European (global) National Objectives as revealed by Larry so far

  • UK
    Representing both the percieved and actual threat of the German U-boat fleet on Allied shipping
    5 IPCs if no german submarines are on the game board

    Representing the spread of the Communist ideology, as well as a sign of coming victory over the Germans
    6 IPCs for each originaly german territory controled by the soviets, under the conditon the axis controls no soviet territores.

    Representing the trade of Oil and Grain between the two nations during 1940.
    5 IPCs while the Soviet Union is Neutral

  • Sweat were did you see these.
    The soviet union’s NO is amazing, the German’s NO might want to make the soviets attack early, Britain’s NO sounds hard to get

  • i’m a little dissappointed with the three NOs listed for the global game…

  • got em on larrys site

  • Germany’s NO will ensure that France is Germany’s first target.

  • @finnman:

    Sweat were did you see these.
    The soviet union’s NO is amazing, the German’s NO might want to make the soviets attack early, Britain’s NO sounds hard to get

    My eyes must be bad, or I’m very tired, but I saw;

    “Soviets see what you did there.
    The soviet union’s NO is amazing, the German’s NO might want to make the soviets attack early, Britain’s NO sounds hard to get”

    None the less, I do concur. However, not so much with the British NO, but thats only based on personal playing experience.

  • I know person expierence with German subs too but with that NO 1 starting german sub will probably be at large for most the game rather than used in somesort of attack.

  • @Admiral:

    The soviet union’s NO is amazing, the German’s NO might want to make the soviets attack early

    There should be a rule against Russia declaring war on Germany.

  • TripleA

    i really like the uk objective, but wish they would have put a caveat in there. germany could sneak a sub into a far flung location and still deny the objective.

    i guess germany’s objective means that the ussr can not declare war untill germany has first(limitation is probably lifted on round 3 like usa)

    at first i thought russias objective was extremely powerful, but then remembered that the game starts in 1940, so there will not be many original g territories and they will be very far away from ussr.

  • @Brain:


    The soviet union’s NO is amazing, the German’s NO might want to make the soviets attack early

    There should be a rule against Russia declaring war on Germany.

    I disagree. They were both evil and treacherous governments and should be presented as so.  :wink:

  • @allweneedislove:

    i really like the uk objective, but wish they would have put a caveat in there. germany could sneak a sub into a far flung location and still deny the objective.

    i guess germany’s objective means that the ussr can not declare war untill germany has first(limitation is probably lifted on round 3 like usa)

    at first i thought russias objective was extremely powerful, but then remembered that the game starts in 1940, so there will not be many original g territories and they will be very far away from ussr.

    Plus, it will be almost impossible to get. As soon as that beastly bonus begins to occur, Japan will be in weakly defended Siberia in no time. I don’t even really no why that’s included (although there could be more to the picture obviously) b/c if Russia is ever able to get that bonus the war will already be over b/c Japan obviously won’t have anybody on the mainland and Germany will be loosing as well. That’s kind of disappointing to me.

  • @The:



    The soviet union’s NO is amazing, the German’s NO might want to make the soviets attack early

    There should be a rule against Russia declaring war on Germany.

    I disagree. They were both evil and treacherous governments and should be presented as so.  :wink:


    Well, I heard Stalin did have a plan to invade, but it wouldn’t come for quite awhile, somewhere in 1942 - 1943. (?) By 1940, he was just recovering from his Purges and his military was in shambles.

    Remember, at this time both Germany and the Soviet Union had a non-aggression pact, and since the Soviets weren’t in the position to make any sort of incursion (against Germany), I can see rules similar to that of the U.S in the Pacific.

  • '10

    Sweat were did you see these.

    it’s also all listed in the 1940 Europe/Pacific factpage in the 1940Pacific thread

  • Customizer

    the uk one about the submarines makes sure that everyone will be sending a dumb sub south then moving it every turn to evade everyone…. make the allies come get it somewhere south west of argentina

    the soviet one is kind of dumb, requiring that there are no axis in any soviet original territory means you will only get this NO after you have already won the game

    the german one is kind of cool

  • This is what I think it should say:

    Representing the trade of Oil and Grain between the two nations during 1940.
    5 IPCs while the Soviet Union is Neutral and will remain neutral until attacked

  • I think the German one should be

    5 IPCs while the following territores are controled by a Neutral Soviet Union, or Germany
    (Names of 6 border territores on the russian frontier)

    Because the NO is because Germany and the USSR are trading while not at war….germany should still get the bonus if it just takes the land that produces the goods from russia.

    Larry also revealed an Italian NO
    5 IPCs so long as no allied surface warships are in the mediteranian

    this one might be a lot harder this time around

  • @oztea:

    Larry also revealed an Italian NO
    5 IPCs so long as no allied surface warships are in the mediteranian

    this one might be a lot harder this time around

    That might be darn near impossible after the first round.

  • I love the new NO’s.

    They are simple to remember and make sense.

  • @Razor:

    I love the new NO’s.

    They are simple to remember and make sense.

    Simple is great. I hate having to check the manual to see if have any of the territories I need.

  • In fact soviet NO has more sense that seems … if USA goes the fossile way and tries ignore Japan, Japan will take Siberia and allies will not benefit the big soviet NO as they do in AA50. Also, it prevents a gamey Germany leave Poland ungarrisoned or traded to try a early Sea Lion

    Those are few NOs however, I guess there will be more

    Setup will be key here: if is well playtested, this game will be perfect. If not, it can be an utter failure

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