• Just finishing this up here…

    Trihero played a GREAT game, and taught me a hell of a lot in short order.

    I made some CRITICAL mistakes (see the game thread for details), and Trihero exploited them to the max.

    It was truly an honor to play Trihero, and I do look forward to a re-match at some time!

    Thank you Wes!

  • Thanks too switch for being so gracious and showing me some errors in my Allied play. I believe you’re going to shape up to be extremely tough on the next bout. I usually have problems being too aggressive against Germany and too conservative against Japan haha.

  • @trihero:

    I usually have problems being too aggressive against Germany and too conservative against Japan haha.

    Your aggression against Germany was well warranted with my play.  But, when we play again, might I suggst you pressure Japan just a bit…

    Had I even done something as minor as put all of my G2 build in Germany, you would have faced a Russia that was down to Russia/Evenk/Novo on R3, and that is just too weak of a position for Russia if faced with a competant German player (which I was NOT).  Allowing me to advance to Sinkiang, India, and Yakut without loss, had I built 3 trannies in J1, would have been devastating if I had not blundered so badly as Germany in G1.  If you are going to pull back, at least leave 1 INF to tie up some of Japan’s offensive fire-power, and to reduce the forces reaching Russia by a few INF along the way.  A 6 INF Yakut stack would have slowed Japan significantly…

    And I do believe that if ANYONE had any doubt about the idiocy of the “minor victory” we put THAT to bed with this game :-)

  • I just have bad memories of trying to do a split action LOL. When I was absolutely terrible with the Allies I would try really goofy things like complexes everywhere (sinkiang, india, southern africa) like try to slow both powers. I probably should have stalled a little bit longer in Asia, although there is a reason to my retreating: I was retreating to a point where I had enough offensive power to destroy your little inf separately. I didn’t want to face something on the order of 4+ fighters + 1 bomber with infantry guarding them when all I had was little bits of infantry; I’d rather wait until you got close then jump the infantry without any of the airforce interfering. Though yea, you didn’t have all that many infantry and if I had stood a little earlier I could have cost you some infantry power which would make you wait for reinforcements before pressing.

  • And with that… time for bed here in North Carolina.

    Thank you again for the game Wes.

    I hope to next time be a far more worthy player.

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