• Thanks for voting!

  • if you choose axis and allies 1941, would you like to start the game before or after the start of barbarossa??

  • before.

  • '14

    I had to vote for Italy since I have a game on it.

  • TripleA '12

    I always vote ‘Barbarossa’ whenever these kind of polls come along, and will continue to do so until Larry makes the damn thing!  :-D

  • Barbarossa…love tank battle.
    But Midway is not far.

  • I think Stalingrad would be a very intresting and possibly a very intense game

  • '21 '18 '17 '15

    I love a good tank battle but i love carriers and planes even more…… :-D I vote Midway

  • Customizer

    I think it would be interesting to have a naval A&A game.  It would be differrent to build a fleet to face another fleet in combat instead of to assist in accomplishment of the land combat strategy.

    The games my group play tend to have as concentrated and effecient strategies as possible rather than many small conflicts all over the map leaving no time or IPC’s for little battles.  We play 1940-Global and most times the Allies go after a “Germany 1st” strategy, but we have had a few US vs. Japan major fleet engagements with all other arms assisting.  It was VERY interesting.

    I’d imagine many players would also be interested in a new Naval Map/Game that was somewhat universal and not tied to only one stragey/objective (like the batlle of Midway).

    What are everyone else’s thoughts on this???          “Tall Paul”

  • '21 '18 '17 '15

    I would love a naval game, i find that in all the games i have played we dont get to spend enough on fleets, it’s all about the island or land campaigns, so would be nice to  have an all naval game….my 2c

  • i voted North Africa, but a France/low Countries game is a close second, with Barbarossa not far behind

  • Customizer

    I voted for North Africa too.  I would like to see more Italian involvement.  ALthough, I read somewhere that Larry has no plans for making a North Africa game.

    Hey Tall Paul,
    You are wanting a good naval game so here’s an idea:  Battle of Suriago Straight.  It was the last time in history that lines of battleships faced off and pounded each other.  I think it is around the Philippines.  The US won of course.  Kind of the Japanese Navy’s last gasp at turning the war around.

  • See, I dont think that the naval combat system in this game is varied and diverse enough to support a game in it own right. Maybe if you had the card system from the D-day game it would be more intresting but otherwise there really isnt enough in the naval mechanic alone, to me anyway.


    i voted North Africa, but a France/low Countries game is a close second, with Barbarossa not far behind

    I’d have to agree with this sentiment as it would be nice to see these two new countries get some more play time. However, playing devils advocate here, I think that the Med. theater in G40 is independent enough to where it already feels like its a mini game with in the grander scheme of G40. The Fall of France is another intresting option the only big problem I see being that if the German player plays well (or gets lucky or whatever) then the game would be over disaopointingly fast if history repeats itself.

  • Customizer

    Clyde85 and Others,

    I think you’re completely correct in your views that a Mediteranian-based game would be VERY interesting.  It would offer a large number of options for all players as far as strategy is concerned.  And with all of the new Land, Sea, and Air units planned to be released in the near future I think a LOT of gamers would agree that this would be a great arena for our A&A games.


    Tigerman and I are in the process right now of designing just such a game incorporating all of the new units and played on a map of the Solomon Islands chain from the Admiralties in the North to New Caledonia in the South, and New Guinea on the West with plenty of sea zones, too.  The size of the map will be 36" x 72",…or about the same size as a Global-1940 map.  It will be the 1st in a series and be called Expanded A&A the Naval Series with the 1st game being called Coral Sea and the Solomons Campaign.  We’ve started a thread based on it although most of our work is going on offline.  Please feel free to contribute any ideas or questions you might like concerning our Solomons game.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Sponsor

    I’m not much for games that don’t encompass the entire world picture, but I would defiantly play an Atlantic theater game even though its not listed in the poll.

  • Tall Paul, just wondering, are you adding to the naval battle mechanic or are you just making the map of the South-west pacific bigger? If its just increasing the map size then Im wondering how you’re going to make the battles more intresting? I could see players with a larger, naval focused map, spending a lot of time trying to position their fleets, waiting to strike at eachother, but when the battle came it would just be 2 equally matched sets of firepower blasting at eachother. What I mean is that if you’re doing a land battle then the offensive-to-defensive rolls vary depending on what side your on. with infantry defending on 2’s and tanks defending on 3’s now the defender has a strong advantage if he has enough infantry, and having more artillery as the attacker is needed to make the attacking infantry atleast equal the defending infantry. Tatical bombers add a whole new dimension to land battles, with the blitzkrieg rule.
        On the naval side though, nothing really changes, everything attacks and defends at the same strenght, except subs and AC (thought I think most people try to keep their AC out of battles anyway. I’ll grant you, the carrier operations and air superiority rules do add a bit of carrier fun, but I just dont know if it varied enough to stand as the center piece and main focuse of a game. Maybe if the sub sneak attack was brought back or cruisers could support attacking destroyers or something, might make it more diverse and intresting

  • Customizer

    I understand what you are saying about the current units we have to fight naval battles with.  It does make getting the “upper hand” in naval engagements rather hard.  Only real difference may be the luck of the dice.  I was just wondering if you are looking for a greater variety of units, perhaps adding battlecruisers, light and heavy cruisers, destroyers and destroyer escorts, and so on to the game.  OR, are you wanting to carry it a step further and include different versions of each unit (like older models, later more improved models, etc.)
    The reason I ask is if you put too many values into each piece, you start to get a complexity like the A&A Naval Miniatures games.  While I like collecting the sets, I don’t play the game because it’s just too complicated for my liking.  I don’t like trying to keep track of all the different values for each ship.  I prefer the simpler combat values of the A&A board games.
    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought that Tall Paul and Tigerman77 were trying to create a new game more in line with the A&A board games.  If that is the case, they can’t put too much extra values to the units without making the game itself more and more complex.  The more complex a game is, the smaller an audience it will appeal to.

  • I dont think more units or different values are needed just something to spicy up the actual combat. Like giving players cards to play during the battle to spice things up, like a card that say’s “broad-side” and gives a corresponding advantage to a battleship or “torpedo-attack” which gives a special attack to destroyers the round it is played or something. As it stands Naval combat is the blandest part of the combat mechanics of the A&A world. Adding more units wouldnt really do anything, as the problem isnt variety of units, but variety with how the battles are fought. Its just two equally powered sides blasting chunks out of eachother until the fella with worse dice rolls loses. Land battles have all sorts of neat mechanicas to play with, like the artillery support, or the mech infantry paired with tanks role or the blitzkrieg rules, which the naval battle mechaniacs dont have, at all really.
      I think what you’d get with a game like this is a lot of players just avoiding combat for round after round, concentrating his fleet into one big mass, circiling eachother waiting for the first player to make a mistake, like not keeping his fleet bunched up or ending in a seazone where they didnt notice an enemy naval base was within reach of and your opponent can bring another sizeable fleet to. But in the end all this amounts to is whoever wins the first naval battle outright has won the game, unlike land battles where there is very rarely a single decisive battle. I realize that this is sometimes the nature of naval warfare itself, but that dosnt mean it cant be made more diverse. maybe expanding on the damage mechanic, giving ships more hits to sink and actually charging IPC to repair the different ships, and maybe increasing the time it takes to do so for different ships(not really a fan of the latter idea though). Another thing is, in naval battles, the defender isnt “locked in” like he would be in a land battle, so you have to account for defender retreating. Im not saying it couldnt be done, or that it wouldnt be good, just that it is more difficult then a land based stand alone game.

  • Customizer

    Clyde, KNP and Others,

    Tigerman and I are planning our “Solomons” game with options, including using:
    A.  Only the OOB units.
    B.  The OOB units and SOME of the new units.
    C.  ALL of the new and proposed units.
       There will be a chart of units and their A/D/M/C factors along with any special capabilities they might have allowing the players to to customize their game to their specific likes.

    Many factors become obvious when using all of the new units.

    First is my overiding insistence of what we’re calling “SLF”.  Nothing is worth having in the game if it is not Simple, Logical, and Fast (in gameplay terms).  We have been remarkably successful thus far applying “SLF” to many new rules and a/d/m/c factors to allow a truly large amount of units while not being confusing or slowing the game in a major way.  A LOT of thought has gone into this aspect of the game.  Otherwise it could become “Monster” of a game few would enjoy or ever be able to finish.

    Second, we are going to a D-12 dice system to differentiate the various units.

    As far as the Land and Naval battles the new units will offer many tactical variations of unit factors and/or capabilities.  In SOME cases of simular units we’ve applied the “SLF” method and given them like factors.  Such as (sea)transport type units having the same defense factor.  There will be exceptions as necessary.

    Our game will also have a logistics consideration.  Just as in the real Solomons campaign the supplies will be a consideration for both sides to consider for attack and defense.  We believe that this logistics factor should make for a lot of interesting naval battles.

    Although I’ve just jotted down some quick answers as I didn’t have much time,… I’d envite anyone interested to “check-out” our own thread about this specific game.  It’s called EXPANDED A&A–-- THE NAVAL SERIES    Coral Sea and The Solomons Campaign to get more detailed answers, ask questions, or suggest your own thoughts.  We’re currently doing a lot of work off-line but we check the thread for any questions or suggestions.  It seems a lot of people are following our progress.  Get involved and ask questions or suggest ideas, too.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer


    As far as Naval combat is concerned I’d agree that more Naval units wouldn’t in and of itself necessarily make it more interesting.  But the new CAPABILITIES or A/D factors that the new units bring with them should.  Such as Carriers basing One, Two, or Three a/c, Seaplane Tenders and PBY seaplanes providing Recon, Minesweepers adding(sea)Mine Warfare, PT Boats in offensive or defensive roles, DEs escorting convoys, and many new levels of surface or air A/D factors.

    As far as the players NOT attacking each others Naval forces that’s where our logistics consideration comes into play. By making the supply convoys important, they become TARGETS to be attacked and therefore must be adaquetely defended.

    Also, we believe that there will be the need for several varied naval forces performing different tasks.  And between all of the Air and Naval forces present it should offer many opportunities for diverse and interesting battles.  I invite you to offer your opinions, or even play “devils advocate” to our ideas as it could only help us all get the best in the end.  But let’s do this on the “Solomons” thread so as not hijack this one.

    “Tall Paul”

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