Complain to WOTC if you dont like the quality!

  • If you feel WOTC chumped out on the quality of yet another great game, you have the right to say so.

    Here is the number. Everyone has the right to voice their concern.

    Greg Leeds 425-226-6500

  • Well I am going to pick up my copies today so I have no right just on heresay. But if what I am reading here is correct, I will probably be using that number. Thanks IL. Did you call?

  • I didnt call but I did send an email in regards to the battle strip being incorrect. The reply I got was that they know about the problem and if I gave my name and mailing address they’ll send me the correct one when theyre printed out (sometime in Feb). Not the best answer but its something I guess.

  • This is the email that I sent to WotC:

    I bought the new Axis and Allies Pacific 1940 on 12/18/2009. The battle strip is not showing all of the game pieces on it. The mechanized infantry and tactical bombers are not on there. Is this issue going to be addressed? I paid $90 for a game that does not have the correct components in it. Also I noticed that the country turn order is not on a reference card but rather only in the rule book. And there is no IPC paper money to use. Is there a specific reason that these changes were made? I feel that for the $90 price tag I should have received components similar to that of the 50th Anniversary Edition.

    Thank you

  • I don’t think I am going to pre-order the Europe game.

  • You should have mentioned the typos on the front box and numerous ones in the rules. You forgot to ask how that bloke Cal Moore got a job as a typesetter and does if he has issues spelling basic words.

    It is unthinkable.

  • '14

    Funny you mentioned spelling…I am not the smartest in the world but I do get anal about spelling and looking through the game I noticed more than a few spelling mistakes.

    I am not impressed with the quantity…lack of IPCs, cardboard factories and AA. They also were stingy with the plastic chips and number of pieces for each country.

    I will be sending in my complaint. :? :-o

  • I’m definately sending in my complaint, and I seriously urge everyone to do he same. That way by the time AAE40 rolls out those cheap SOB’s at WOTC will actually give us our moneys worth. It’s a shame what they are doing to Larrys work

  • Customizer

    (edit: mistakes or fixes that do not cost money / would not up the price should indeed be fixed obviously, and since i do not have the game yet i do not know how many or how bad these kinds of mistakes are)(edit 2: after looking at the FAQ i can say there are a lot of pathetic mistakes that would have been caught had someone proof-read the damn thing before pressing the mass-produce button.  what a shame)

    i am still waiting to get home from my traveling to get my copy of Pac40, so i can not comment yet on the quality,
    but i do want to say this…
    would you rather have better quality for $10 more, or $20…
    or would you rather have more people purchasing this board game?

    I am for the second option… keep the board game as cheap as possible (within reason) in order to encourage more people to go out and purchase it

    you have to remember, while this forum may be full of people who have played with board games, war games, and miniatures their whole lives, many people who buy the game have no other experience with A&A, and their war game experience may be limited to Risk and monopoly that turned violent after someone stole money from the bank / would not trade.
    Let the hardcore players buy extra pieces or custom pieces online for an extra $5-20, rather than scare away fickle consumers.

  • would you rather have better quality for $10 more, or $20….
    or would you rather have more people purchasing this board game?

    Does it have to be either/or? If what I’ve read here about typos, spelling, and charts which don’t feature all the pieces is right, then that has nothing to do with cost at all. It’s just sloppy. Also, I don’t believe that the $10 extra/less would make or break someones decision to buy the game; they either like that kind of game and will buy it or they won’t. This isn’t an ‘intro’ game, that was what AA1942 was for. All that making mistakes and skimping on a premium game like this - while keeping the price tag high - does, is cheese off the gamers who were already in the bag, and it certainly won’t suddenly win converts to the game.

    I am for the second option… keep the board game as cheap as possible (within reason) in order to encourage more people to go out and purchase it

    But if they purchase it and find that they don’t have all they need out the box, and that there are tons of errors, then they aren’t exactly going to be over the moon are they? Especially with a fairly high price tag.

  • @Brain:

    I don’t think I am going to pre-order the Europe game.

    MY THOUGHTS!!! I WILL WAIT for this site’s feedback first! And i will not be buying any more knock offs or “revised” editions of anything from this point forward…cheap quality, expensive cost!

  • @Veqryn:

    i am still waiting to get home from my traveling to get my copy of Pac40, so i can not comment yet on the quality,
    but i do want to say this…
    would you rather have better quality for $10 more, or $20…
    or would you rather have more people purchasing this board game?

    I thought I already did pay $10 or $20 more and that’s why the price was $90

  • Quality does include having some bloke who knows how to spell words correctly.

    Lack of quality is having no oversight on people who are working on the game, where things like too few Tactical Bombers for japan are included and too few chips, etc are also part of the game.

    It is called Quality Control.  If chimps are permitted to work at WOTC, at least watch them and carry a large stick.

  • Customizer

    I still think there should be two versions of new A&A games; the complete game, and an “expansion version” for established players with only the new components (in adequate quantities), but none of the stuff we don’t need more of, such as Japanese infantry, money and IC pieces.

    It strikes me from the feedback so far that this game is a compromise, falling between these two versions.

    Since I would guess that a 50/50% split between these two potential markets is not unlikely, would this really not be economically viable?  Or must we assume that the lack of compromises made would not in any way stem the tide of omissions, misprints and cheap quality?

    At the very least, shouldn’t there be a dedicated version of the new Europe for people who’ve already shelled out on Pacific, with no unnecessary repeating of elements?  (I’m assuming here that, for example, the total number of US pieces needed to play the global game will be somewhat less than that needed for the two individual theatres combined?)
    And, obviously, some extra Japanese TACS and CVs even though they’re not used in Europe

    But above all LET THE FANS IN ON THE DEVELOPMENT; at least at the fine tuning stages, to avoid the silly errors evidently abundant in this latest production (already serious enough to cancel any thoughts that I might buy this version).

    Would they REALLY lose more money from people ripping off the map and rules taken from play testing forums than from the custom they lose by putting out shoddy products?  REALLY?

  • Well most of the problems seem to always be things that should be a given, but aren’t.

    To employ a human that can spell words properly

    Having a guy around to take the given pieces and set up the game and determine from that how many more chips and various pieces are needed for each player.

    Have a guy who can say “hey these dice look like something from Halloween edition… can we get the other dice back?”

    Have a guy who can play it out with the player aids and say “hey this battleboard strip thing is no good”

    It can be the same guy but somebody must oversee this

  • I can only hope that when (more like if) they fix these problems ex. low number of tac-bombers, battle strip, we can have them shipped to are house if we have already purchased a copy. What the heck im probably dreaming.

  • Yes dreaming.

  • well im not going to die from the production quality so i can just improvise with this game. ex. use old money from games,  find more tac-bombers (still working on it). I can live without a battle board, its good for only begginers. the cardboard industrial complex are actually handy. No more having infantry in the middle of the ocean when an island becomes to crowded.

  • @molinar13:

    well im not going to die from the production quality so i can just improvise with this game. ex. use old money from games,  find more tac-bombers (still working on it). I can live without a battle board, its good for only begginers. the cardboard industrial complex are actually handy. No more having infantry in the middle of the ocean when an island becomes to crowded.

    It’s a good thing that you are not going to die, but if that changes and before you do die, can you please file a complaint at WOTC. :-D

  • of course i will. I am also trying to talk to larry himself on his website to at least see if he can send me some extra pieces. doubt he will do that but doesnt he know that his grand project for axis and allies has these noticable flaws?

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