• Queston for everyone. Is it worth while to spend any money with Germany on ships or should I just drive towards Russia and not buy any ships. If the Uk bilds ships, I can use my planes to take care of them. Thoughts???

  • Dropping a carrier in the Baltic G1 has been the norm in our games. Others have also said as much. If you don’t add something G1 you will probably loose it. Also forces UK into an arms race to try to get an advantage to kill it. At some point you’ll probably lose it, but you can make good use of the mini fleet for 4-6 turns. Keep in mind there is no straight rule in this game (your vulnerable to subs & air), unless you house rule it in. I would have liked to see 5-6 things in the option rules section

  • @Petebu:

    Queston for everyone. Is it worth while to spend any money with Germany on ships or should I just drive towards Russia and not buy any ships. If the Uk bilds ships, I can use my planes to take care of them. Thoughts???

    Hookers and booze…forget the war and just party!

  • I see that some people buy the carrier for the Mediterranean sea. Which is the better placement, the Baltic or the Med?

    I also noticed the the egypt attack is now a pretty even battle in the 2nd edition. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

  • @Mallery29:

    Hookers and booze…forget the war and just party!

    In the 1943 movie “Destroyer,” someone asks a U.S. Navy sailor (played by a very young Glenn Ford) who has just gotten a promotion and a pay raise how he’s going to spend all that extra money.  He looks thoughtful and muses out loud, “Oh… some of it on beer… some of it on girls… the rest foolishly.”

  • @CWO:


    Hookers and booze…forget the war and just party!

    In the 1943 movie “Destroyer,” someone asks a U.S. Navy sailor (played by a very young Glenn Ford) who has just gotten a promotion and a pay raise how he’s going to spend all that extra money.  He looks thoughtful and muses out loud, “Oh… some of it on beer… some of it on girls… the rest foolishly.”

    This would NEVER happen…  :wink:

  • TripleA

    Naval for the baltic is a bad idea, naval for southern europe is a better idea, especially if you can take the canal and get japan in the medit sea.

    It depends if you are playing standard or total victory, which determines if pacific is something usa will want to do or not.

    Lots of players hate being forced into a pacific campaign with america. So you probably playing total victory. In which case Japan will want to cross into the medit sea.

  • I built two DD and placed them in the Med with my Italian BT and TT. Egypt on G2.
    When my opponent countered with an AC and DD of his own for UK, I thought I had made a mistake. He has since told me my move made him think. And worries him.
    Cannot say how it ended, as we will continue in 2 weeks.

  • TripleA

    did you get africa, which is all that matters.

  • Embarrassed to say we are on G2 and am awaiting die rolls. My friend came back last weekend for my daughter’s birthday and we did not get to play more than 2 hours. We are desperate to finish.
    Decided to risk 7 against 6 as I have dropped 1Inf 1Art with a bombardment against Transjordan’s 1Inf. If I take both,  UK will have no landing space for his Air.
    Do not like risky attacks, but is the 1st game and I thought: what the Hell.
    I often see you on line when I am. Is 840AM here. What time is it in Hawaii?

  • TripleA

    11:15 PM right now

    hmm. 7vs6 ain’t risky if you rolling bigger die. 2v1 ain’t risky either, I do 1 inf 1 armor vs 1 inf all the time in my aa50 opener with japan, I rarely lose that.

  • I have 15 to his 13. And will go to the death as he has no reinforcements. I hope to still have my TT. Looking forward to it.

  • @Mallery29:



    Hookers and booze…forget the war and just party!

    In the 1943 movie “Destroyer,” someone asks a U.S. Navy sailor (played by a very young Glenn Ford) who has just gotten a promotion and a pay raise how he’s going to spend all that extra money.�  He looks thoughtful and muses out loud, “Oh… some of it on beer… some of it on girls… the rest foolishly.”

    This would NEVER happen…   :wink:

    You’re quite right.  Any self-respecting sailor would spend all the money on beer and girls – there wouldn’t be any “rest” to spend foolishly.

  • Crisps?

  • @wittman:


    The British term for potato chips.

  • @Mallery29:


    Queston for everyone. Is it worth while to spend any money with Germany on ships or should I just drive towards Russia and not buy any ships. If the Uk bilds ships, I can use my planes to take care of them. Thoughts???

    Hookers and booze…forget the war and just party!

    titties and beer! nipples and nugs!

  • umm….back to topic (what was the topic) oh yeah…


    I see that some people buy the carrier for the Mediterranean sea. Which is the better placement, the Baltic or the Med?

    I also noticed the the egypt attack is now a pretty even battle in the 2nd edition. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

    If you don’t add something to the Baltic you will surly lose the German cruiser & tpt UK1. You will probably lose the arms race at some point, but it keeps them off your back for a couple extra turns IMO.

    We have went w/carrier in the Baltic in two games so far to keep reinforcing Karelia via sea and to have a chance to retake Norway if/when they come over. It also forces the UK to add air (sometimes not a good thing LOL), and to build more war ships to protect their own tpts. The carrier in the Baltic also protects German sub builds to keep the UK fleet on alert. You can’t build subs in the Baltic w/o a navy because there is no straight rule to keep them from clearing the Baltic with one dd & air power.

    In the Med you could add a dd (or carrier) if you like, but I don’t like to be stuck at Italian port G1. I like to take out both UK ships. I hit the dd in sz17 w/air. The BB attacks the cruiser off Gib (I know this could go bad, but odds on my side), and tpt/inf takes Gib so UK ftrs can’t attack my BB and land, only the UK bmr can hit my BB which may be wounded (edit: forgot BBs auto fix right after combat) The US bmr could also hit BB (if UK takes Morocco), but either way I have a chance to kill a bmr 1 on 1. If my BB doesn’t take a hit from the cruiser G1, then I’m golden. The allies would be looking a 2 hit BB vs one bmr at a time (not going to happen IMO). If my BB survives to G2, then I have options. I can  merge my repaired BB with the Baltic fleet off France, or put it in port off Italy (and add to it). Maybe use it to attack UK fleet off Egypt if they pull in the Indian fleet.

    Anyway, I think fleet is important to Germany in this version. We played 2 games of 1942 second addition, and decided to play a game of AA50 Anniversary. We house ruled in the G40 straight rule to see how it goes. So far we like it because Germany can safely build subs in the Baltic. If/when we play 1942 II again we will look at using the straight rule again. It should have been in the optional rules for the game IMO.

  • WILD BILL - do you play with an optional rule that damaged BB’s take until the next turn to repair after taking 1 hit?  In the 1942 Rulebook it states “If a battleship survives a combat having taken one hit, return it upright to the game board.”

  • @IKE:

    WILD BILL - do you play with an optional rule that damaged BB’s take until the next turn to repair after taking 1 hit?  In the 1942 Rulebook it states “If a battleship survives a combat having taken one hit, return it upright to the game board.”

    You know we missed that. We’ve been playing it auto repairs in the beginning of your next turn (G40 hangover I guess). With the correct rule you stated above killing the UK cruiser and taking Gib makes even more sense. They would be facing a 2 hit BB (even if your BB takes a hit).

    Thanks Ike

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