• so this is a simple but obviously important bit of info to know. and i dont wanna get it wrong so i wanted to ask everyone:

    after paying a supply token to attack from a hex do you have to pay an additional supply token to move the units from that hex into the enemy hex attacked once the movement phase begins???

    sorry if this is retarded to ask but truth is im a little confused and wanna get this right.

  • @gign89:

    so this is a simple but obviously important bit of info to know. and i dont wanna get it wrong so i wanted to ask everyone:

    after paying a supply token to attack from a hex do you have to pay an additional supply token to move the units from that hex into the enemy hex attacked once the movement phase begins???

    sorry if this is retarded to ask but truth is im a little confused and wanna get this right.

    Yes. You need to pay for both attack and movement. You pay a supply for each hex you want to attack from a single hex and you pay a supply for each hex you wish to move from (even if the units are to be picked up by a truck.) Supplies alone in a hex may be picked up by truck (the only way supplies can move) for “free.”

  • Ohhhh, Didn’t know that…… Might be why I always had supply tokens waiting around.
    Thanks!  :lol:

  • Hi all… i need a clarification about the use of supplies…  :-)

    During the phase of reinforcement the Axis player carry supplies over the front-line in a hex occupied previously with combat unit in its movement phase. This hexagon is adjacent to an hexagon containing Allied units and therefore is in an area of allied control.

    The Allied player can take advantage of these supplies just dumped on their side of the front-line, using them in his movement phase?

    Thants you

  • No. The Allies can not use Axis supplies brought on in the reinforcement phase.

  • @frimmel:

    No. The Allies can not use Axis supplies brought on in the reinforcement phase.

    Thanks Frimmel for reply. I need another clarification however…

    If the same supplies were instead of the Allies (not transported from the axis in the phase of reinforcements consequently), always on the Allied side of the front line, once the Axis combat units invaded this hexagon with Allied supplies, the Allies in their movement phase could use those supplies they possessed or not because there are combat Axis units in that hex?

    I quote the Rules Book on page 22 (Update Front-Line Markers)

    Anything on the Axis side of the line is Axis controlled, and the same is true for the Allies.

    given that the front line marker will be updated only in the next phase to the movements and reinforcements, therefore means that even if it’s about controlled supplies, is not possible use them because invaded by enemy combat units?

  • You can not use supplies in a hex with enemy combat units.


    Also see the FAQ

  • Ah, ok, Thank you very much Frimmel.  :wink:

  • @frimmel Sorry but this adjudication is flawed. I can see from the wording in the rulebook between page 14 and page 18 why you could assert that. However, in terms of the game’s stated mechanics, it doesn’t make any sense because you spend Supply tokens to activate a hex for movement and when you attack a hex you do not move your units into it. therefore, it should be one token for one movement and that movement occurs during the movement phase. Therefore this is how we will play the game for ourselves. Rulebooks should not be finalized until you’ve had at least 20 play tests.
    Once you get around the unsat rulebook, this game is actually really fun to play and I like it alot.

  • Official Q&A

    Frimmel’s answers above are correct. The Rulebook clearly states on page 14 that attacks are also paid for with Supply tokens. The Rulebook also states on page 11 that Supply tokens “represent supply depots that provide fuel, ammunition, and food for the troops,” and the inclusion of “ammunition” supports that premise.

    I’d be curious to know which “stated mechanics” of the game you believe contradict Frimmel’s answers, as I cannot find them in the rules or FAQ. The rules do say that Supplies are used for movement, but they do not say that they are exclusively used for that purpose, and they also say that they are used for attacks.

  • Sea Dog,

    Glad to give you an answer. His premise is not flawed and the mechanics of the game do address paying tokens for activating hexes for movement as well as attacks (in two separate sections of the rulebook outlining two distinct phases). Had the rulebook used one word “also” (as you mention) in the paying for movement paragraph on page 18, that would have been very illuminating. Instead the paragraph uses the phrase “similar to attacking” which is probably single-handedly the biggest reason that players are inclined to think that the phase 2 token has already paid their way into the targeted hex. Please reference my response to the two questions topic where I highlight the realization that my frustrations are with the inadequacies of the rulebook and the fact that it does not make it clear in the phase 2 instructions that attacking units do not move into the hex they are attacking rather they shoot across the line. I was only able to realize this after having read through all of the topics in this section. When combining that with the statement in the unit characteristics and seeing the CL V pic on the supply token, I am realigned with the proper play. This is not an excuse for the fact that, given the enormous historical significance of this battle, a revised Edition to this game’s rulebook should be published and include sufficient discriminating detail for the target audience to understand how to play the game without having to go through dozens of blogs and finally find a fact sheet not to mention getting automated messages back from Wizards of the Coast that they will not assist in interpreting rules. I’m very sure I’m not the only person who feels this way. Your response was sincerely appreciated.

  • @Teflon2017 said in Supply tokens:

    Sea Dog,

    Please reference my response to the two questions topic where I highlight the realization that my frustrations are with the inadequacies of the rulebook and the fact that it does not make it clear in the phase 2 instructions that attacking units do not move into the hex they are attacking rather they shoot across the line.

    @Teflon2017 You seem to be having the same problem I’ve seen over and over again with this, D-Day, and Guadalcanal. You want to bring rules from other Axis and Allies games into this game. You wanted to do something the rulebook does not tell you to do. The rules do not say to move the units into the hex you are attacking. Your inclination to think attacking worked like other Axis and Allies games then made you look at the rules that followed from an incorrect premise as to the game state. That is your failing in reading the rules not a failing of the rules.

    This game is many years out of print. I suspect the chance is much better than non-zero there might not be anyone working at the company who even knows they printed this game let alone can help you with the rules. Your best place for help is here.

  • @frimmel LOL! really love your point about WOTC! Also, appreciate Krieghund’s points about some of the things that could have gone into the booklet. Clearly the 3-page fact sheet helps to clear up a lot of shortcomings. And yes we should be thankful there is a place where we can go and get official rules clarifications. By the way we had a terrific time playing the game. with all the rules under our belt, it was exciting to see all of the different variations and movements that can be made at the Tactical level in this game. Thankyou.

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