I wanna play AA in Montreal

  • '10

    Hi guys,

    I’d like to find a group in Montreal to play live games of AA (especially AAG40 alpha+2 if possible).
    I speak french, but my english is good enough so it won’t be a problem.

    I’ve been playing AA for years now (revised, 1942, anniversary, old europe and Pacific, and guadalcanal) with the same people, and i’d like to try to play with other players.

    I can play on : friday night and all week-end.
    So if your group is in Montreal and you won’t mind trying a new player, just send me a pm.

    Thanks. (tanks ?  :lol:)

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    Pfftp, The game isn’t bilingual.

    Forget montreal.

    Come to BC!

  • '10

    If i got the chance to go to BC,  i sure will send you a mail just in case a little live game is possible !

  • Salut, moi aussi je cherche des joueurs, je possede le jeu global war 1939 et 1941 aussi AA50, plus toute les plus vieux

    Je suis de Laval j’ai une piece qu’ont peut laissé le jeu, donc pas obligé de faire les game en une journée

  • Hi,

    I live in Montreal, downtown, and would be interested in playing A&A for sure! Weekends work well for me, but we have to put in a proper session (3-6 hours).

    I’ve gotten confused about the different versions over the years, but I’m pretty sure the only one I’ve ever played is Axis & Allies: Revised Edition (2004).

    If I’m correct; A&A:Revised, A&A:1942, and A&A:50th Anniversary are all similar in board layout, with the addition of Cruisers and other aesthetics being the main difference?

    I would need a group to properly introduce me to the A&A:Europe and A&A:Pacific combined game, which I imagine is going to become the new standard if the format works.

    ANYWAY…LETS PLAY AXIS AND ALLIES!!! (I only speak English sadly)




  • Salut, je suis moi aussi un fan de ce jeu, si ca te tente de faire une game réécris-moi, j’ai même à l’occasion des amis qui embarqueraient j’ai la version 1942 monde et la grosse version pacific qui est sortie l’an dernier ou l’autre d’avant. celle-là j’ai même pas joué tellement c’est dur de trouver des amateurs fiables qui aiment vraiment ça.
    anyway je reste à mtl alors regarde ça.

  • Wow I’m suprised to see a lot of Montreal A&A gamers!!!

    HI Shaigan and others MTL A&A gamers.
    I Already talk to S.Bélisle and Axisplaya.
    We’re a group of 10 player and we played World at War from Xeno games.
    We modified the Xeno game years ago and now we have a 80 x 45 map, complete new rules.
    Members got their own statitics. (We founded the club in 1996 and we played in Laval)
    Just send me a PM if you want more info.

    Pfftp, The game isn’t bilingual.
    Forget montreal.
    Come to BC!

    Sorry but weather is better in MTL. (And we have the best CFL club)
    Oh by the way, the canuck won’t win the Stanley cup!!! :-o

  • call me 514-257-7652 ask for Sylvain
    OK, I will probably call you tonight or tomorrow night.

  • Wooaaah nice, some A&A players In Montreal !!

    Salut à tous, j’ai bien l’impression que je vais trouver du monde aussi accro que moi ici ! Moi aussi je réside Montréal, possède toutes les versions sauf Guadalcanal, et aimerais bien trouver des opponents aguérris ! Je commence à initier une couple de chums ici mais ça serait le fun de se mesurer à des vétérans une fois de temps en temps. Des 3v3, 3v2 ou 1v1, pas de problème. J’ai 24 ans et vient de finir mon bac en ingénierie, si ça vous intéresse d’en savoir un peu plus sur moi…

    I speak english too.


  • Yes It’s cool.
    Two guys on this topic contact me and one of them is going to play a World at war game this week end.
    Hope is going to like the version of our game and join our group.

    20 years ago I play A&A game and all other version and yes it’s realy hard to find a player.

  • :mrgreen:

  • Salut !

    Je suis partant ! Ca fait déja plusieurs année que je joue a A&A , depuis le Cegep ! Juste a me contacter !



  • Hi,

    I would definitely love to play in Montreal, preferably AAG40 (alpha+2).

    My email is:


    My problems are: I can only play on evening, during the week (not weekends) and that I have had to leave my games in London (I do speak French fluently, however).

    Please contact me, as I would love to play!!!


  • Bonjours

    J’aimerais simplement savoir ou vous vous ete procurer pacific 1940 et europe 1940 à Montréal
    Je les cherches depuis plusieurs mois, mais je ne les ai pas encores trouvés

    Merci d’avance

  • If you didn’t found any in MTL you should take a look on the net.
    But i’m suprised that you didn’t found PAC 40 and EUR 40 in MTL.

  • Well frankly I dont know many store that sell board games like A&A (valet de coeur but they dont have them i looked on their website), if you could point some store to me i would greatly appreciate.
    I found some copies at Ottawa at the War Museum but they were very expensive 117 for Pacific and 125 for Europe. (270$ with taxes)
    I also looked for store in Canada that could deliver and find one but they were out of stock of A&A 1940 Europe (I want to buy them both at the same time to get free delivery)
    But i heard that they were going to release new prints (beta version) of both games this year. Did you heard about this or know anything about it? because i might wait for them instead.

    Thanks, your help is very appreciated

  • I found some copies at Ottawa at the War Museum but they were very expensive 117 for Pacific and 125 for Europe. (270$ with taxes)

    Yikes…very expensive. But hey I put more than $700 to create my own World at War games (Sept.1939) so nothing is too expensive when you want something hystorical and prototype.
    But you can wait for new print or joint A&A club.
    I’m going to take a look if I can find any.

  • If i could I would have bought them. But im only 17 years old. still in high school. I dont work so i cant afford them. I got about 200$ I can spend. I found a website where i could buy them at 85$ each.  The site is starlitcitadel dot com (sry the website doesnt let me post links)
    But like i said earlier they are out of stock of Europe 1940 :(
    So thats why I need to know if they are going to make a second print (confirmation ?) and when? Did you hear any official info?

    By the way your 700$ game you made must be awesome (im jealous) You made your own map?

    Thanks alot :)

  • You should contact Historical Board gaming (present on this forum)
    Maybe they got what you lookng for.

    If i could I would have bought them. But im only 17 years old.
    Good to see the relief.

    By the way your 700$ game you made must be awesome (im jealous) You made your own map?
    Yes and maybe more. That’s include pieces, gameboard, rules ect…
    We have a web site (worldatwargame)
    And email if you want more info about the games, the member, rules ect…: WorldAtWarGame@live.ca
    Or just send a PM.
    We play our games in Laval.

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