• I just dled Iron Blitz, what abilities do the Marines and Destroyer have? Marines are more expensive with the same stats as infantry. Destroyer is same price as sub with same stats and I assume does not have the submerge and “sub attack” abilities :-?

    Oh, and is AI any better in this version? And any way to speed it up, running MUCH slower than my reg Axis disk?

  • Actually, marines attack at 3 (like tanks), but can still transport 2 at a time. I think they only attack at 3 when performing amphibious assualts (landing via transport).

    Destroyers are just like mini-battleships. Attack 2, Defend 2, Move 2, but only cost 8. They’re more similiar to a sub (in stats) I guess, except no first shot or withdraw capilibilities; however, unlike subs – they can attack fighters and bombers.

  • The best thing about Destroyers is that they can fire back at aircraft - not to mention the fact that they take away a subs first strike ability.

    Marines just speed up the game, they’re really isn’t much of a role for them until much later in the game.

  • Destroyers take away the sub’s first shot ability? I was unaware of this.

    Thanks for the input!

  • @MistaBiggs:

    Destroyers take away the sub’s first shot ability? I was unaware of this.

    Thanks for the input!

    Just against destroyers. So if there’s a battle between a destroyer and a battleship defending against an attack by two submarines, and the attackers roll a 1 and a 2, destroying both the destroyer and the battleship, the destroyer gets to fire back but the battleship still doesn’t.

  • @MistaBiggs:

    Actually, marines attack at 3 (like tanks), but can still transport 2 at a time. I think they only attack at 3 when performing amphibious assualts (landing via transport).

    An interesting feature (maybe a bug?) is that if say USA has 10 Marines in Western Europe but only one transport nearby, USA can just load and unload one (or two) Marines from Western Europe to say Italy and have the rest of the Marines attack Italy by land and ALL 10 Marines will attack at 3.

  • Yeah, I’ve noticed that too. :-?

  • huh? my axis and allies disk dosent have destroyers or marines :-?

  • Marines and Destroyers are only available in the Iron Blitz expansion.

  • ohhh thanks for clearing that up

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