13 '11 '10

    Thursday evening battles;

    Brian finally got a victory against John. Judging by the outbursts from their table Brian was blessed with divine dices  :-D or was John cursed?  :evil:
    7 rounds and the axis ruled the world.

    Brian vs. John  3-0 (13-7)

    Bjergmose and Ghostglider clashed in their selftitled clash of the titans (titanic egos anyways  :roll:). Due to Ghostgliders long way home we have to finish this game next week. After 7 rounds Japan doesn´t have a navy and the chinese rules mainland Asia. Germany still hangs on and the Italians seems like the strongest part of the axis now. Looking forward to settle this once and for all….3 rounds to go.

    Standings:  G-  P-(Score)    
    Ghostglider.4  9  (42-38)
    Bjergmose…2  5  (23-17)
    Brian……5  4  (49-51)
    John…2  3  (21-19)
    Jens…3  3  (25-35)

    The news from Norway is that they can´t find enough interested people  :cry:

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