Transports blocking Bombardment? Also, Fleet Trading.

  • Hey Everyone.  I’ve been a long time member here and only really gotten back into A&A with A&AP40.

    A curious situation cropped up yesterday.  Britain had a transport located in the SZ adjacent to Calcutta and we knew Japan was going to attack with CA and BBs the next turn.  Now, the rules kinda lean either or for whether transports stop bombardment (because they end their combat phase in that seazone yet Transports do not technically stop/block traffic).  I was wondering if I could get an opinion here.

    Also, regarding USAs combat and movement, is fleet trading a valid strategy?  By that, I mean in most regular games the US fleet will never = the combat value of Japans Fleet/Air Force.  As the USA (in my 3 games so far), I find my combat moves are very limited.  I can either a) Destroy a part of Japans Navy, b) Take and hold a territory on the mainland/DEI with my entire fleet, c) Sacrifice Trans+ground units to take a territory.  However, a + b normally result in me losing my fleet to a (mostly) air and sea counterattack and then spending 2-3 turns to buy and reposition my fleet to strike again.  All the while, Japans initial units are more than enough to quell any resistance UK/China can muster  AND he can buy a bigger fleet against me b/c he doesnt need to transport units b/c of a Minor FAC in FIC.

  • '10

    If you ignore the tranny you can bombard if you take it out you cant.

    As for your second question (with my limited experience) it seems that a sound US strategy is to build tons of subs and destroyers which forces Japan to counter thereby limiting land units for a china/india push. New Zealand/Queensland is a good place to stage them as the Carolines, DEI ,Philippines and Malaya are all in range. If you can pick off one of the islands with the US place as many units as you can spare into it on the UK/ANZAC turns (make it an airbase if not already)

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