• Just wondering who else out there owns a copy of Nova Axis & Allies - mine is still in the shrinkwrap!

  • Sponsor '17 TripleA '11 '10

    I got a beat up copy off of Ebay, but most of the counters are unpunched. I was thinking of doing some sort of poster as an A&A tribute in my game room using the map.

  • Maybe frame the poster - but it is definitely worth serious $$ to some collectors.

  • Customizer

    I have one, though kinda beat-up, has all the components…  God stuff.

  • There is a shrinkwrapped copy for sale on eBay! I am the winning bidder at $60 (high bid $65) but someone else is welcome to it if they bid more. Good luck!

  • I finally got a copy on eBay last spring.  I’d wanted one for years by then.  It’s not in shrink, but it’s in very good condition.

    I don’t need it shrink wrapped anyway - I plan to play it!  I’ve secured an opponent, so I should hopefully be playing in the next couple weeks.  I can hardly wait, wish me luck.

  • Awesome Zooooma!

    It’s a game that is meant to be played - enjoy!

  • Did you get those French and Chinese pieces?

  • Customizer


    I finally got a copy on eBay last spring.  I’d wanted one for years by then.  It’s not in shrink, but it’s in very good condition.

    I don’t need it shrink wrapped anyway - I plan to play it!  I’ve secured an opponent, so I should hopefully be playing in the next couple weeks.  I can hardly wait, wish me luck.

    Excellent!  You’re going to love your first nuke…

  • @Brain:

    Did you get those French and Chinese pieces?

    No, without rules they’re not worth it to me.  I bought the base game for about $16, and an extra 50 is too much for a nonfunctional expansion.  It’s too bad this was never finished.  :(


    Excellent!  You’re going to love your first nuke…

    I don’t expect to see nukes developed.  Technology doesn’t look like a very good buy in this version.

    If the game lasts long enough I can see buying tech when someone is running short on conventional units, but even then there is no guarantee to actually develop nukes.  Besides, I expect this game to be short with unlimited IC production everywhere and a maximum of twenty infantry per nation.  Also, with AA50, AAP40 and upcoming AAE40 It’s going to be hard to get a lot games of Nova played, but I guess that’s a good problem.

    I used to play Supremacy, and I certainly love nukes in war games.  Maybe we’ll get lucky and somebody will roll them!

  • Customizer

    It’s true - not the best tactical planning in the Nova edition, but I recall some games (later in the game’s career) players made it into an atomic race (well, then again, we didn’t have a whole bunch of other wargame options at the time…)

  • What is different in this edition from 2nd edition.

  • @finnman:

    What is different in this edition from 2nd edition.

    The biggest differences:

    • Units are limited to the number which come with the game - there are no chips!  This has drastic effects.  USSR, for instance, starts with all 20 infantry on board and has to buy tanks on turn one.

    • All factories produce unlimited units, even those captured or newly built.

    Other differences:

    • IPCs collected from newly conquered territories are paid by the former owner.

    • It costs one move for a transport to load.

    • AA guns fire only once (and hit on three or less).  Go SBR!

    • Subs only ambush - they do not block or participate in sea battles.

    • Amphibiously assaulting ground forces hit one one or less round one.

    • Battleships cannot bombard.

    • A transport can carry two tanks.

    • A carrier can load planes (or one bomber) for one movement point.

    • Planes can be carried on a carrier and still move.

    • Planes on a carrier immediately sink with it.

    • Land units attack only adjacent territories, then may occupy on the movement phase.

    • Neutrals are handled differently.

    • Techs are different.

    • National advantages.

    • Planes can land in newly captured territories.

    • Factories can be built in newly captured territories.

    • Against multinational forces, the other side chose which power takes losses first.

    • The map has more territories and sea zones.

    That’s all I can think off off hand.  I haven’t actually played yet, my opponent had to postpone.

  • You left out one major thing…

    It does not say the Americans cant build a factory in China and chug out enough units to bust the game. Once we discovered that trick it made the game unplayable, unless Japan had a good run to deny the Americans the time to establish that factory. It was at that point where i decided that house rules are really necessary, because published games don’t mean they figured out all the glitches.

  • @Imperious:

    You left out one major thing…

    It does not say the Americans cant build a factory in China and chug out enough units to bust the game.

    I did mention that newly built factories do not have production limits, but USA cannot do this because China is neutral in Nova’s edition.  It looks to me like it could take several turns for America to establish a foothold on the mainland - I think they could build in East Africa by turn four.  By the time America hits the front lines Russia may have fallen (she’s limited to twenty infantry at once and can’t buy any on turn one) and USA won’t be any match for the Axis.

    UK on the other hand can build an untouchable IC in India, and that can produce all the British units.  But Japan can build an IC in Asia right away too, so I think they might end up merely holding each other at bay while Germany races for Moscow against the American onslaught to come.

    I just set it up and looked at it though - I haven’t played yet.

  • I thought China was under US control?

  • @Imperious:

    I thought China was under US control?

    China is a pro US neutral.  USA collects money from China, but still can’t occupy without violating neutrality (by moving units there and paying a fee).

    I think the best spot for a US factory is in Africa.  This is right on Europe’s doorstep, but easy to hold because it’s not subject to significant Axis counter attack.  From there America can build a fleet in the Mediterranean or begin funneling tanks towards Caucasus.

    Russia’s in a tight spot with a maximum of twenty infantry on the board at once (and none to buy round one).  I think those Germans might have a very good chance!  Obviously this projects be a shorter game, but it should be an interesting challenge nonetheless.  And it’s so clolourful!

  • @zooooma:


    I thought China was under US control?

    China is a pro US neutral.  USA collects money from China, but still can’t occupy without violating neutrality (by moving units there and paying a fee).

    I think the best spot for a US factory is in Africa.  This is right on Europe’s doorstep, but easy to hold because it’s not subject to significant Axis counter attack.  From there America can build a fleet in the Mediterranean or begin funneling tanks towards Caucasus.

    Russia’s in a tight spot with a maximum of twenty infantry on the board at once (and none to buy round one).  I think those Germans might have a very good chance!  Obviously this projects be a shorter game, but it should be an interesting challenge nonetheless.  And it’s so clolourful!

    Why can’r Russia buy inf round 1? Do they already have 20 inf? Why is China neutral when it was the first allied nation at war?

  • @calvinhobbesliker:

    Why can’t Russia buy inf round 1? Do they already have 20 inf? Why is China neutral when it was the first allied nation at war?

    Russia starts with all twenty infantry on the board.  This is actually less than they start with in MB’s 2nd edition.

    As for China, it was neutral but pro U.S. - a mechanic which was dropped from A&A.  I can’t say why, you’d have to ask Larry.

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