• I was playing a game last night with one of my friends, it was a one v one. i was playing as the axis, he as the allies. we were using all the normal rules, no variations.

    I had advanced into japan pretty far, and during one of my turns i noticed that he had a lot of uncoccupied territories sorrounding russia. so i started buying tanks, so that i could blitz them. i had 2 IC’s on asia, and was mass producing 6 tanks per turn. this seemed like a good idea, but when i had a force of 12 tanks, i didn’t want to seperate them, and leave them vulnurable to attack. so now my question.

    if i am in yakut wiht my tanks, can i blitz into unoccupied, russian controlled novosibirsk(the two are adjasent) and then use my second move to come right back to the territory i started from, yakut ssr?

    my friend thought the move would be illegal, and i wasn’t sure, so i gave him the benifit of the doubt, and i wasn’t aloud to do it, so now i’m asking for someone who can prove him wrong.

  • As far as I know, it’s illegal and here’s why: the “blitz” is part of an offensive move. You execute a blitz when you’re going into enemy territory. I’ll use the classic Libya into AES, you blitz through French Equatorial Africa (I believe that’s it) and then into AES. But if you move a tank into an enemy territory you either have to stop there or you have to advance again and attack or occupy another territory with the second move. And once a piece has executed an attack it cannot then move back during non-combat move. The exception is of course air which has to land in a controlled territory but tanks cannot do this move and air cannot occupy a territory by virtue of moving into it.

    Hope that helps (if it is a bit convoluted…)

  • I don’t quite follow what you’re trying to say, but by definition according to the axis and allies rules, a blitz is:

    “a combot move on a 2-territory move, if the first territory your tank moves through is enemy controlled but not enemy occupied you may blitz it… that is place your control marker there as owner, and move into the second territory. the second territory may be enemy occupied, or enemy controlled, or a friendly territory, or a neutral territory.”

    so i am just wondering if the friendly country you move into as your second move can be the same one you came from. if you have more insights on the question i’d love to hear, because i’m finishing the game tonight, and it’d be good to get it cleared up.

  • Moderator

    Yes, it is a legal move.

    You CAN blitz a territory and return to your original territory.

  • All are correct – IT IS LEGAL!!!

  • Moderator

    Just for more clarification using that rule, the territory you leave from IS a friendly territory, so you ARE allowed to return to it.

  • thank you

  • Well I suppose the verdict is out on this one :D

    “a combot move on a 2-territory move, if the first territory your tank moves through is enemy controlled but not enemy occupied you may blitz it… that is place your control marker there as owner, and move into the second territory. the second territory may be enemy occupied, or enemy controlled, or a friendly territory, or a neutral territory.”

    I’ve never played giving the tanks the ability to simply blitz out and return, but according to the rules (which admittedly I haven’t looked over in a while, not word for word anyways), I suppose it is possible.

    We’ve always used blitzes as part of either an offensive where the first territory is enemy controlled and the second is occupied or where both are simply occupied (the latter happens often in Africa with German armour for example).

    But yeah, if you go straight by the rules there’s no reason you CAN’T simply pick up a territory and then pull right back. All the more reason to never leave a territory empty; i.e. at least leave one INF there so the tank can’t pull this tactic off lest they want to strand the tank and I’d take exchanging a tank for an inf any day.

    My apologies for leading you astray… 8)

  • Moderator

    then it cannot move back during Non because it was in combat….

  • @Guerrilla:

    then it cannot move back during Non because it was in combat….

    But it wouldn’t move during NCM, it would move during combat. The blitz and return would all happen during the combat phase.

    Also, I’m going to be using Tank Blitz Q as a name for a strategic maneuver next time I play. :P

  • what strategic maneuver, may i ask, is this? please share

  • It’s called tank blitzing.

  • I know what blitzing is, i’m the guest who started this whole convorsation, i was just wondering what GI was going to do with his special maneuver called “tank blitz Q”

  • @buddy:

    I know what blitzing is, i’m the guest who started this whole convorsation, i was just wondering what GI was going to do with his special maneuver called “tank blitz Q”

    Probably nothing, just whenever I get a chance to blitz, I’m going to, and call it Tank Blitz Q, just for a name. :roll:

  • yep its legal

    history is boring without war

  • yes but why would you want to fall back into your own territory seems like a waste of tanks to me

  • Well, it could be just cheap income. If the tanks move on (or even stayed), they could end up in an area that the enemy can easily attack and take your tanks out. That’s what i then call a waste of tanks.
    Or maybe you want to prepare a major attack, as you don’t have to retreat to the same place you started from.

    To SUD:
    You are the only one here who mentions that you have to declare the whole move before moving.
    Where is that from, and why does it only apply to the Blitz, and not for fighters/bombers returning (even though they do it on a diffferent phase), or why don’t you have to declare where you would retreat to before you attack another territory? I don’t like that interpretation of the rules, and it doesn’t come out of the rules (at least as they are quoted above).

  • You may not like that interpretation, but I believe it is the correct one. I had never thought about it before, but I do kind of agree with you. If a tank has more than one friendly territory it can go to after it takes the empty enemy territory it should be able to do it in non-combat like planes. But those are the rules.

  • It could also be the fact that a blitz on to an occupied enemy territory would not have inf support and would therefore (most likely) end up with no armor.

  • as I have stated many times inf support is useless and if anything is worth taking take it and an enemy terretorrry even if you have to fight it can help you overcome them. Its like this If you destroy more then they can produce you have made a victory

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