• I recently played with USA and I had 5 bombers and 5 fighters (with heavy bombers) and attacked Japan (had an anti-aircraft gun) with them. Japan rolled 10 dice and got SIX ONES!!! :o Six ones out of 10 dice!! Another time I bought 8 research dice for heavy bombers and didn’t get a single six! So there have been many incidents where luck was completely against me and I wanted to know if anyone else has had extremely unlucky rolls sometimes.

  • i remember once i was playing germany and the U.S. player had heavy bombers, i was basicly cornered in berlin, the U.S player threw me 3 bombers, and i rolled 3 ones, 2 turns later he did the same thing, and i rolled 2 ones. by that time the japanese player had just entered moscow.

  • for all those non-math people out there that’s about a 1 in 460 chance. that’s pretty unlikely but i’ve seen a lot worse.

  • @theduke:

    for all those non-math people out there that’s about a 1 in 460 chance. that’s pretty unlikely but i’ve seen a lot worse.

    ive played a lot of games, ive senn all kinda weird stuff, like las sunday i played a game with a friend i was the allies i didint score a single hit during the first turn of england, america, and the second turn of russia and england after that i conceded, the german transports has already taken a toll of 3 fighters and 2 bombers, thats %$#"%$ up luck.

  • One of my regular gaming buddies cant roll to save his life. If we play A&A it’s all 5’s and 6’s. Let us play something like Warhammer where you need high numbers and he becomes the king on 1’s and 2’s. And yet he still manages to win every so often. I swear if the man could maintain avarage dice rolls like everyone else on the planet he would be scary!

  • @Briar:

    One of my regular gaming buddies cant roll to save his life. If we play A&A it’s all 5’s and 6’s. Let us play something like Warhammer where you need high numbers and he becomes the king on 1’s and 2’s. And yet he still manages to win every so often. I swear if the man could maintain avarage dice rolls like everyone else on the planet he would be scary!

    You should entertain him once and play lowluck.

  • @theduke:

    for all those non-math people out there that’s about a 1 in 460 chance. that’s pretty unlikely but i’ve seen a lot worse.

    How about CONSISTENTLY worse?

    Playing against the Hasbro AI, I have several times come upon the occasion to have forces in Caucuses and lots of Air power in Germany and Eastern, Russia still holding Karelia, and Russia with “minimal” forces in Russia proper.

    EVERY time this has come up and I attempt to send 3-4 fighters and a bomber against Russia with my Caucuses land forces, I lose 2-3 fighters AND the bomber.

    I have “time machined” this, and time after time after time, I still end up with at MOST 2 fighters surviving to actually fight in Russia.  MOST of the time it is only 1.

    I am sorry, even with 2 rolls against 5 aircraft, I should have an average of 3 planes left, not an average of ONE.

    Many games, many tries, always the same “bad dice” to save the computer’s capital.

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