Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution

  • Anyone played this yet?  I’ve got the DS copy, which I’m sure is watered-down compared to the Xbox and PS3 versions.

    I’ve not really played any of Civ games, which I regret to admit.  This one was very easy to pickup, doing the tutorial gave you about 80% of the gameplay, although it omits in the instructions (might be in the ingame help, though) some of the finer points of what’s going on.

    I recommend checking it out if you like a good strategy game that’s simple yet challenging and entertaining…

  • I have the PS3 version and it is a lot of fun.

    The AI cheats though.

    Still a kick to play.

  • What do you mean by cheats?  I’ve not played past the second level of difficulty, but I don’t like how it seems they always attack you.

  • Well I’ve had a couple of situations where I could see all the hexes near one of my units only to be attacked by a unit that appeared out of nowhere or moved to far to attack me. Kinda like getting hit by an armor that wasn’t on the board and had moved three. This has been reported by multiple persons on the Civ rev forums at the official website.

    It isn’t a big deal really. Kinda makes it more fun actually and makes up for the fact that the AI isn’t as smart as me. Okay it gets tougher at King and up but it is good stuff.

    Get your Tech tree diagrams in pdf format!

    I haven’t experienced being attacked a lot. I played for about an hour on Deity level and was about to get taken over though but that is the hardest level. I’m very happy with the game really. It is a nice change of pace. Although it will be set aside for awhile in Mid September when The Force Unleashed comes out.

  • I noticed a glitch or two (a crazy one I’ll mention in a second), but that phantom attack could be explained by the special abilities.  If their unit fought enough battles it could get the March (+1 to move) and Blitz (extra move after attack) abilities.  Or if there was a road between your city and an enemy, as sometimes happens as you take/lose cities.

    The weirdest glitch I had occurred yesterday.  I had a great general on a unit that had done superb defending.  I moved another unit to attack an enemy’s city from the same city the unit and general were residing.  The general attached itself to this group of horsemen, which shouldn’t happen, but it helped me to take the city.  After taking it, I moved the original owner of the general up, and when it reached the city, the general moved out of the city NW one space into a sea zone.  I could not move him, when the other units moved, he stayed put, and what’s even weirder is that randomly he moved back on land.  Then an enemy unit attacked him…he was the only “unit” on the space, and in the battle animation it showed a great general directing a…great general…to attack the enemy force.  :lol:  He of course got smashed but he didn’t really have a death animation so he kind of convulsed for a second then disappeared.  He was also missing his legs.

    But overall I’m very pleased with how it plays.  I still am getting the hang of production and what resources convert to what, so I moved up the difficulty another level.  And I have seen the COM attack each other more, even wipe out other Civs.

  • I haven’t noticed too many glitches like your General thing. Program seems pretty stable.

    Special Abilities don’t really account for the unit unless I’m just missing the unit is invisible SA or misunderstanding what you should be able to see because of where I placed units.

    More than occassionaly you have a SEVERELY statistically lopsided battle (can’t win even with a double six sort of thing) turning out in the AIs favor as well.

    I’m still trying to get the knack of micro managing my city production a bit more. I also think I’m not really doing research in the most efficient manner. The pdf of the tech tree should prove useful.

    I also keep forgetting my Militia units on islands and moving their exploratory ship away from them. I’ve almost got myself trained to be sure I check for them before I move any ship.

  • I’ll have to dig for that PDF, but in case you don’t know, GameFAQs is the master of all things video game. :)

    I have fun just poking around for a while.  I really see the balance between developing your cities, studying tech, and making defensive units.  I’ve tried just doing economic or culture wins (the latter being easier) and it’s not as efficient as military wins, lol.

    I’ve found a few strategies that work decently that I don’t mind sharing if you want to hear.  I also have a problem stranding people and once almost lost the City of Gold relic because I thought my militia was on the boat but had to turn around get him.

    What Civs do you like so far?  Romans, Americans, and Greeks I’ve played with the most and enjoy.

  • I like the Japanese. I like being able to build temples early on. I’ve been building 2 to 3 warriors with the city on production and then switching to balance and building a temple.

    I haven’t played as the Americans or Greeks yet.

    I’ve done the Age of Imperialism Scenario as English a couple of times and played as Japanese and Germany a couple of times and did one as Romans. I played Romans alot with the Demo before the full game came out.

    I haven’t had time to play for a couple of weeks. I’ve been trying to improve my scores and been sticking to mostly English, Germany and Japan. Except for the game on Diety I haven’t lost yet but I’ve just been scoring average and only playing on 3rd difficulty (King I think.) I’m hoping to displace Mr. Chruchill at some point.

    On PS3 there is a “Game of The Week” where you get the scenario online, same map, civ and special rules for everyone and then you can see your rank against others. I haven’t had a chance to do that yet. You can’t save during it and have to play it straight thru.

    I am aware of GameFAQs. On a game like Civ-Rev though you don’t really need it too much. I turned to them a bunch for God of War II. I think the big advantage with the Tech graph in PDF is I should be able to print it up and keep it in front of me and save time paging thru the tech tree to plan what I’m going to research next.

    It isn’t quite Panzer General but it is certainly an adequate substitute.

    What have you been doing as the Americans?

  • The Japanese were the first Civ I’ve played as.

    The Aztecs are also really good, I forgot to mention.

    I like the Civs that boost Great People or start you with one (Americans).  They’ve been a big help to my game and most of the time I can win buy building the UN before anything else (I’d say military would be next, then economic, and finally technological).

    Last night I played a diety (I’m pretty sure it was, it may have been 3rd or 4th difficulty) scenario of blitzkrieg with the Americans.  I dominated everything and could win by every method except Alpha Centauri unless I waited a few turns (which was boring and took forever clicking through all my cities and units - they could produce everything in one day with so many factories, lol), so finally finished and placed above Churchill.  My method for being the superior Civ was to develop my capitol as the main science city, and the other two as production (mainly building an early army) and the other a balance with a slight increase on gold.  I mainly use the custom growth selection now because I can do a slightly better job than the computer at managing my resources.  Sometimes I try to make a city (or focus early cities) on just population growth, then use it to create settlers to boost other city’s populations if they short on food production fields.  My first expansion city was to be a production one, where I placed it with 3 mountain squares nearby.  When you get iron mine, production EXPLODES from these cities.  So try and specialize.  My focus on science allowed me to take a lead on tech around my 8 or 9th tech, so the bonuses from being the first to acquires those really helps.  I also got a galley early through a barbarian and discovered all the relics but one, which really help early on…some say to wait on Atlantis until mid or late game, but the early boost makes a BIG difference.

    Also, don’t build a settler as you will get one when you hit 100 gold as an achievement.  But basically I boosted my domestic science, gold, and production, then declared war on the nearest city which was the English capital and the choke point for the rest of the continent.  I basically leap frogged cities up to it and the attack was easy with naval support.  Choke cities are great if you can hold them. I ended up getting the nuke for the first time and took out Berlin.  :)

    There is a game of the week on DS but I don’t do the Wifi just yet.  And I must say the portability of the game plus the stylus and touch screen make it worthwhile to buy a DS and the game.

    Ah…God of War 2.  Never finished that as my disc was scratched and would never load.  Still fun.

  • I typically try to maintain my Capitol as a balanced city. I then send my free settlers out to a good production area or a good science area to found my next city. Usually a good production city also makes a good choke point to protect your capitol and I try to get something built in those spots quickly.

    I know what you mean about Atlantis. I typically try to find a path that quickly gets me to Navigation for the free Galleon and the jump on locating Atlantis. If you find it later you get a bunch of the free advanced techs but I’m finding in this game that NOW is preferable to later in nearly all things.

    Do you flip cities with great people when offered the chance? I have been.

    God of War II was alright. I played it without having played the first one. For me it is a terribly difficult game for some reason. After you play thru you get some challenge scenarios that are timed. I haven’t beaten the first one yet – to get a Cyclops eye in something like 48 seconds. Great looking game though.

  • @frimmel:

    I typically try to maintain my Capitol as a balanced city. I then send my free settlers out to a good production area or a good science area to found my next city. Usually a good production city also makes a good choke point to protect your capitol and I try to get something built in those spots quickly.

    As soon as I set my Capitol, I focus on population growth for a bit, so I can create new cities as soon as possible.  I miss out being first on the early techs but within a dozen turns or so you surge ahead.  I also try to hit all the barbarians and settlements to get early cash and buy out my early buildings or units.  I love the Aztecs for this when you start with just a settler because I buy my first warrior first turn and gather a lot of gold through barbarians, netting me my free settler with reaching 100 gold.  And I love having a buffer city for my Capitol, but I have been attacked by sea before.

    I know what you mean about Atlantis. I typically try to find a path that quickly gets me to Navigation for the free Galleon and the jump on locating Atlantis. If you find it later you get a bunch of the free advanced techs but I’m finding in this game that NOW is preferable to later in nearly all things.

    Speed is definitely the key to this game.  Balance too, but I just turned the difficulty to Deity and have found that the additional pressure creates a lot of necessary strategizing.  :)

    Do you flip cities with great people when offered the chance? I have been.

    I usually go for the long term gain, but this very action has saved my butt in the most recent Deity game.  I had an early lead, then the Romans colonized EVERYWHERE near me, so I had no space.  But my culture was high, so I attracted a bunch of Great People.  I flipped 1 city nearest me that I was planning on taking down militarily, which was a huge help.  It was also nice that we weren’t at war and that the action doesn’t trigger it.  My high culture eventually flipped the next 3 cities as my empire creeped out.  Now I have 1 city buffer of the Romans, still at peace, with the French attacking through them at me.  The French got an early empire lead with the biggest city and some wonders, but they are only sending hoards of legions (I’m talking like 20 armies, lol) because their tech sucks while I’m defending with riflemen.  The Romans were about to surge ahead after the got behind colonizing so much, so flipping their cities kept them from becoming the biggest empire and attacking me.  So it was VERY helpful.

    God of War II was alright. I played it without having played the first one. For me it is a terribly difficult game for some reason. After you play thru you get some challenge scenarios that are timed. I haven’t beaten the first one yet – to get a Cyclops eye in something like 48 seconds. Great looking game though.

    I played the first one and it was pretty entertaining. Had some fair replay value, but I was done with it.  I’d love to finish the second just for continuity’s sake, but dunno if I’ll get a chance.

    I still need to finish FF XII.  :lol:

  • I made some time to play this weekend and concentrated on population early on and liked that. You can get behind tech early but soon your bigger population turns it around.

  • I’m itching for getting the DS version. A portable Civilization!  :-D A sad that damned European version not comes until October  :-P

  • @frimmel:

    I made some time to play this weekend and concentrated on population early on and liked that. You can get behind tech early but soon your bigger population turns it around.

    I think it’s really the better way to go, the bonus for being first on the early tech isn’t much of an edge, but it is when you get ahead in the long run.

    Another strategy I use is when building a city for major production (later on), such as within a mountain range where there is little or no food, I take one of my booming cities and create lots of settlers to populate the city.


    I’m itching for getting the DS version. A portable Civilization!  :-D A sad that damned European version not comes until October  :-P

    It’s one of the best games on the DS I’ve played yet.  Age of Empires is probably out and it’s a decent strategy game.

    Also, a friend of mine ordered a DS carrier card that has an operating system type program loaded on it.  It will hold a miniSD card, like they use in cell phones and other devices, and he found a site that has every DS game as a rom to download (not exactly totally legal, but it’s pretty cool).  He had something like 30 or 40 games loaded on it, and for the most part it works perfectly except some DS download play.  You might look into that if there isn’t a compatibility issue and want to get an early preview.

  • @Jermofoot:

    It’s one of the best games on the DS I’ve played yet.  Age of Empires is probably out and it’s a decent strategy game.

    Also, a friend of mine ordered a DS carrier card that has an operating system type program loaded on it.  It will hold a miniSD card, like they use in cell phones and other devices, and he found a site that has every DS game as a rom to download (not exactly totally legal, but it’s pretty cool).  He had something like 30 or 40 games loaded on it, and for the most part it works perfectly except some DS download play.  You might look into that if there isn’t a compatibility issue and want to get an early preview.

    He, he, I have Age of Empires and it rules  :-D It was my 3rd DS game  :-)

    About the card, I don’t have it, but I heard of it. I’ll buy all original games for DS (because is my favorite console of all the times with her beautiful 2 screens  :mrgreen: ), but I can try the card for Genesis and Super Nes old games (a portable Shining Force 2, imagine).

    But I’ll hope and buy DS Chrono Trigger. It will come to Europe for once :-o

  • Age of Empires was good, but I never got to play multiplayer and REALLY prefer the PC versions.  It was still entertaining.

    I try and buy everything if I like it enough - music, movies, games.  I don’t believe in pirating unless someone is offering to make a copy for me to check out.

    Yes, it may very well run the other roms, but I think for every emulated system I’ve played, a file types for the games were different.  It may still work, but keep in that and mind, and Shining Force 2 would definitely be reason enough to try. :)

    I only got to play Chrono Trigger for 10 or so hours about 7 years ago (damn…it’s been that long?), but will probably pick it up.

  • Ok, I think I’ve seen some instances of “cheating.”  Or cheapness.

    I was playing another deity game, and I was the leader of tech…something like 27 techs, with the next most by the English with 25.  Everyone else was 20 or below.

    The next empire review came up, and I was second in tech with 29, while the Americans had surpassed me with…34???  I have no idea how, they weren’t even the biggest civ (English), and I had found Atlantis.  So my only edge in the world is gone in a few turns…

  • @Jermofoot:

    I only got to play Chrono Trigger for 10 or so hours about 7 years ago (damn…it’s been that long?), but will probably pick it up.

    10 hours? Probably you reached the middle of the game. I ended it with about 20 hours (I had to buy a USA imported game and an adapter, it costed tons of money when I was a teenager :-P ). By the other way, probably Chronno Trigger, Shining Force II and Secret of Mana aided me to improve my English, so maybe I’m now writing in this forum and playing A&A games because those games all came in English and not in Spanish  :-D

  • Another one of my favorite games.  My buddies and I still play online a couple of times per week.  (360 version)

    I also have the DS version, but I don’t find myself travelling that much, so it doesn’t get played as often.

  • It’s one of the best DS strategy games out there.

    Age of Empires: Kings/Mythology are both good.
    They are porting Jagged Alliance and it should be out soon as well.
    Panzer Tactics is pretty good too.

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