• Ah, the weird twists that National Advantages create.  Here’s the scenario:

    1.  Russia declares Russian Winter.
    2.  Germany, predictably, holds off the general assault for a round.
    3.  Later on in the round, Japan attacks India, which has a mixed-force defending that includes two Russian Infantry.  Russia checks the rules, then demands that his Infantry defend at 3, since there is no geographical limitation on the effects of Russian Winter noted!  The British infantry in the same territory, experiencing the same bizarre weather conditions, defend at 2 like normal.


    4.  A house-rule is developed that specifies Russian Winter only applies to Russian Inf defending in RED territories.


  • Ha, yeah, this is something I thought of as soon as I read that NA.

  • You know, I read that a few times, and have to admit that I ASSUMED it was only for Red Territories.

    Goes along with the Greenland not being an island argument about Island Bases… playing it any other way violates the SPIRIT of the NA.

  • @ncscswitch:

    … playing it any other way violates the SPIRIT of the NA.



    Play by the rules as they are written!


    (edit) Games Workshop is a company that makes miniature based wargames.  Their rulebooks, frankly, suck.  So players always get into these AWFUL discussions about “spirit of the rules” and what was INTENDED by ambiguous paragraph or sentence so-and-so.  Seriously, that spirit needs to be shot.  It’s responsible for more nasty arguments, flame wars, and damaged feelings than I can count.

    BTW, I like most everything else about Games Workshop.  Good miniatures, good customer service, somewhat entertaining fiction written for a younger audience.  But those rulebooks are REALLY gd**ed awful. (/edit)

  • LOL, OK, perhaps spirit of the rules may not be a good way to say it…

    How about OBVIOUS OVERSIGHT to not restrict it to red territories?

    Though there IS an argument to be made that several of the grey territories should be covered as well.

    But THAT is where the “spirit” thing comes in to play and the statement about “Stopping the German invasion”

    I guess that perhaps this will be ANOTHER of thos items on the list for LHTR 1.4 :-D

  • 2007 AAR League

    They really should just add a “Common sense” rule;

    If it’s illogical, it’s illegal

    Would save a lot of arguements… Probably would help lawyers, too  :-D

  • @Adonai:

    Probably would help lawyers, too  :-D

    only the defense lawyers  :-)

  • Come to think of it, once Russian Winter is declared, shouldn’t all Allied Inf in red territories get the defense bonus?Â

    It could make sense to say so.Â

    You might argue that the NA only affects Russian units since it is a Russian NA, but doesn’t making all defenders in Russian territories stauncher qualify as an “advantage” for the nation of Russia?

    After all, the NA is not supposed to represent a sudden improvement in the defensive capability of Infantry.  Rather, it is supposed to represent a decrease in the ability of the attackers to invade, due to environmental difficulty.


  • … of course, by the same logic you could say that defending Axis Inf in red territories get the same bonus, which certainly does not qualify as an advantage for Russia!   :-D


  • 2007 AAR League

    I think as well it is meant to represent Germany’s ill preparation for the coming winter, as well as the Russian’s hardiness in the face of the Russian Winter (and vodkas remarkable ability to stave off frostbite), as they are specifically more prepared than the Germans, or anyone else for that matter. So the Germans would not get this winter advantage, nor would any other allies.

  • Russian’s hardiness in the face of the Russian Winter (and vodkas remarkable ability to stave off frostbite), as they are specifically more prepared than the Germans, or anyone else for that matter.

    Yeah, you’re right.


  • gets out rule book  ‘Russian Winter - Once during the game in your collect income phase, you can declare a severe winter.  Until the end of your next turn, your infantry defend on a 3.’  So during a Russian Winter, all Russian infantry defend on a three, no matter what territory they are in.  This doesn’t mean that other allied troops can defend on a three, because it says your infantry referring to the Russians.

  • Yeah, I know.  Russian Troops only, as I deferred above.  In my rulebook we have written in “in Red territories only.”  The idea of Russian Winter just doesn’t seem to apply when the Russian Infantry is in India or somewhere non-wintry.

    However, you could hold on to the NA with its exact functional rules if you changed the name of it to “Propaganda Campaign” …

    ‘Once during the game in your collect income phase, you can declare a Propaganda Campaign.  Until the end of your next turn, your infantry defend on a 3.’

    That would work, and could be argued to affect Russian Infantry no matter where they are located.


  • 2007 AAR League

    As stated earlier it will probably be addressed in LHTR 1.4

  • The more I think about it, the more viable it may be to leave it as written.

    The India situation is not THAT common, and could be accounted for as Russia, in addition to defending better, also has better winter logistics, and thus can supply their forces better in far-flung theaters…

    And it really should apply in places like West Russia, Ukraine and Belorussia in its literal form.

  • Though I would think that if you are going by the exact wording of the rules, then a NA called Russian winter would only apply to Russia, and the Russian (red) territories, .  I mean, it’s not called British-occupied Indian winter that just happens to be frequented by a few Russian platoons, and I would think that it is for a reason.

    but that is IMHO, I could be wrong…

  • A propos to nothing, what are the rules concrning Greenland?  Can it be landed in?

  • '19 Moderator

    There are no special rules for Greenland.  It is a normal territory like any other.

  • Greenland is a territory worth 0 IPC that is owned by the US.

    It does not count as an island for Axis and Allies Revised purposes.

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